Club Sports
The Club Sports program at UW-Whitewater is designed to provide the opportunity for students, faculty and staff to participate in a variety of competitive, instructional and recreational activities. Each club is formed, organized, governed and facilitated by students under the guidelines established by the Office of Recreation Sports and Facilities and Student Involvement Office. Looking for a specific club? Scroll to check out the list of currently-active clubs below.
All Club Sports teams/groups are recognized student organizations and day-to-day operations are facilitated by student leaders. UW-Whitewater currently has over 30 individual club teams. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask our staff! Learn more about our teams by navigating this site and exploring the many resources available!
Club Sports Interest Form Linked Here
Looking for more information about a club? Would you like to "sign up" or get connected with club leaders? Fill out our interest form! Submissions go directly to our administrative staff, who will then forward your response to the appropriate club leaders.
Click the form name for access.
General Member Forms (all members)
Member Information & Waiver »
Dues Acknowledgement & Agreement »
Injury Reporting »
Club Sports Feedback & Incident Reporting »
Community Service Reporting »
Officer/Leadership-Specific Forms
Practice Attendance Reporting »
Officer Agreement »
Travel Itinerary & Roster »
Home Event Planning »
Post-Event Form »
Inventory Reporting »
Recognition Forms
Annual Recap & Recognition Report »
Club Sports Operations Handbook
Club Sports-specific forms
To assist with your club's operations
Member Dues Tracking Sheet
Inventory Rental Tracking Sheet
Travel Checklist
Enterprise Rental Reminders
Conduct Policy
Campus Forms
Not available to submit online
Branding & Identity Standards
Licensing Waiver
Payment to Individual Report
SFO Account Authorization
SFO Check Request
SFO Deposit
Tax-Exempt Certificate
List of Current Club Teams

Type of Club: Co-Ed
President: Zack Koenig
Email: KoenigZA31
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 1 » N/A
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Male
President: John Volkers
Email: VolkersJS11
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Male
President: Ethan Ticcioni
Email: TiccioniEJ06
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 1 » N/A
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Female
President: Sydney Fremstad
Email: FremstadS23
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 1 » N/A
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Co-Ed
President: Tyler Koney
Email: KoneyTJ06
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Male
President: Hunter Pomije
Email: PomijeH26
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 2 » GLBC
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Co-Ed
President: Adam Davidov
Email: DavidovAJ15
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 1 » N/A
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Co-Ed
President: James Donkle
Email: DonkleJM24
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 1 » N/A
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Co-Ed
President: Jack Heier
Email: HeierJA14
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Co-Ed
President: Colton Thielman
Email: ThielmanCM07
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 1 » N/A
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Co-Ed
President: Nathan Stanislawski
Email: StanislaN11
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Co-Ed
President: Jing Anne McLaughlin
Email: McLaughlJA25
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 1 » N/A
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Co-Ed
President: Brady Joyce
Email: JoyceBL01
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Co-Ed
President: Jake Hintz
Email: HintzJD20
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 1 » N/A
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Co-Ed
President: Ally Whitacre
Email: WhitacreA19
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 1 » N/A
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Co-Ed
President: Quinn Process
Email: ProcessQW03
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 1 » N/A
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Co-Ed
President: Rebecca Frank
Email: FrankRK06
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 1 » N/A
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Male
President: Parker Davis
Email: DavisPJ29
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Female
President: Tabytha Payne
Email: PayneT15
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 1 » N/A
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Co-Ed
President: Jerod Schulist
Email: SchulistJ14
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 1 » N/A
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Co-Ed
President: Sid Lara
Email: LaraSD27
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 1 » N/A
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Co-Ed
President: Sophia Busse
Email: BusseSM09
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Male
President: Connor Hulne
Email: HulneCC27
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Female
President: Hailey Sadowski
Email: SadowskiH21
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Co-Ed
President: Andy Verbos
Email: VerbosAW06
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 1 » N/A
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Co-Ed
President: Bryce Kuchler
Email: KuchlerB11
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 1 » N/A
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Male
President: Dylan Orzechowski
Email: OrzechowDC05
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Female
President: Freja Martin-Heid
Email: MartinHeFO01
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Female
President: Anna Schaefbauer
Email: SchaefbaA11
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Co-Ed
President: Kyle Helmenstine
Email: HelmenstKP24
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Male
President: Anthony Gutowsky
Email: GutowskyAJ06
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Male
President: Alexander Bodven
Email: BodvenAD08
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Female
President: Ava Anderson
Email: AndersonAC05
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Co-Ed
President: Jackson Klang
Email: KlangJP25
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Co-Ed
President: Amber Henschel
Email: HenschelAR21
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 1 » N/A
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »

Type of Club: Co-Ed
President: Dylan Freeman
Email: FreemanDJ07
UWW Org Site » Coming Soon
Governing Body 2 » N/A
Club Constitution »
Additional Items
Contact our staff - we are happy to help!
