LEARN Center

LEARN Center Workshops 2013-2014

Upcoming Workshops

Internationalizing the Curriculum

Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Location: University Center Room 259A

Presenters include:

  • Agnew, M.
  • Betters-Bubon, J.
  • Chandler, S.
  • Elliott, K.
  • Gwalla-Ogisi, N.
  • Heimer, L.
  • Kolb, S.
  • Okocha, A.
  • Petersen, J.
  • Porterfield, L.
  • Yard, T.


Piloting Course Internationalization:

Sharing Faculty Experiences Across Multiple Disciplines

The process of Backward Course Design as it pertains to internationalizing coursework will be introduced. Eleven faculty members will share their experiences in using Backward Course Design in the internationalization of an existing course.

Lunch Included

RSVP by Tuesday, April 9th, 2014
Register online at http://signup.uww.edu using your Net-ID

or contact the LEARN Center at 262.472.5242 or learn@uww.edu.

Sponsored by the LEARN Center

Making the Most of Co-Curricular Events in the Classroom

Date: Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Time: 11:30 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Location: University Center Room 266

Presenters include:

Donald Jellerson, Assistant Professor, Department of Languages and Literatures

Shannon Dozoryst, Education and Outreach Coordinator, Young Auditorium


In this workshop, we will share and discuss the results of a survey measuring the impact of co-curricular events on student learning.

In the survey, first-year students were asked to rate their learning in several LEAP objectives (such as synthesizing knowledge, critical thinking, and ethical reasoning) based on their co-curricular experiences (such as lectures, performances, and exhibits). We will look at what students said about these experiences and discuss possible ways to expand or improve our practices in integrating curricular and co-curricular activities.

RSVP by Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Register online at http://signup.uww.edu using your Net-ID

or contact the LEARN Center at 262.472.5242 or learn@uww.edu.

Sponsored by the LEARN Center

Mentoring an Undergraduate Research Student

Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Location: University Center Room 259A

Discussion will be facilitated by:

Simone DeVore (Special Education, URP Associate Director, devores@uww.edu)

Catherine Chan (Chemistry and Biology; Undergraduate Research Program Director, chanc@uww.edu)

Seth Meisel (History; Undergraduate Research Program Director Emeritus, meisels@uww.edu)


Have you been wondering...

How can I make mentoring an undergraduate research student work for me?

If so, please join us for a discussion with experienced faculty mentors of undergraduate researchers. We will explore questions such as:

  • Can undergraduates be guided to do the kind of research I do?
  • How do I find good undergraduate researchers?
  • How is mentoring undergraduates different from mentoring graduate students or postdoctoral fellows?
  • How could I handle personal conflicts among the students working with me?
  • How can the Undergraduate Research Program support my mentoring work with students?

Bring these and any other questions or concerns you may have about mentoring undergraduate students to the discussion.

Lunch Included

RSVP by Wednesday February 26, 2014
Register online at http://signup.uww.edu using your Net-ID

or contact the LEARN Center at 262.472.5242 or learn@uww.edu.

Sponsored by the LEARN Center

Inequality For All

Free Movie (with free popcorn!)

Open to faculty, staff & students.

Date: Thursday, February 20, 2014

Time: 3:45 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Location: Summers Auditorium, University Center Room 76

Introduction & Welcome by: Larry Neuman

Chair, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminal Justice

Promoted by: AASCU & Our American Democracy Project


“Does for income disparity what An Inconvenient Truth did for climate change” - Variety

A Documentary Film

Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich makes an eloquent and impassioned argument about how the devastating effects of America’s widening income inequality not only threaten the middle class but also the very foundation of democracy itself.

Followed by an optional live webcast conversation with Robert Reich (at 5:30)

There is not a sign up for this session. Just please arrive promptly at 3:45 so we can start the movie before 4.

Sponsored by the LEARN Center

The Flipped Classroom

Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Time: 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.

Location: University Center, Room 259

Presented by: Chris Henige, Beth King, and Katrina Liu


Colleagues Chris Henige, Beth King, and Katrina Liu will share their experiences with flipped classes. Typically, “flipping” is considered to be the practice of using video segments to disseminate content-rich lessons outside of the classroom, thereby allowing classroom time to be used for interaction and hands-on activities. However, the flipped classroom model can take many forms and may also involve a wide variety of technologies and methodologies. Join your UW-Whitewater colleagues as we consider what it means (and does not mean) to “flip” a classroom and discuss the potential benefits and pitfalls of this practice.

RSVP by Wednesday February 5, 2014
To reserve a spot, please contact the LEARN Center 262.472.5242 or learn@uww.edu Register online at: http://signup.uww.edu using your Net-ID The workshop is listed under “LEARN Center.”

