LEARN Center
Master Description of Department Chair Responsibilities During the Academic Year
This master chair description is a guide to Deans and Chairs for creation of individual department chair duties. Each department may have variations based upon both College and discipline needs.
Job description:
- Leads the Department in the Articulation and Pursuit of the Goals of the Department, College, and University.
- Leads the faculty in the articulation of the vision and goals of the academic unit, with emphasis on the quality of the learning environment
- Interprets the policies of the UW System, the university, the college, and the department, and translates these policies into proposed actions
- Initiates a regular review of departmental goals
- Develops and maintains linkages with other schools, departments, programs, and disciplines
- Leads the department in the articulation, measurement and fulfillment of diversity goals
- Coordinates the Academic Affairs of the Department to Establish an Outstanding Educational Program
- Assists and encourages the department faculty in their pursuit of excellence in teaching.
- Prepares class schedules that meet the enrollment needs of the department and university
- Assigns teaching responsibilities to the departmental faculty
- Assures equitable teaching loads within the department
- Initiates a regular review of the developmental curriculum
- Monitors and manages student enrollment in departmental programs
- Leads the departmental faculty in a regular review of curricular offerings to assure fulfillment of accreditation requirements, employer expectations, and suitable standards of excellence
- Maintains current course syllabi for all special education and special field courses for the department.
- Encourages the development of new courses, programs, or majors, as appropriate
- Reviews the academic records of transfer students and determines transfer credit, as appropriate
- Coordinates student registration for the department in conjunction with Academic Dept. Assoc.
- Completes requests for online course fees and determines appropriate use of the technology fee budget.
- Assists in the recruitment of excellent students into the degree programs of the department
- Requests online course evaluations for all department courses.
- Reviews all course evaluations to insure efficacy of instruction across the department.
- Coordinates the activities of the department between semesters and during summer session through ongoing provision of advising, transfer days, process admits to the program and reviews.
- Seeks appropriate state and national accreditation of majors or programs offered by the department
- Insures that the facilities of the department are in good repair and are available for faculty, staff, and student use
- Creates an Effective Working Environment for All Personnel within the Department
- Initiates the creation of a search and screen committee charged with responsibility for identifying candidates for vacant faculty positions
- Communicates the recommendation of the department regarding selection of a candidate to fill vacant faculty positions
- Evaluates faculty performance and reports these evaluations to the Dean and to the appropriate Department Review Body, as requested
- Provides recommendations to the Dean regarding salary adjustments, promotion in rank, and tenured appointment
- Supervises the activities of classified staff assigned to the department
- Orients new employees on departmental policies, procedures and advising
- Interacts with each faculty member to create a professional development plan for each faculty member, consistent with fiscal constraints, and assists in the execution of these plans, as appropriate
- Encourages and reinforces collegiality and adjudicates disputes within the department as necessary
- Maintains records of academic qualifications of the instructional faculty
- Recommends an appropriate mentor for new faculty and instructional. academic staff
- Assigns space to meet departmental needs
- Encourages awareness and implementation of safety practices in the operation of the department, including compliance with all relevant regulations
- Develops and utilizes a thorough understanding of appropriate personnel management practices and policies --- including those stipulated by federal statutes, codes, and regulations; the statutes of the State of Wisconsin; the Wisconsin Administrative Code; the Board of Regents; the University of Wisconsin System, and the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater - and shares this knowledge with the members of the department charged with personnel actions
- Effectively Assesses and Addresses Student Needs
- Communicates regularly with students and uses student input to shape the policies and procedures of the department
- Supervises student advisement within the department, including both academic and career advisement
- Counsels students upon request
- Participates in, and contributes to, assessment activities of the department (including staffing with students), college, and university
- Monitors and Manages the Financial Operations of the Department
- Submits an annual budget request to the Dean
- Approves expenditures of funds allocated to the department
- Approves travel reimbursement requests consistent with available budgets
- Monitors account records to insure that expenditures do not exceed available funds
- Maintains an inventory of departmental equipment and assumes responsibility for its security
- Encourages Scholarly and Creative Activities and Advocates Service to the University and the Community
- Recognizes these activities as important aspects of faculty performance
- Encourages faculty participation in scholarly and creative activities
- Encourages faculty participation in service activities
- Provides time and resources within programmatic and fiscal constraints to stimulate these activities by individual faculty
- Encourages submission of grant proposals and other solicitations for external support
- Communicates Effectively with Internal and External Constituencies
- Schedules and presides over regular faculty meetings which inform the faculty and provide an opportunity for faculty input to the management of the department
- Represents the department to off-campus individuals and groups
- Seeks supplemental funding from external groups, including alumni, philanthropic foundations, and others
- Publicizes the achievements of faculty and students affiliated with the department
- Informs the Dean of developments within the department
- Provides counsel to the Dean of the college
- Communicates the concerns of the department to the Dean
- Gathers, compiles, and disseminates statistical information about the activities of the department
- Attends university and college chair council meetings
- Responds to Additional Requests or Assignments from the Dean