Women and the American Philanthropic Tradition
March 31,2025
Ruth Hansen, Associate Professor, Management
This lecture looks at how women have used voluntary associations and philanthropy over time "for the improvement of social and living conditions in the United States." It tells stories of women's contributions to literacy, settlement houses, and the development of social science, and invites discussion on the distinctive role of current female philanthropists, such as Melinda French Gates and MacKenzie Scott.
Lectures will be held on Mondays at 3 p.m. in the Olm Fellowship Hall of Fairhaven Senior Services, 435 West Starin Road, Whitewater. They are open to the public and registration is not required. Lectures may be recorded and posted to our Fairhaven Lecture website and YouTube channel. Videos of lectures in this series and in past series can be accessed for free any time after they are posted online.
Follow us on social media for more information. Any other questions, please contact Kari Borne at bornek@uww.edu or 262-472-1003.