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Individual Projects & the Assessment of Student Learning

Date: Thursday, December 5, 2013

Time: 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m.

Location: University Center, Room 266

Presented by: La Vonne Cornell-Swanson and Tony Ciccone


This Scholarship of Teaching and learning workshop for individual projects has been designed for faculty, instructional academic staff and chairpersons that are interested in learning about or expanding their knowledge of SoTL (The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning).

This Workshop will Address the Following Goals:
• Understand why the scholarship of teaching and learning should be conducted and shared
• Understand the principles and assumptions of the scholarship of teaching and learning
• Understand how to go about a SoTL inquiry (broad outlines of the process)
• Learn how you can increase your SoTL knowledge and skills

Lunch Included

RSVP for workshop with lunch DEADLINE: November 27, 2013
To reserve a spot for the work shop with lunch, please contact the LEARN Center 262.472.5242 or learn@uww.edu. Register online at: http://signup.uww.edu using your Net-ID.The workshop is listed under “LEARN Center.”

Becoming a Full Professor

Date: Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Time: 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m.

Location: University Center, Room 266


What are the steps to becoming a full professor?

What is required?

What is the process?

When should I apply?

These and other questions will be explored in this LEARN Center lunch hour workshop. The workshop will be led by an expert panel.

RSVP for workshop with lunch DEADLINE: November 27, 2013
To reserve a spot for the work shop with lunch, please contact the LEARN Center 262.472.5242 or learn@uww.edu. Register online at: http://signup.uww.edu using your Net-ID.The workshop is listed under “LEARN Center.”

Veterans and Active Military at UW-Whitewater

Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Time: 12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.

Location: University Center, Room 262

Presented by:

Annie Weberpal, Ryan Lonergan, David Thompson, and Maureen Vandervest


This LEARN Center workshop is designed to help faculty and staff better understand the military student population and relevant university policies, including how these policies apply to faculty and staff. The workshop will offer information on campus and community resources, points of contact for referrals, and help for advisors working with military and veteran students.

Lunch Included
A panel consisting of UW-Whitewater military and veteran students, and representatives from the Registrar’s Office and the Academic Advising & Exploration Center will be available to answer questions, discuss best practices, share experiences, and provide information relevant to working with this unique student population.

RSVP for workshop with lunch DEADLINE: November 6, 2013
To reserve a spot for the work shop with lunch, please contact the LEARN Center 262.472.5242 or learn@uww.edu. Register online at: http://signup.uww.edu using your Net-ID.The workshop is listed under “LEARN Center.”

Past Workshops

Internationalization-at-home (IaH)!

Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Time: 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m.

Location: University Center, Room 259B

Presented by:

Melanie Agnew


Melanie Agnew is the Assistant Dean for the College of Education and Professional Studies. Dr. Agnew has published and presented internationally in the areas of internationalization, higher education, organizational change and development, university culture, and teacher education. Internationalization and global learning is all a buzz in higher education! Study abroad is a widely accepted internationalization strategy to promote global learning for those students (and faculty, too) who travel to other countries to engage in learning opportunities. But what about the 95% of the students who do not travel outside the country, or perhaps even the region?

Internationalization- at-home (IaH) is a strategy to ensure those students who cannot participate in study abroad programs have opportunities to develop international perspectives on their home campus. Case studies of best practice are examined to identify ways to integrate an international experience through curricular and co-curricular planning. Lunch Included

RSVP for workshop with lunch DEADLINE: October 22, 2013
To reserve a spot for the work shop with lunch, please contact the LEARN Center 262.472.5242 or learn@uww.edu. Register online at: http://signup.uww.edu using your Net-ID.The workshop is listed under “LEARN Center.”

Integrating and Grading Reflection in Service Learning Courses

Date: Monday, October 14, 2013

Time: 12:00 p.m.-1:30 p.m.

Location: University Center, Room 261

Presented by:

Kim Jensen Boha: Director, Service Learning Program Center for Teaching and Learning, Marquette University


This LEARN Center workshop is designed to help faculty create reflection assignments that move beyond having students report what they are doing to critically analyzing the connections they are making to course content and learning objectives. The workshop employs Kolb’s learning theory to explain critical reflection, and focuses on the central questions of “what?,” “so what?” and “now what?” Kim Jensen Bohat will share some of the on-line reflection modules her Center has developed for the Marquette campus, as well as some grading rubrics that have proven useful.Lunch Included

RSVP for workshop with lunch DEADLINE: October 7, 2013
To reserve a spot for the work shop with lunch, please contact the LEARN Center 262.472.5242 or learn@uww.edu. Register online at: http://signup.uww.edu using your Net-ID.The workshop is listed under “LEARN Center.”

Teaching Thinking: Yes, But How?

