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David Welsch
Professor, Professor (Sv)

David Welsch profile picture


Ph.D., Economics, Indiana University 2005

M.S., Economics, Indiana University 1999

B.A., Economics (with honors), University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee 1998


David M. Welsch, Ph.D., is a Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater.  He is also the coordinator for the MS in Applied Economics and a researcher in the Fiscal and Economic Research Center (FERC).

Most of Dr. Welsch’s research focuses on examining the competitive effects in K-12 education policy, however he has completed a wide array of applied empirical projects on a wide array of issues. His published works include articles examining open enrollment programs (inter-district choice), charter school programs, the relationship instructor, peer, and student gender have on academic success, the relationship between student evaluation of teachers and future student success, the impact of publically provided preschool programs (4K) on future district success, the effect childcare quality has on pricing, and the effect school size has on school performance. These publications have appeared in high caliber economics journals. He also does private consulting for school districts.

In the course of his research and consulting Dr. Welsch has employed a diverse array of econometric techniques and worked with very large datasets to examine a myriad of issues. He has employed Stata, SAS, Matlab, and SPSS to estimate models and manage data.

Dr. Welsch has also held a position as a Visiting Assistant Professor at Idaho State University and was a Statistician/Research Associate at the Indiana Project on Academic Success (IPAS).

Dr. Welsch has taught a diversity of courses, most recently he has taught Introductory Microeconomics (201), Undergraduate Econometrics (E345), Advanced Undergraduate Economics (E446), Graduate Econometrics I and II (E733 and E743), and the data methods portion of Graduate Research Methods (E740). He has also supervised many master theses and undergraduate research projects.

Recent Publications:

  1. “The Relationship between Student Transfers and District Academic Performance: Accounting for Feedback Effects” Education Finance and Policy, 2015, volume 10, no. 3 (with D. Zimmer)
  2. “Child Care Quality and Pricing: Evidence from Wisconsin” Applied Economics, 2014, Volume 46, No. 35 (with B. Artz)
  3. “Instructor Gender, Student Gender, and Student Outcomes” The Southern Economic Journal, 2014, Volume 80, No. 3 (with Artz)
College Research Award
April 2016
UW-Whitewater College of Business and Economics

Indiana University- Bloomington
Indiana University, Bloomington
Economics (with honors)
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

American Education Finance Association
February 2007 - Current
Western Economic Association
September 2006 - Current

The Effect of Peer and Professor Gender on College Student Performance
David M. Welsch
Student Gender and Student Outcomes
Do Student Migrations Affect School Performance? Evidence from Wisconsin's Inter-District Public School Program
How 4 Year Old Preschool (4K) and Full Day Kindergarten Programs Affect District Achievement
An Examination of Inter-District Public School Transfers in Wisconsin
Bambi Statz and Mark Skidmore
An Examination of Inter-District Public School Transfers in Wisconsin
Bambi Statz and Mark Skidmore
An Examination of Inter-District Public School Transfers in Wisconsin
Bambi Statz and Mark Skidmore
Examining Interdistrict Transfers in Wisconsin
Bambi Statz and Mark Skidmore
The Effect of Health and Poverty on Early Childhood Cognitive Development
David M Zimmer
Profit Versus Not-for-Profit Charter Schools in Michigan: An Examination of Student Test Scores
Cynthia D. Hill

“On the Dynamic Interdependency of Unemployment and COVID Deaths”
Economic Issues
Policing and Crime: Dynamic Panel Evidence from California”
Oxford Economic Papers
2. The Effect of Flood Mitigation Spending on Flood Damage: Accounting for Dynamic Feedback
Ecological Economics
Vol. 192
4. “The Impact of Mask Usage on COVID-19 Deaths: Evidence from US Counties using a Quasi-Experimental Approach”
The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy
Over-education and wages revisited: a two cohort comparison and random coefficients approach
The Southern Economic Journal
Homeschooling Choice and Timing: An Examination of Socioeconomic and Policy Influences in Wisconsin
Journal of School Choice
Student Gender, Counselor Gender, and College Recommendations
Education Economics
7. “Do High School Gifted Programs Lead to Later-in-Life Success?”
Journal of Labor Research
Location decisions of charter schools: an examination of Michigan
Education Economics
Vol. 25 Iss. 2 Pg. 158-182
Open Enrollment, Competition, and Student Performance
Journal of Education Finance
Vol. 32 Iss. 4 Pg. 414-434
The Dynamic Relationship between School Size and Academic Performance: An Investigation of Elementary Schools in Wisconsin
Research in Economics
Vol. 70 Iss. 1 Pg. 158-169
The impact of publically provided early childhood education programs on district-level test scores
Contemporary Economics Policy
Vol. 34 Iss. 1 Pg. 89-106
Asking prices, selling prices, and anchoring effects: The elusive relationship of pre-sale estimates to winning bids in fine wine auctions
International Journal of Wine Business Research
Vol. 27 Iss. 1
The Relationship between Student Transfers and District Academic Performance: Accounting for Feedback Effects
Education Finance and Policy
Vol. 10 Iss. 3
Child Care Quality and Pricing: Evidence from Wisconsin
Applied Economics
Vol. 46 Iss. 35
Instructor Gender, Student Gender, and Student Outcomes
The Southern Economic Journal
Vol. 80 Iss. 3
The Effect of Student Evaluations on Academic Success
Education Finance and Policy
Vol. 8 Iss. 1
Do Student Migrations Affect School Performance? Evidence from Wisconsin's Inter-District Public School Program
Economics of Education Review
Vol. 31 Iss. 1 Pg. 195-207
Charter School Competition and the Effect on Employees in Michigan's Public Schools
Contemporary Economic Policy
Vol. 29 Iss. 3 Pg. 323-336
An examination of inter-district public school transfers in Wisconsin
Economics of Education Review
Vol. 29 Pg. 126-137
A Regional Examination of Foreclosures in Wisconsin
The Industrial Geographer
Vol. 7 Iss. 1 Pg. 19-38
The Effect of Health and Poverty on Early Childhood Cognitive Development
Atlantic Economic Journal
Vol. 28 Iss. 1 Pg. 37-49
For-Profit Versus Not-For-Profit Charter Schools: An Examination of Michigan Student Test Scores
Education Economics
Vol. 17 Iss. 2 Pg. 147-166
Allocation of Government Expenditures on Education between Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Students
The Journal of Developing Areas
Vol. 42 Iss. 2 Pg. 129-156
After-School Supervision and Children's Cognitive Achievement
The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (Topics)
Vol. 8 Iss. 1 Pg. 25 pages

UW-Oshkosh/Kaukana School District