We also welcome your suggestions and feedback!
Name | Title | Office | Phone Number | Meetings | |
Matt Schneider » | Assistant Director | Williams Center Room 100 | | 262-472-1145 | Join Matt via Webex » |
To meet with Matt, please send an email with your availability to to confirm an appointment. Student Coordinators are also available to help! Student Coordinator office hours are available to view under each person's name in this table |
Madigan Haynes » | Student Coordinator | Williams Center Room 100 | | Williams Center Hours » | Meetings available upon request |
Madigan's Office Hours (Spring 2025) NOTE: availability subject to change |
Mondays: as-needed |
Aly Nelson » | Student Coordinator | Williams Center Room 100 | | Williams Center Hours » | Meetings available upon request |
Aly's Office Hours (Spring 2025) NOTE: availability subject to change |
Mondays: 3:00 to 5:00 pm |
Brooklynn Johll » | Student Assistant |
Williams Center Room 100 | | Williams Center Hours » | Meetings available upon request |
Brooklynn's Office Hours (Spring 2025) NOTE: availability subject to change |
Mondays: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Tuesdays: -- Wednesdays: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Thursdays: -- Fridays: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm |
Connect with Rec Sports via Social Media & Mobile Devices:
Twitter: @RecSports_UWW
Instagram: @RecSports_UWW
Facebook: UWWRecSports
Snapchat: @uwwrecsports
YouTube: UW-Whitewater Rec Sports
Tik Tok: @RecSports_UWW
We invite you to download the FREE UW-W Rec Sports App for access to Club Sports and all of Rec Sports' programs & services!
Download via the Apple App Store
Download via Google Play
App Information/Overview
Important Dates for Spring 2025
** get competition & event schedules turned in ASAP **
Note: Recognition Items for 2025-26 will be posted as soon as they are known
1st Day of Spring 2025 Practices Monday, January 27 Schedules Linked Here Practice Attendance Form |
Leadership Meeting Monday, February 3 5:30 to 7:00 pm Williams Center Room 183 BC |
Spring Involvement Fair Wednesday, February 5 11:00 am to 2:00 pm University Center (must RSVP) |
Risk Management Items Due Monday, February 17 Submit to Risk Management Overview |
Leadership Meeting Monday, March 3 5:30 to 7:00 pm Williams Center Room 183 BC |
Last Day of Spring 2025 Practices (3Q) Friday, March 21, 2025 Schedules Linked Here Practice Attendance Form |
1st Day of Spring 2025 Practices (4Q) Monday, March 31 Schedules Linked Here Practice Attendance Form |
Leadership Meeting (recognition overview) Monday, April 7 5:30 to 7:00 pm Williams Center Room 183 BC |
Individual Club Recognition Meetings Schedule with Administrative Staff Meeting Locations TBD |
Leadership Meeting Monday, May 5 5:30 to 7:00 pm Williams Center Room 183 BC |
Last Day of Spring 2025 Practices (4Q) Friday, May 10, 2025 Schedules Linked Here Practice Attendance Form |
Recognition Materials Due for 2025-26 Deadline TBD (no exceptions) Recognition Website to be Linked Once Activated |
Turn in 2025-26 Schedule Requests As they become known Do not give dates to opponents or conferences without speaking with administrative staff first! |
Start planning 2025-26 Home Events ASAP! |
2025-26 Resources for Planning Annual Report (link forthcoming) |
Spring 2025 Competition & Event Schedules - turn in ASAP, along with your facility requests
Spring 2025 Practice Schedules intend to be released before the end of the fall semester
The following list contains day-to-day items all club officers should be aware of. Items are listed alphabetically.
Please refer to the Club Sports manual for other details or contact our admin team.
Club teams engage in a lot of activities, many of which require administrative assistance. In order for our staff to help you as best as we can, forms must be turned in for most day-to-day items.
Forms must be turned in on-time and administration must be made aware of events ahead of time. Clubs not in compliance with communication and expectations of turning in forms are subject to an administrative hearing with the Assistant Director and/or the Club Sports Advisory Board.
For a complete list of forms, please refer to the "Club Forms" button near the top of the Club Sports website. Additional information on forms and affiliated timelines for turning items in can be found in the Club Sports manual.
Any individual driving a personal or rented vehicle on behalf of a club team must be an authorized driver with the State of Wisconsin. All authorizations are conducted via the Fleet Portal System in correlation with UW-Whitewater Risk Management & Safety and the UW System.
