Sexual Misconduct Information

Sexual Misconduct Information

All employees (excluding confidential employees) who witness or become aware of sexual misconduct are required by law to report that information to the University. There are several options available to report:

The reporting form: 
Sexual Misconduct/Title IX Reporting Form

In person:

Title IX Coordinator
Vicki Schreiber, Ph.D.
Anderson 2130D
Whitewater, WI 53190
Phone: 262-472-2143; or

Dean of Students Office
Anderson Suite 2130
Whitewater, WI 53190
Phone: 262-472-1533

Human Resources Office
Hyer Hall 330
Whitewater, WI 53190
Phone: 262-472-1024

Office of Intercollegiate Athletics
Williams Center 112
Whitewater, WI 53190
Phone: 262-472-5782

For Pregnant and Expecting Parent Inquiries and Information:

Vicki Schreiber, Ph.D.

Title IX Coordinator
Anderson 2130D
Whitewater, WI 53190
Phone: 262-472-2143;

Confidential Resources:

University Health and Counseling Services Staff

Ambrose Health Center
710 Starin Road
Whitewater, WI 53190-1790
Hours: Mon - Fri, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Health Services: 262-472-1300
Counseling Services: 262-472-1305
Wellness Services: 262-472-1882
Winther Counseling Services
Winther Hall 3004
230 N. Prairie St.
Whitewater, WI 53190-1790
(262) 472-2842
Local Advocacy Agencies
New Beginnings APFV
143 W. Main St.
Whitewater, WI 53190
20 N Church Street
Elkhorn, WI
Phone: 262-723-4653

YWCA Rock County
Crisis Hotline: 608-752-2583
or text 608-371-9288

Required Online Student Training:

All University of Wisconsin - Whitewater students are required to take the online training course Sexual Assault Prevention. UWW partners with Vector Solutions  (formerly Everfi) to provide the training. You will receive one of four trainings to complete:

  • Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates – This module is assigned to most new undergraduate students.
  • Sexual Assault Prevention for Adult Learners– This module is assigned to new undergraduate students age 24 and up.
  • Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduate Students– This module is assigned to all graduate students.
  • Sexual Assault Prevention: Ongoing Take Action - This module is assigned to all undergraduate returning students.

The required training is due September 29, 2023. Failure to complete the required training by this date will result in a hold that will prevent you from registering for a future semester. The link is sent directly from the Vector Solutions site, but if you can't find the link, you can go to Vector Solutions Training Page for Students

A few reminders about the required student training:

  1. The site will NOT automatically recognize your UWW log in credentials. You use your email address as the username, and the password is set to default as the first five characters of your email. 
  2. Thirty (30) days after you complete the training, you will be sent a link to a “Part Two of the training. We highly encourage you to complete that training so we can assess the learning progress of our community. However, although highly encouraged, completing this part is not required.

If you have other questions, or have been involved in past trauma and are requesting an exemption, you can fill out an exemption request on the Sexual Misconduct Reporting form located here or you can email the Title IX Coordinator at with that request.

Required Employee Training:

Employees are required to take two different mandatory online training modules related to sexual misconduct. Those trainings are:

Employees can access their required trainings by going to their MyUW Portal. Go to the Mandatory Training section to find the links and the status of your mandatory trainings.

***Note- Student employees are no longer required to take the employee Title IX training if they have taken the student version. Contact the Title IX Coordinator for any questions to be exempt from the employee version for this reason.

Campus Training:

The Title IX Coordinator is available to do trainings for departments and classes upon request. Just contact with your need request or questions.

This committee's purpose is to conduct regular review and assessment of the policies, procedures and practices of the institution, its administration, faculty, staff and students, along with policies issued by the Board of Regents and UW System Administration as it relates to Title IX, Sexual Violence, Sexual Harassment and Intimate Partner Violence. 


  • The committee shall review UW System and institutional policies, procedures, notification, disclosures and practices to determine whether students and employees are aware of and utilizing institutional policies and procedures to report, address and respond to sexual misconduct, as defined by institutional policy. 
  • The committee shall request statistical information from campus officials in regard to all reported sexual misconduct cases, review the data in order to identify patterns of behavior or incidents and modify current policies and practices accordingly. 
  • The committee will collaboratively provide assistance and support, as needed, to SAPA, which is responsible for evaluating and assessing the success of the institution's efforts toward prevention, wellness, advocacy and support to the campus community. 
  • The committee will serve in an advisory role and offer guidance to the Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Title IX Coordinators in regard to all forms of sexual misconduct.

