Honors Advantage
If you meet the requirements of joining the honors program on campus, you can have the opportunity to join the honors advantage learning community!
As a member of this group, you will be guaranteed registration for Honors courses, get a head start on undergraduate research, actively participate in service learning projects, learn leadership skills, and much, much more! Students in the Honors Advantage Learning Community live together, take some of their courses together, and help plan different activities the group will participate in throughout their Freshman year. Joining this Learning Community will expose students to upperclassmen who have been members of the Honors Learning Community, allow for an opportunity to have direct contact with the Director of the Honors program, and have a passionate faculty coordinator who sincerely cares about the success of each student! *Sign up for this LC*
Who can I live with if I join this Learning Community?
- You can live with anyone who has a room assignment in Arey Hall
Available For:
- All students who meet the requirements and are admitted to the Honors Program
Linked Classes:
- Fall semester: Honors Sections of New Student Seminar (INTRAUNV 104), CORE 130, and ENGLISH 105
- Arey Hall
Learning Community Coordinator
Sarah Gehrenbeck
E-mail: gehrenbs@uww.edu