Club Sports administrative staff cannot authorize drivers and does not process authorization requests/submissions. Our staff can only verify authorizations via the Fleet Portal System.
The authorization process only takes a few minutes to complete online, although the certification on the back end may take a while, depending on the time of year and number of requests. It is suggested club members submit their authorization requests as soon as possible. Being an authorized driver does not mean a member is required to drive for every trip, although it is recommended each vehicle has at least two authorized drivers in the event of injury, illness, fatigue, etc.
For more information, please visit the UW-Whitewater Risk Management & Driver Authorization website.
Collecting dues are a great way to raise some funds to offset some expenses accrued by a club. Participation dues are not required by the Office of Recreation Sports & Facilities, although they may be required by an individual club. Please be advised the Assistant Director, in situations when a club becomes deficient in cash flow, may require dues be collected or increase the amount of dues to be paid by each member.
Dues may be set on a semesterly or annual basis in an appropriate amount determined by individual club leadership.
It is strongly recommended the method of setting and collecting dues be written in individual club constitutions. It is also strongly encouraged that clubs collecting dues have all members sign a dues agreement form. This form allows the Office of Recreation Sports & Facilities to freeze an individual member’s university account if dues are not paid.
Because clubs are individually recognized as student organizations, the Office of Recreation Sports & Facilities will honor the wishes of each individual club and the decisions rendered by leadership teams.
As a whole, a club team is eligible if it is recognized AND has at least seven (7) active members on its current roster.
In order to be eligible for Club Sports, prospective members must meet at least one (1) of the following requirements:
- currently-enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student at UW-Whitewater OR UW-Rock County
- per Rec Sports: there are no limits to the number of credits in which a student needs to be enrolled
- per Rec Sports: there are no grade point average requirements for participation
- currently-employed as a faculty or staff member at UW-Whitewater OR UW-Rock County
Other eligibility guidelines include, but may not be limited to:
- A prospective member MAY NOT participate in any club-related activity until a liability waiver is on-file with
the Office of Recreation Sports & Facilities. The member must also be added to the club’s official roster
- Individual club members may participate in more than one club, provided they comply with regulations
established by each club’s constitution (and possible governing body)
- Any individual violating any general Club Sports and/or campus policies is subject to having their eligibility
status revoked for all club teams with which they are currently participating
- Alumni are not eligible to participate in the Club Sports program and may not hold a leadership position.
Alumni are, however, eligible to coach a club team. Individual facility access will not be granted to alumni
- Governing bodies may further limit participation of graduate students, faculty and staff
- Governing bodies may have eligibility guidelines related to credit enrollment and/or grade point average
Each club is responsible for obtaining, using and storing its equipment.
Any equipment that is purchased using approved university allocated funds (SUFAC) is property of the Office of Recreation Sports & Facilities and must be stored in the Williams Center (or at an agreed upon location) when not in-use. All equipment purchased using SUF funds must be logged in a club’s inventory report.
Clubs are permitted to use Student/Faculty Organization funds (Stu/Fac) to purchase equipment. This equipment would not be considered property of Rec Sports. Please speak to administrative staff prior to making a purchase to discuss your intentions.
Equipment may also be available for rent from the Williams Center Equipment Room. A valid UW-Whitewater-issued identification card must be presented in order to check out equipment. Lost or damaged equipment is the responsibility of the individual checking out the equipment.
Any club utilizing storage space in a facility supported by the Office of Recreation Sports & Facilities MUST keep the storage space tidy at all times. Only designated club members are permitted to enter facility storage to remove equipment. Any violations or misuse of equipment/storage space may result in disciplinary action taken by administrative staff.
All club teams practice and host events/meetings on the UW-Whitewater campus. Most club gatherings take place in or around the Williams Center (north end of campus), which also includes the Kachel Fieldhouse, Kachel Gymnasium, outdoor Intramural & Recreation Fields, the Williams Center Weight Room and multiple classrooms. Other academic and social building on-campus host our clubs, including Esker Dining Hall, which houses Aikido/Martial Arts, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Karate/Warhawk Martial Arts. UW-Whitewater also has a beautiful outdoor 18-hole disc golf course, located along Schwager Drive.
All facility requests, including those related to meetings, practices and events/competitions must be submitted to the
Office of Recreation Sports & Facilities well in-advance. Requests that are not made within a timely manner may not
be approved.
All club members and opponents must abide by UW-Whitewater Parking Services rules and regulations. Club Sports
administrative staff will not file an appeal on your behalf. Any club or opposing team member receiving a parking
citation is responsible for satisfying expectations and/or requirements established by Parking Services. Club funds may
not be used to purchase parking passes.