The committee membership has representatives from:

  • Whitewater Student Government
  • Faculty Senate
  • Academic Staff Assembly
  • University Staff Council
  • Title IX Coordinator
  • Dean of Students
  • University Police
  • University Housing
  • Human Resources
  • University Health & Counseling
  • Athletics
  • First-Year Experience Office

The committee offers programs and trainings on sexual misconduct to the campus community throughout the year. Please see this page for future events.

Sexual misconduct is a prevalent issue in campus communities and in our society as a whole. Read on to learn ways to support students who are survivor's or victims of sexual assault and support ways to help create a campus climate that is free of sexual assault. 

Sexual Assault Prevention Advisory Committee

You can get involved in the Chancellor's committee to provide guidance regarding on-campus sexual assault prevention efforts.The function of this UW-W administrative committee is to advise the Sexual Assault Prevention Coordinator regarding: identifying campus needs for sexual assault prevention efforts; setting biennial goals; designing a campus plan to meet the goals; suggesting departmental responsibilities for implementation; and reviewing progress, as requested by the Coordinator. An annual summary of programming and progress on goals will be submitted to the Dean of Students Office The membership consists of representatives from:
Student Life and First Year Experience, Residence Life, Warhawk Involvement Center, University Health and Counseling Services, University Police, Intercollegiate Athletics, Women's Issues, Sexual Assault Survivors Assistance Team, Faculty Senate (2), Academic Staff Assembly, Whitewater Student Government, Residence Hall Association, Students at Large (2), Association for the Prevention of Family Violence, People Against Domestic and Sexual Abuseif you are interested in becoming a member of the SAPA committee, please contact

Coalition Against Sexual & Interpersonal Violence (CASIV)

Coalition Against Sexual & Interpersonal Violence (CASIV), is a group of UW-Whitewater students who are committed to raising awareness about sexual and dating violence, harassment and stalking. If you are interested in joining this student organization, please email  CASIV can provide class or group presentations about ways that we can all make a difference in the world to reduce violence. To schedule a presentation, or to partner with CASIV on an event, please email   

Sexual Assault Prevention Advisory Committee

You can get involved in the Chancellor's committee to provide guidance regarding on-campus sexual assault prevention efforts.The function of this UW-W administrative committee is to advise the Sexual Assault Prevention Coordinator regarding: identifying campus needs for sexual assault prevention efforts; setting biennial goals; designing a campus plan to meet the goals; suggesting departmental responsibilities for implementation; and reviewing progress, as requested by the Coordinator. An annual summary of programming and progress on goals will be submitted to the Dean of Students Office The membership consists of representatives from:
Student Life and First Year Experience, Residence Life, Warhawk Involvement Center, University Health and Counseling Services, University Police, Intercollegiate Athletics, Women's Issues, Sexual Assault Survivors Assistance Team, Faculty Senate (2), Academic Staff Assembly, Whitewater Student Government, Residence Hall Association, Students at Large (2), Association for the Prevention of Family Violence, People Against Domestic andSexual AbuseIf you are interested in becoming a member of the SAPA committee, please contact

Title IX

Due to the federal injunction in Kansas v. United States Department of Education, the Universities of Wisconsin have suspended permanent and emergency rulemaking regarding Title IX.  The UWs remain ready to publish the rule and policies should the injunction be lifted. Our current rules and the 2020 Title IX federal regulations remain in effect.

 We remain in consultation with our colleagues at the Wisconsin Department of Justice as to next steps in the litigation, and will be ready to move quickly to publish the emergency rules and re-start training should the injunction be lifted.

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (UWW) is committed to maintaining a learning and working environment that is free of sexual misconduct. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), 20 U.S.C. §§1681 et seq. and its implementing regulations, 34 C.F.R. Part 106, prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities operated by recipients of Federal financial assistance. Sexual misconduct includes sexual harassment, sexual violence, sex-based misconduct, relationship violence, discrimination based on pregnancy, and the failure to provide equal opportunities in employment, admissions, or any educational programs or activities.

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, which may include sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual violence refers to incidents including sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, stalking, dating violence, and domestic violence. 

Upon receipt of a complaint of sex discrimination, including sexual harassment or sexual violence, the University is committed to responding in order to ensure a safe and equitable educational environment. For more information, please see the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy.

Support Resources

Campus Resources

External Resources