Date: Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Time: 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m.

Location: University Center, Room 259B

Presented by:

Brian Beck: Professor Emeritus, Languages and Literatures Department


Teaching thinking is more than just a fad—it can accelerate student learning and optimize teacher-satisfaction. It fortifies the goals of both disciplinary and General Education. But how can we actually teach students to think? Brian Beck has
researched the movement for 25 years, experienced early egg-on-face stumbles, and now offers a “familiarization tour” of the emerging movement, plus a hard-copy “guide to the territory” (which he wishes he had had earlier.) This workshop will present four keystone concepts and provide an opportunity for discussion about application. Lunch Included

RSVP for workshop with lunch DEADLINE: September 24, 2013
To reserve a spot for the work shop with lunch, please contact the LEARN Center 262.472.5242 or learn@uww.edu. Register online at: http://signup.uww.edu using your Net-ID.The workshop is listed under “LEARN Center.”

Electronic Portfolio

Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Time: 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m.

Location: University Center, Room 259A

Presented by:

Kelly Delaney-Klinger, Julie Letellier, Katrina Liu, Sharri VanAlstine, and Renee Pfeifer-Luckett


Representatives from various departments and disciplines will share their experiences incorporating electronic portfolios as a required learning activity during the Spring 2013 semester. They will discuss challenges faced and lessons learned. This workshop is particularly useful for others considering using electronic portfolios as well as the D2L electronic portfolio software in the future.

RSVP DEADLINE: September 11
To reserve a spot, please contact the LEARN Center 262-472-5242 or learn@uww.edu
Register online at: http://signup.uww.edu using your Net-ID
The workshop is listed under “LEARN Center.”

2013 Fall Orientation Week - The Power of Peer Review: Engaging Students in the Writing Process

Date: Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Time: 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Location: University Center, Room 259

Presented by:

Elizabeth Simpson, Instructional Design Specialist, and
Renee Pfeifer-Luckett, Director, Instructional Technology Services Instructional, Communication & Information Technology (iCIT)


Providing the opportunity for students to “peer review” course research papers and other written work can lead to a powerful learning experience. Peer review has been shown to improve reading and writing skills by developing a student’s ability to both create meaningful feedback and to assess the feedback they receive. However, peer review can be challenging for both the instructor and the students who are unfamiliar with the process. This workshop will include best practices and techniques to ensure a successful student peer-review process in all course formats (face to face, blended and online) and will introduce instructors to the PeerMark and GradeMark tools in the Turnitin Suite of products.

RSVP DEADLINE: August 21st
To reserve a spot, please contact the LEARN Center 262-472-5242 or learn@uww.edu
Register online at: http://signup.uww.edu using your Net-ID
The workshop is listed under “LEARN Center.”

2013 Fall Orientation Week - Course Planning: Better Planning for Better Student Learning

Date: Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Time: 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.

Location: University Center, Room 261

Presented by:

Greg Valde, Department of Educational Foundations


This workshop will consider the difference between traditional course planning and backwards design. The advantages of backwards design will be considered along with other course strategies for improving student learning.

RSVP DEADLINE: August 21st
To reserve a spot, please contact the LEARN Center 262-472-5242 or learn@uww.edu
Register online at: http://signup.uww.edu using your Net-ID
The workshop is listed under “LEARN Center.”

The Changing Landscape of Higher Education:
Peril & Promise in a New Age

Date: Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

Location: University Center, Room 275

Presented by:

Dr. George Mehaffy, Vice President for Academic Leadership and Change American Association of State Colleges and Universities


What is a college or university? Can we transform ourselves before we are disrupted? Can we learn to embrace change? Do we innovate or resist?

George Mehaffy of AASCU observes that “[t]his is not simply a difficult moment for higher education: it is the dawn of a very different era. The institutions that will succeed—indeed, thrive—in this era will be those that constantly innovate” (2012, p. 35).
Mehaffy, G. (2012, Sept/Oct). Challenge and Change. Educause Review.fv

Dr. Mehaffy’s thought-provoking presentation (10:30-11:45 am) will be preceded by a coffee meet-and-greet (9:00-9:30 am) and a presentation and introduction of new faculty and staff by Provost Beverly Kopper (9:30-10:30 am).

A workshop (12:00p.m.-4:00 pm; lunch provided) will follow where participants will discuss the challenges we are facing and suggestions for our University’s response. Dr. Mehaffy will be on hand during the workshop to interact with participants.

You are cordially invited to attend any and all events.

RSVP DEADLINE: August 20th
To reserve a spot, please contact the LEARN Center 262-472-5242 or learn@uww.edu
Register online at: http://signup.uww.edu using your Net-ID
The workshop is listed under “LEARN Center.”