Campus Map with identified parking lots
Parking Services website
Parking FAQ
Each club submits an individual budget plan for an academic year. Budgets are partially funded by segregated fees and clubs are responsible for raising the remaining monies required to meet their budget and operational expenses. Clubs can raise money by collecting dues or taking part in other fundraising opportunities.
All seg fee budgets (referred to as SUFAC) are managed by the Assistant Director. Most clubs also have what is called a Student Faculty Organization account (referred to as SFO). Along with the Assistant Director, club leaders manage SFO accounts.
Clubs may not possess off-campus accounts or third-party accounts at a financial institution without permission from the Assistant Director. Although it is discouraged, club members may use personal funds, however reimbursements will only be processed if a club has enough money remaining in their budget.
All clubs must have an active membership roster on-file with the Club Sports Office at all times. The roster must have at least seven active members and can updated at any time. Members must also have participation waivers on-file. Both the roster and waiver forms can be found in the Club Forms document, accessed via the Club Forms button on the Club Sports home page.
Members may not practice, travel or compete without being on the membership roster and having a participation waiver on-file.
Governing bodies may require other roster documents for their purposes. Only an official UW-Whitewater Club Sports membership roster is required for our campus operations.
Each club, as a student organization, is led by student leaders. These students may hold their leadership positions (often referred to as an officer position) via elections, volunteering, appointments, etc. Positions vary from club-to-club, but all clubs must have at least a president and risk management officer.
All officers must attend officer training at the beginning of their term. Training is renewed each academic year. Club Sports administration primarily interacts with officers, although we are happy to meet with anyone!
No matter how club leadership is appointed, we ask officer information is shared prior to each semester so we know who to communicate with.
Club leadership is responsible for many items throughout the year. Since not all clubs are structured the same from a leadership position standpoint, it is up to each individual club to delegate roles and responsibilities in a manner the club deems appropriate. Club presidents are ultimately responsible to ensure items are addressed in a timely manner. Leadership responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Serving as a liaison between the club and Club Sports administrative staff
- Attend all necessary meetings and trainings
- Knowing and understanding campus emergency action plans
- Scheduling (and sharing) club competitions and practices
- Ensuring all University policies and procedures are followed by all club members at all times
- Submitting required paperwork to the Office of Recreation Sports & Facilities
- Ensuring all club members are eligible and have proper paperwork on-file
- Making travel arrangements and communicating said plans with Club Sports administrative staff
- Accurately updating the club’s ConnectUWW page
- Ensuring the club meets all recognition standards established by Career & Leadership Development
- Collect and deposit dues from team members
- Keep records of all financial accounts affiliated with the club
- Attend budget meetings
- Submit any financial requests to Club Sports administrative staff
- Maintaining club equipment inventory
- Representing UW-Whitewater and all affiliated branding appropriately
UW-Whitewater and Career & Leadership Development utilize a student organization management platform called Presence. Presence allows all recognized student organizations, including club teams, to have their own site. These sites are intended to communicate with campus administration, share club information and access day-to-day administrative items. Club leaders are expected to keep Presence updated on a regular basis.
Links to each club's Presence page can be found under the Club List tab.
Individual clubs must be recognized by Career & Leadership Development before they can be accepted into the Club Sports program. In order to become recognized, clubs must adhere to the guidelines established by Career & Leadership Development. Recognition is an annual process (typically orchestrated near the end of an academic year) that all student organizations must go through.
Clubs who do not complete steps in the recognition process are not permitted to travel/compete, receive operational assistance from the Office of Recreation Sports & Facilities, have access to affiliated funds or have access to the benefits available to recognized student organizations. Recognition is the responsibility of club leadership. Club Sports administrative staff is not responsible for individual clubs receiving recognition although assistance will be provided when appropriate.
For clubs to be recognized by the Office of Recreation Sports & Facilities, the following must be met:
• Recognition approved by Career & Leadership Development
• All forms selected in RED TEXT in the Club Forms button must be on-file
• Club must have at least seven (7) members listed on its membership roster
In some cases, specific roster and eligibility forms may be requested by a governing body and/or event. These forms may require an official UW-Whitewater seal and signature from the Registrar’s Office. If this is the case, please bring all documentation to the Assistant Director for review. The Assistant Director will notify the appropriate representative with the Registrar’s Office and the club will take the form(s) over to the Registrar’s Office in Roseman Building.
The Registrar’s Office MUST have at least five (5) business days’ notice to complete required paperwork. Forms
requesting social security numbers and other personal information violating privacy laws may not be completed in
their entirety.
All club members are expected to maintain the highest standards of sportsmanship, both on and away from their respective playing surface. This includes Intramural Sports participation.
