University Committees

General Education Review Committee


  1. Responsible for ongoing review, evaluation, and assessment of the General Education program and its components, including proficiency, Core, and other required and elective courses.
  2. Develop and review proposals for changes in general education goals and outcomes, policies, and curriculum for action by the University Curriculum Committeeb (UCC) for curriculum matters and/or the Faculty Senate for policy matters.
  3. Recommend to the UCC appropriate courses for inclusion in the General Education program.
  4. Periodically report to the UCC and to the Faculty Senate.



24 members, broken down as follows: 9 voting elected/appointed members, 10 voting ex-officio members, and 5 non-voting ex-officio members.

Elected or Appointed, voting members:

  • One faculty member elected by and from each constituency (The College of Arts and Communication and Library constituency representation should come from the College, not Library.): 
    • College of Arts and Communication
    • College of Business and Economics
    • College of Education and Professional Studies
    • College of Integrated Studies
    • College of Letters and Sciences
  • One faculty or staff member elected by and from the Library.
  • Two student members, as chosen by Whitewater Student Government.
  • One faculty member elected by and from the Diversity Curriculum Committee.

Ex officio, voting members:

  • Coordinator of COMM 110 (or faculty member will be elected from the relevant department)
  • Coordinator of PEGNRL 192 (or faculty member will be elected from the relevant department)
  • Coordinator of developmental and proficiency Mathematics (or faculty member will be elected from the relevant department)
  • Coordinator of Freshman English courses (or faculty member will be elected from the relevant department)
  • Coordinator of the Natural Sciences lab courses (GL)- To be appointed by the Dean of the College of Letters and Sciences in consultation with the four natural sciences departments (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Geography, Geology and Environmental Sciences).
  • Coordinator of CORE 110
  • Coordinator of CORE 120
  • Coordinator of CORE 130
  • Coordinator of CORE 140
  • Coordinator of CORE 390

Ex officio, non-voting members:

  • General Education Coordinator
  • Academic Assessment Director
  • Academic Advising and Exploration Center Director or designee
  • Director of First Year Programs or designee
  • Representative from Student Affairs



Three-year staggered terms for the elected faculty representatives and one-year terms for the student representatives.

-Last Revised at the All Faculty Meeting on 2023-03-21

Current Committee Membership