College of Business and Economics
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Marianne Ley Hayek
Lecturer 2, Lecturer (Ss)

Marianne Ley Hayek profile picture

Marianne Ley Hayek
Marianne is a senior economist and principal testifying expert at Touchstone Economics. She has extensive experience managing large-scale litigation cases and providing expert testimony. Marianne has solid academic credentials; she draws on her experience as an economics professor to provide clear, credible and persuasive testimony.
Consulting and Testifying Experience
Marianne has leveraged her experience in managing significant (multi-million dollar) antitrust and patent infringement cases to develop a practice providing rigorous and cost-effective expert testimony. She testifies as an expert economist on lost profits, reasonable royalty damages, lost earnings and employment discrimination. Marianne’s Law360 article “Samsung v. Apple and the Trend Toward Incremental Value” explains the evolving and increasingly stringent standards courts have adopted for upholding patent damages awards. Her most recent article discusses the Nash Bargaining Solution approach to determining reasonable royalty in patent cases.
Academic Expertise
Marianne has taught a number of advanced micro-economics courses at the college and university level including Law and Economics, Econometrics and Game Theory. She is currently a member of the department of economics at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater where she teaches Business Statistics and Principles of Microeconomics.

Master of Arts
Bachelor of Arts
Letters and Science

Blended Learning Fellow
September 2012
Faculty Fellow
May 2009

Wisconsin Lawyer
State Bar of Wisconsin
Vol. 96 Iss. 9 Pg. 26-30, 5 pages

The Simon Law Firm
St Louis Missouri
Was retained as an economic expert. Project requires calculating damages from infringement of patent related to facial recognition software.
Francis J DeVito, PA
Moonachie, New Jersey
Assist in determining relevant geographic market for antitrust allegations against hospitals and individual physicians. Apply the standards articulated in the US Department of Justice (Antitrust Division) guidelines to the specific circumstances of the case. Develop strategy, write expert report and testify in deposition and trial.