General Education Program

Syllabus Guidelines

Contact Information

Susan Johnson
Associate Dean/Associate Professor
For questions/appeals regarding a re-evaluation of transfer credits, university general education requirements or CORE course enrollment  
Phone: (262) 472-4766
Location: Laurentide Hall 4114

Syllabus Guidelines for General Education Electives

The General Education Review Committee expects that the syllabi for all elective courses in the General Education Program will:

1) Identify the course as an elective within the General Education program.

2) Explain which elective category that the course fulfills. Instructors are urged to use the descriptions of the elective categories as the basis for explanation.

3) Identify which of the General Education learning goals and associated learning outcomes are emphasized in the course.

4) Briefly explain how students will be assessed and given feedback on their achievement of those outcomes.

Proposers are welcome to use these sample syllabi as models.