- Allow contest officials and representatives preside over contests without interference or harassment
- If a club has a grievance, voice it at an appropriate time and to appropriate people
- If necessary and appropriate, the Assistant Director can represent a club in a grievance
- Above all, be proud to be a Warhawk and be honorable in representing your institution
We all want your club to exhibit reasons why opponents want to return to campus or ask you to be a repeat participant in their events. Governing bodies should ALWAYS be under the impression UW-Whitewater Club Sports and its teams will make great members!
Each club is required to have a risk management officer as part of its leadership team. The risk management officer may hold one other leadership position and is expected to:
- Obtain certification in First Aid, CPR and AED administration
- Understand emergency action plans on how to call EMS personnel (9-1-1)
- Understand signs and symptoms of a concussion and return to play protocol
- Assist with the driver authorization process
- Assist with travel planning
- Be the point person in the event of an emergency during travel (or on-campus)
- Complete and turn in an injury/incident report for all incidents
- Assist with the decisions of facility playability in the event administrative staff is absent
- Monitor equipment status (safe to use, etc.)
- Other items deemed appropriate by the Office of Recreation Sports & Facilities
Instructions on how to meet expectations as a risk management officer will be presented during a training session specifically designed for risk management purposes, which the risk management officer must attend (other leaders welcome).
All members who intend to participate in any club event must have a participation waiver on-file with the Office of Recreation Sports & Facilities. Members are not eligible to participate until this waiver is properly acknowledged and filed. In addition to having a waiver on-file, members must be listed on a club’s membership roster, which is also on-file in the Rec Sports Office. Both of these forms must be legible and contain up-to-date information.
Participation waivers are good for one calendar year, beginning July 1 and ending June 30. Waivers must be filed each year a member wishes to participate.
The Office of Recreation Sports and Facilities does not provide health/medical or accidental insurance coverage for participants. Participants are encouraged to have their own coverage, although insurance coverage is not a requirement for participation.
In the event medical assistance is needed on-campus, all Rec Sports staff members are able to provide basic first aid, CPR and AED administration. Rec Sports staff do not have the authority to diagnose injuries or provide medical assistance outside of basic first aid training. Staff members are also trained to follow emergency action plans and EMS protocol. Advisement provided by staff should not be considered official medical advice and members should always consult a physician whenever they feel it necessary.
In the event EMS is called, a member has the right to refuse treatment and any transportation.
Club Sports athletes are not eligible to receive treatment in the Williams Center via the services provided by Intercollegiate Athletics.
Basic first aid and taping supplies are available for club teams upon request.
University Health and Counseling Services may be utilized by Club Sports members.
Clubs may appoint a coaching staff if they so choose. Coaches do not have to be members of the University community, although they must be recognized by the Office of Recreation Sports & Facilities. A Coach Agreement Form must be filed each academic year for every individual on a club’s coaching staff (if said coach is not already a participating member as established by eligibility guidelines). Background checks and additional paperwork may also be required of individuals wishing to serve as a coach.
Coaches may volunteer or be paid for their services. Pay status is at the discretion of each individual club. If a coach receives financial compensation for their services, proper documentation must be filed with Financial Services. Stu/Fac check requests will not be accepted unless proper documentation has been turned in.
If coaches wish to have certain privileges (Hawk Card, UW-Whitewater email address, building access, etc.) they must consult with the Assistant Director.
Coaches must act in the best interest of their affiliated club, UW-Whitewater and the UW System and represent all three parties positively and professionally at all times. Coaches may be dismissed by their affiliated club and/or the Office of Recreation Sports & Facilities/UW-Whitewater at any time for any reason.
Due to the unpredictable nature of participation, all club activities are to be considered contact activities. Any injuries and/or incidents must be reported to the Office of Recreation Sports & Facilities within 24 hours of their occurrence. Failure to accurately report injuries and/or incidents may result in disciplinary action.
Individuals who sustain any injury should contact the Assistant Director immediately if it is believed the nature of the injury may prevent them from fulfilling their academic requirements. The Assistant Director reserves the right to refer injured individuals to the University Health Center, the Dean of Students/Student Life Office and/or academic advisors.
All team members are encouraged to understand the signs and symptoms affiliated with a concussion. All suspected head injuries are to be handled with extreme care and caution. In the event of a suspected head injury (concussion), club leaders are expected to remove the impacted individual(s) from participation immediately and an injury report shall be filed. It is suggested the injured individual seek medical attention as soon as possible.
The Office of Recreation Sports & Facilities does not require baseline testing and it is up to the injured individual and club leadership to determine return to play status. Members are strongly encouraged to exercise caution and consult as many certified resources as possible in order to reach a logical and safe conclusion. The Assistant Director reserves the right to deny participation in any capacity if an injured participant continues to exhibit signs and symptoms indicating participation could jeopardize their safety and wellbeing.
