Bachelor’s Degree Programs
Math is marketable.
Numbers tell a story, and this data drives strategic business decisions at companies large and small. Math is the foundation of all things science and engineering. For these reasons and more, a major in mathematics has never been more valuable.
U.S. News and World Report ranked mathematician as the #2 job in the country; statistician comes in at #5. Actuarial mathematics ranked #2 on Forbes list of the highest paid STEM majors. And demand for these three positions is growing at an unprecedented rate.
The U.S. Department of Labor predicts that, through 2028, actuary careers will see a 20% increase in availability, and the need for mathematicians and statisticians will grow by 30%.
Whether you’re looking to work in statistics, become an actuary, teach geometry, or build a solid mathematical foundation for a STEM career, earning a degree in mathematics is a wise choice.
Why study Mathematics at UW-Whitewater?
We’re a community of problem solvers.
Whether you are a mathematics major or you’ve added a minor in math to boost your marketability in your field of study, you’ll feel at home in our department.
At UW-Whitewater, all of your math courses will be taught by a faculty member — not a graduate assistant, which is often the norm at some larger schools. With most upper-level courses capped at 20 students, you’ll get to know your classmates and professors well during your time here.
As you work toward your bachelor’s degree in mathematics, you will choose an emphasis (major) area that best fits your interest or career goals.
Actuarial Science
A major in actuarial science helps you develop the advanced modeling and probability skills needed to pass the Society of Actuaries/Casualty Actuarial Society exams.
Gain the knowledge and skills you need to become a statistician or demographer, as well as for analytical and data-based positions in marketing, economics or quality control.
Secondary Education
Inspire a love of math in young minds. Prepare for a career as a mathematics educator at the middle and secondary school levels.
What our Math students do

Hands-on learning experiences
You can count on plenty of hands-on learning as a math major at UW-Whitewater.
Practical problem solving
Many of our classes, such as Applied Statistics, involve analyzing real data and sharing findings in both a written report and presentation. In Mathematical Modeling, students pose an actual problem and then solve it.
Undergraduate research
As a mathematics major you will have opportunities to participate in UW-Whitewater’s nationally respected Undergraduate Research Program, which often leads to the chance to present at academic and industry conferences on and off campus.
We encourage statistics and actuarial science majors to apply for internships to gain valuable real-world experience in a professional setting. Possible sites include professional sports organizations, insurance providers, marketing agencies and research firms.
Campus and community involvement
UW-Whitewater offers a wide variety of student organizations, and these are a few that might appeal to the mathematically minded.
Student Math Association
Meet with your fellow math majors and others a few times each semester for fun (board games, math crafts, game shows) and to talk about graduate school, research and careers in mathematics.
Mathematics Modeling Club
Gain research experience by presenting at regional and national conferences and help plan and compete in our annual SCUDEM (Student Competition Using Differential Equation Modeling) competition.
Actuarial Club
Learn, network and develop skills for actuarial careers.
Bridge Club
Meet to learn or improve your Bridge, and enjoy cards with your classmates.
Pi Mu Epsilon
A national honor society dedicated to promoting scholarly activity in math.
What our graduates do

Careers in Math: What can you do with a Mathematics degree?
UW-Whitewater math majors find a variety of positions in the federal government, state government, sports franchises, insurance, health care, banking, mutual funds, consulting, manufacturing, education, finance, economics and other industries. The average median pay for mathematicians and statisticians is $88,190.
Here’s just a sample of titles from a recent alumni survey:
- Actuarial analyst
- Actuary
- Business analyst
- Baseball analyst
- Business analytics
- Claims adjuster
- Claims representative
- Data analyst
- Data scientist
- Financial advisor
- High school teacher
- Middle school teacher
- Operations analyst
- Quality assurance tester
- Risk analyst
- Risk services assessor
- Security specialist
- Sales analyst
- Sports analyst
- Statistician
- Vice president for enterprise technology
Graduate and professional school
Many of our mathematics majors continue to graduate or professional schools to earn a master’s degree or Ph.D. at institutions such as:
- Northwestern University
- University of Connecticut
- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Our Mathematics faculty
The UW-Whitewater Mathematics Department comprises faculty members from around the world with diverse expertise and research interests in the areas of actuarial, applied, pure and statistical mathematics.
Our faculty members are teacher-scholars who actively publish their research in peer-reviewed journals and present their work at regional and national conferences. And they also are actively involved in UW-Whitewater’s Undergraduate Research Program.
We’re proud that several of our faculty and staff members have been honored by the state for excellence in teaching and research.
Want to learn more about earning a Mathematics degree?
262-472-1313 |
UW-Whitewater offers the following undergraduate Math options:
- Bachelor of Arts — Mathematics | 4-year plan (created individually with faculty)
- Bachelor of Arts — Mathematics, Actuarial Science emphasis | 4-year plan (created individually with faculty)
- Bachelor of Arts — Mathematics, Statistics emphasis | 4-year plan (created individually with faculty)
- Bachelor of Science — Mathematics | 4-year plan [PDF]
- Bachelor of Science — Mathematics, Actuarial Science emphasis | 4-year plan [PDF]
- Bachelor of Science — Mathematics, Statistics emphasis | 4-year plan [PDF]
- Mathematics (General)
- Actuarial Mathematics
- Mathematics Education — Elementary
- Mathematics Education — Secondary
- Statistics
Undergraduate Certificate:
Graduate Certificate:
In addition to UW-Whitewater’s general education requirements, as a mathematics major, you’ll take a variety of core and elective classes which will vary based on your chosen emphasis. Here’s an example of classes most BA/BS math majors will take:
- Mathematics Form and Function
- Calculus and Analytic Geometry (I, II and III)
- Applied Statistics
- Discrete Mathematics
- Introduction to Analysis
All math majors will complete an approved minor. Students interested in the BSE will also complete the required education courses and teaching placements to fulfill licensing requirements.
To apply, you’ll complete the UW-Whitewater standard application for admission and indicate your interest in earning a degree in mathematics.