Campus Info

Language Translation

Automatic Site Translation

The official language used for the content of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater web site is English. However, we understand that prospective applicants may wish to share information on our site with parents or others who may not be proficient in English.

Using Google Translate, you can obtain a free, immediate translation of our Web pages.

Official Disclaimer

Computerized translations are only an approximation of the Web site's original content. The translation should not be considered exact and in some cases may contain errors, including incorrect or offensive language. The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater does not warrant the accuracy of any information translated by this system. In addition, some applications, files, or items cannot be translated including graphs, photos, or PDF files.

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater does not endorse the use of the Google translation site; other translation services may be used to view our site. Any person or entity that relies on information obtained via Google Translate or any other translation system does so at their own risk.