Most home events are supervised by a member of the Rec Sports staff. The scheduled staff member will be certified in first aid, CPR and AED administration and will also be familiar with EMS protocol and facility action plans. Staff members are NOT certified athletic trainers.
In the event a club wishes to have an athletic trainer on-site, a request for a trainer must be made well in-advance. The Assistant Director will work to find a trainer to hire as an independent contractor. Trainers may not always be available. Clubs may be financially responsible for the hiring of a trainer.
No club member is eligible to sign a contract. All contracts should be facilitated through the Office of Recreation Sports & Facilities. The Assistant Director can work with the entity requesting a contractual agreement or refer said entity to the proper campus authority.
Clubs who practice/compete outdoors will receive email communication from administration In the event of unfavorable weather and/or playing conditions. A notice will also be placed on the home page of the Rec Sports website.
If campus facilities are closed due to weather, it should be assumed community facilities and parks are also closed. If Intramural Sports or Intercollegiate Athletics facilities are cleared of participation, clubs must vacate their field space as well. Rec Sports staff members reserve the right to end club events for the fairness and safety of all students on-campus. This includes events that may be in-progress.
In the event of lightning, club members must vacate their playing surface immediately. The Office of Recreation Sports & Facilities follows lightning guidelines established by the National Weather Service and American Softball Association.
Helpful weather resources may include, but are not limited to:
- UW-Whitewater Weather Site
- National Weather Service (NWS)
- NWS Education
- The Weather Channel
- Weather Underground
- WeatherBug
Please be advised it is highly unlikely indoor practices or events will be canceled/postponed. Club leadership members are authorized to make decisions regarding club events if they feel travel to campus would jeopardize the safety of club members, opponents and/or fans. Any cancellations must be communicated to administrative staff with as much notice as possible.
View a printable copy of Club Sports FAQs here
If you have questions regarding medical coverage and risk management practices, please view the Risk Management tab in this table.
Do you have other questions or concerns that are not addressed on this site? Contact our team!
Club Sports are opportunities for the campus community (students, faculty, staff, etc.) to be involved in activities in a more competitive and involved manner. UW-Whitewater is a proud home to 30 Club Sports teams and all teams either compete, recreate or practice their respective disciplines on a regular basis. Each club must be recognized as a student organization by the university and have at least seven (7) active members. Depending on the club, teams may travel, host events on-campus and compete for state, regional and national championships.
Based on a tier of competitiveness and involvement:
Intercollegiate Athletics: Most competitive. Division III athletics as governed by the NCAA and WIAC. Each team has a dedicated coaching staff on university payroll with higher expectations for involvement. Athletes may have minimal (if any) financial commitment/requirement and all equipment is provided. The university arranges travel and university-appointed administrators make decisions on day-to-day team operations. Roster cuts are permitted and strict eligibility guidelines may be in-place. Intercollegiate teams compete in the WIAC and have daily team requirements. Athletes cannot participate on intramural or club teams in comparable activities.
Club Sports: Mainly competitive with some recreational components. Not defined by a specific division (in most cases) and not regulated by the NCAA (although some clubs may use NCAA competition guidelines). Although clubs are student-lead and receive some funding from the institution, members may be asked to make contributions in the form of membership dues and fundraising. There is no full department committed to clubs given their status as student organizations. Clubs have a couple of practices and semi-regular meetings each week and may travel and compete with other institutions across the state, region and country. Although travel roster limitations may apply, no roster cuts are permitted and eligibility guidelines are less strict (mainly academic and behavioral). Club athletes may participate in intramural activities.
Intramural Sports: Activities offered on-campus only. All teams are assembled with other members of the UW-Whitewater campus community. Although the competition level is high, activities tend to be more recreational and fun in-nature. Championship teams compete for the coveted intramural championship t-shirt! All eligibility guidelines are established by UW-Whitewater campus administrators. A small participation fee is required for each team.
UW-Whitewater and Rec Sports provide a lot of ways for clubs to share their involvement opportunities. Most of the common ways to get involved include:
- completing an interest form on the Club Sports website
- contacting club leaders as they are listed on the Club Sports website
- submitting a request form via an individual club’s Presence page
- visiting Club Sports Awareness Day or the UW-Whitewater Involvement Fair and meeting club representatives
- filling out an interest form in-person in room 100 of the Williams Center
- visiting a club directly at their meeting or practice time
- visiting our staff in room 100 of the Williams Center
Various posters and bulletin boards around the Williams Center may also be updated throughout the year.
Club leaders are expected to respond to inquiries within 48 hours. If you do not get in-touch with a club leader or staff member within that time frame, please contact us!
