College of Business and Economics

Online Economics Major

The field of Economics is about decision-making in the face of scarcity and considers the efficiency and distributional outcomes of markets and public policy. The program emphasizes skills development in Analytical and Critical Thinking; Quantitative and Statistical Proficiency; and Economic Literacy and Knowledge. Students learn Marginal Thinking; Acquisition and Analysis of Data; and the Structure and Function of Economic Systems.

These knowledge tools can be applied to a wide variety of problems found in both public and private life, ranging from changes in national policy to the problems of a single business to ‘moneyless’ topics like marriage, pollution, or discrimination. The skillset is highly portable and makes graduates competitive for any position requiring analytical skill. Students have pursued careers in business, academia and government.

Course requirements can be found in the Online Economics Degree Requirements document. While all required courses are offered online, please note that not all electives are offered online. See the Online Course Offerings document for more information.

All online economics students have ready access to academic advising, library services, financial aid, technical support, mentoring, and career services.