Some (but not all) clubs have tryouts. Clubs are not permitted to make roster cuts. Tryouts are typically to determine who will make a traveling team, as governing bodies/conferences may have roster size restrictions, which also helps with the costs affiliated with traveling. For inquiries related to tryouts, please contact the Assistant Director or the club-specific contact listed on the Club Sports website.
Club officers are asked to acknowledge all members are affiliated with the institution in some capacity outside of their club and may have other primary responsibilities. We understand not everyone will be able to attend all practices, meetings, events/competitions, etc. However, in order for clubs to be successful, involvement is key and expected on a fairly regular basis. Involvement expectations are specifically outlined by each club, however it is reasonable to expect a couple of hours per week plus a weekend here-and-there.
It is more than okay to be a member with multiple clubs, however please understand the time commitment could increase as a result.
To get an idea of possible club-specific time commitments, weekly practice days/times and event schedules are published on the Club Sports website.
As recognized student organizations, one of the unique characteristics about club teams is the day-to-day operations are led by students. These students may hold their leadership positions (often referred to as an officer position) via elections, volunteering, appointments, etc. Positions vary from club-to-club, but all clubs must have at least a president and risk management officer.
Clubs may also have a coaching staff, although coaches are not required. Coaches must be appointed by the club leaders and approved by the Assistant Director. Aside from assembling practice/competition plans and providing conditioning advisement, coaches may serve as a consultant on day-to-day club operations, however student leaders are responsible for making the final decisions. Coaches may be paid, if permitted by club leadership and budgets.
All clubs, as part of being a recognized student organization, must also have a faculty advisor. Advisors serve as operational consultants and assist with club compliance as it relates to budget adherence, acting in accordance with university policies and upholding the student code of conduct.
As outlined above, club members may become leaders in varying ways. Leaders have a great opportunity to develop desirable skills prospective employers look for, including teamwork, communication, organization, time management, etc. The methodology behind becoming a club leader should be outlined in each club’s constitution. Although it is typical to see a junior, senior or graduate student in a leadership position, anyone can (and is encouraged to) be a leader. Club leaders typically participate as a general club member for at least one academic semester prior to the leadership opportunity becomes available. If you are interested in a leadership position, please speak with a current club leader or the Assistant Director. Club teams cannot exist without team leaders!
All club teams report to the Assistant Director of Intramural and Club Sports in the Office of Recreation Sports and Facilities. The Assistant Director will assist clubs with budgets, event planning, travel logistics, risk management and more. Because club teams are recognized student organizations, Career & Leadership Development (located in the University Center) also requires some items to be addressed on an annual basis.
Some club teams are also members of a governing body (i.e. conference affiliation, etc.). A list of such affiliations is available on the Club Sports website.
A governing body is an organization dedicated to providing rules, policies, and general oversight of operations for a specific sport, activity or discipline. For club teams, governing bodies can assist (in some cases) with things such as contest/event scheduling, scores/standings, postseason/championships, official/referee assignments, providing resources for team involvement/development, etc. State and regional conferences are also considered to be forms of governing bodies.
This depends on each individual club. Most club teams receive some funding from the institution in the form of segregated fee allocation, although these fees do not cover 100% of many club operations. To make up the difference in operating expenses, clubs may choose to collect dues from its members. The amount of applicable dues are set by individual club leaders and should be clearly stated in a club’s constitution. In lieu of collecting or asking for large amounts of dues, clubs may elect to engage in fundraising in the communities surrounding UW-Whitewater. Any money collected by the club is deposited into an on-campus account specific to the club.
All club teams practice and host events/meetings on the UW-Whitewater campus. Most club gatherings take place in or around the Williams Center (north end of campus), which also includes the Kachel Fieldhouse, Kachel Gymnasium, outdoor Intramural & Recreation Fields, the Williams Center Weight Room and multiple classrooms. Other academic and social building on-campus host our clubs, including Esker Dining Hall, which houses Aikido/Martial Arts, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Karate/Warhawk Martial Arts. UW-Whitewater also has a beautiful outdoor 18-hole disc golf course, located along Schwager Drive.
Yes. Most teams travel at least once per academic year. Most travel takes place in the state of Wisconsin and in the northern parts of Illinois, although clubs do travel throughout the Midwest. In some cases (typically spring break tournaments, playoffs and championships), club teams will travel long distances. If club travel requires overnight stay, the Assistant Director organizes lodging (individual club budget permitting). Teams may travel using personal vehicles or may elect to rent vehicles. For cost-saving purposes, personal vehicle use is preferred for shorter trips. Travel reimbursement is possible, as long as club funds are available. All drivers, regardless of vehicles, must be authorized by the State of Wisconsin via the Fleet Portal System.
Yes, however personal equipment is used at the owner’s discretion and Club Sports is not responsible for any personal items that may be lost, stolen or damaged. Club teams do have some of their own equipment and other equipment may be available to rent from the Williams Center Equipment Room (depending on the club). Club teams may also submit requests for additional equipment, which is purchased at the discretion of the Assistant Director (availability of funding).
Yes and no. Club teams are not authorized to have websites not affiliated with the domain. They are, however, required to have an organization page via Presence, the on-campus management system used for all recognized student organizations. Links to club-specific Presence sites are located on the Club Sports website under the “Club List” tab in the table near the bottom of the home page.
Contact the Assistant Director. We are happy to help and will set up an individual meeting to learn more about your ambitions! For starters, we ask interested individuals for proof of campus interest and we’ll work to put a club sustainability plan together. Since all teams affiliated with Club Sports must also be recognized student organizations, we will also work with you to identify prospective student leaders and start a constitution.
Please utilize these sections to familiarize yourself with the resources made available to you.
Not all inquiries or situations may be addressed via web content.
If you cannot find an answer to your question or concern, please consult:
Club Sports Manual »
UW-Whitewater Campus Directory »
Assistant Director of Club Sports »
UW-Whitewater Rec Sports Professional Staff »
Listed alphabetically, most commonly-referenced resources include:
146 University Center 262-472-1471
104 Hyer Hall 262-472-1378
2130 Andersen Suite 262-472-1533
110 Hyer Hall 262-472-1331
112 Williams Center 262-472-4661
Visitor’s Center 262-472-1011
Goodhue Hall 262-472-4660 (non-emergency)
2032 Roseman Building 262-472-1570
Third Floor Hyer Hall
Ambrose Health Center 262-472-1300
Club teams and their members should always be actively seeking community service opportunities. Community service is currently not a requirement of being affiliated with Club Sports, however that may change at any time at the discretion of administrative staff.
If community service hours are performed, please complete the Community Service Notice Form as soon as possible.
Individual clubs must be recognized by Career & Leadership Development before they can be accepted into the Club Sports program. Fall 2021 Practice Schedule
In order to become recognized, clubs must adhere to the guidelines established by Career & Leadership Development. Recognition is an annual process that all student organizations must go through.
Clubs who do not complete steps in the recognition process are not permitted to travel/compete, receive operational assistance from the Office of Recreation Sports & Facilities, have access to affiliated funds or have access to the benefits available to recognized student organizations.
Recognition is the responsibility of club leadership. Club Sports administrative staff is not responsible for individual clubs receiving recognition although assistance will be provided when appropriate.
For clubs to be recognized by the Office of Recreation Sports & Facilities, the following must be met:
- Recognition approved by Career & Leadership Development
- All applicable Club Sports forms must be on-file
- Club must have at least seven (7) members listed on its membership roster
The Office of Recreation Sports & Facilities will adhere to the UW-Whitewater Anti-Hazing Policy, which is outlined by Career & Leadership Development and displayed below:
Students, student organizations, athletic teams and other student groups of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater community are strictly prohibited from engaging in any type of hazing activity. Hazing is defined as "any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off-campus, that produces mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule." This includes any action that endangers the health or well-being of an individual, is personally degrading, has an adverse effect on the academic performance of the student, or which violates any federal, state or local statute or University policy. Individual or group consent to hazing activity in no way validates the activity or excludes those perpetuating it from being charged with a crime.
Individual members, organizations and groups who violate this policy are subject to University disciplinary action, as set forth in the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Student Non-Academic Disciplinary Procedures under UW System Administrative Code Chapter 17. This document is available for review at the Office of Student Affairs, the Whitewater Student Government, or the Library Reserve Desk.
Additionally, any University student organization, group or individual student violating this policy or the Wisconsin Statute on Hazing, is subject to sanctions that may be imposed by the judicial or coordinating body of which the organization is a constituent member and/or a court of law. The Wisconsin Statute on Hazing, 948.51, is available for review at Career & Leadership Development, the Library Reference Desk, or from your state representative.
Enforcement of the UW-Whitewater Anti-Hazing Policy shall be the administrative responsibility of the Office of Student Affairs and Career & Leadership Development. Individuals or groups seeking additional information about this policy or reporting possible violations should contact staff in Career & Leadership Development at 262-472-1471.
In addition to items outlined in this manual, all clubs and their affiliated membership are expected to adhere to the following UW-Whitewater Codes of Conduct:
- Student Organization Conduct Policy found on the Career & Leadership Development website
- UW-Whitewater Student Handbook found on the Student Handbook website
Please be advised not all situations may not be perfectly outlined or defined in campus documents. Administrative staff members will treat all instances fairly based on the presented circumstance(s).