LEARN Center

LEARN Center Workshops 2015-2016

2015-16 Learn Center Workshops

The Last Lecture: Storying a Higher Education Life


Wednesday April 20, 2016
11:30AM-2:00 PM
UC 259A | Light Refreshments Included

Lecture: Noon - 1:00PM
Reception hosted by the Department of Social Work from 1:00-2:00PM

Presented by: Jim Winship, Social Work Department

Jim Winship is completing his 35th year teaching social work at UW-Whitewater, where he has been department chair. He served as the director of the campus's first faculty development center, and has been a leader in the use of technology for teaching and learning. Dr. Winship was a Fulbright Scholar in El Salvador in 2005 and Colombia in 2015.


RSVP by: April 13, 2016



Transferable Skills: Developing Core Competencies in Writers from First Year English Through Graduation


Monday April 11, 2016
2:00-3:00 PM
UC 259A | Light Refreshments Included

Facilitated by: Trudi Witonsky and Rossitza Ivanova; Languages and Literatures department

If you teach writing in your discipline, please consider coming to a discussion about how to increase the transfer of writing and cognitive skills from First Year English to writing courses in your discipline. The Department of Languages and Literatures is interested in strengthening our first-year writing program, and we want to talk with you about the writing and cognitive skills that do or do not transfer from First Year English to other disciplines. Across campus, many of us are already working to improve students' writing over the course of their college career. What can we do to help facilitate smoother transitions?


Topics we'd like to talk about include but are not limited to the following::

  1. The kinds of writing you have students do in their majors (Of special interest would be the courses that teach writing in your discipline before a capstone course, as we work to overcome the sophomore year "gap.")
  2. The kinds of writing or cognitive skills you particularly value in these courses
  3. The kinds of skills you see students bringing to class as a result of 101/102
  4. The struggles students experience as they transition to writing into your major

We hope you leave our conversation with a better sense of how we all can help students transfer their writing skills from FYE through the courses in your major. We also hope that the conversation helps you to strengthen your own commitment to writing and writing instruction in your discipline.

RSVP by: April 4, 2016



Building a Functional, Sustainable Undergraduate Research Program: Pitfalls and Practices


Friday April 8, 2016
12:00-1:15 PM
Upham 364 | Lunch Included

Presented by: Jolly Emrey (Department of Political Science), Anneke Lisberg (Department of Biology), Robert Kuzoff (Department of Biology), Jalal Nawash (Department of Physics), and Christopher Veldkamp (Department of Chemistry)

Panelists: Paul House (Department of Chemistry), Peter Jacobs (Department of Geography), Kerry Katovich (Department of Biology), and Carolyn Morgan (Department of Psychology)

  • A cross-disciplinary panel of tenured faculty will discuss their own challenges, solutions, missteps and recommendations for establishing a sustainable UG research lab
  • Topics will include undergraduate researcher recruitment, retention, and training, as well as research support, balance/time-management issues and building a positive climate & community within your lab/undergraduate research projects.
  • Discussions will compare and contrast experiences of panel and attendees to establish best practices for new and experienced faculty
  • Attendees will receive a compendium with helpful information


Attendees will gain:

  1. The ability to identify primary challenges to building and maintaining a successful UGR program
  2. Insights to consider multiple possible approaches to meeting these challenges
  3. Insights to consider how variation in UGR programs by discipline affect best practices

RSVP by: April 5, 2016



Are You Moving Past Being "Mid-Career"?

Thursday March 31, 2016
12:30-1:30 PM
UC 259A | Feel free to bring lunch, beverages and dessert will be provided

Facilitated by: Pam Clinkenbeard (Department of Educational Foundations), Carolyn Morgan (Department of Psychology), and Jim Winship (Department of Social Work)

Are you moving past being “mid-career”? As retirement approaches, wondering how to make the time here at UWW as meaningful as possible? You’re not alone. Join us in a conversation about the challenges and opportunities of teaching when there is an end in sight.


RSVP by: March 24, 2016



Taking the Temperature of the Class: Student Feedback at Mid-Semester


Monday, March 14 2016
12:00-1:00 PM
UC 259A | Lunch Included

Presented by: Barbara Rybski Beaver, LEARN Center & Joan Littlefield Cook, Office of Academic Assessment

What do students think of your class? Are they learning? What is their role in their learning? What might you, and they, do differently? Mid-semester feedback is a formative assessment process designed to give instructors information about how well their class is going and what students are learning when there is still time to make changes.


Participants will learn:

  1. Benefits of mid-semester assessment.
  2. Strategies for conducting a mid-semester assessment.
  3. Ways to discuss and use the feedback in your course.

RSVP by: March 7, 2016



What kind of advisor are you? A discussion on different approaches to academic advising

Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Noon-1:00 PM
UC 259B | Lunch Included

Presented by:
Sarah Seitz (Senior Academic Adviser) and Kristine Yesbeck (Senior Academic Adviser) from the Academic Advising & Exploration Center

Academic advising has expanded beyond simply utilizing check sheets and engaging in one sided conversations.  Presently, it is one of the few structured activities on a campus that allows students to develop a mentoring relationship, connect to campus resources, as well as explore academic and career opportunities.  Enhancing academic and faculty advisors’ skillset begins with exploring various advising techniques and approaches of working with students.  In doing so, advisors can contribute to overall student success and persistence.
*This workshop is open to everyone in our campus community who connects with students in any advising capacity.


Attendees will gain:

  1. An overview of several academic advising approaches such as prescriptive, developmental, proactive (intrusive), and appreciative.
  2. A review of basic skills essential to building effective academic advising interactions.
  3. An opportunity to apply this information through case studies and group discussion.

RSVP by: March 2, 2016



Community-Based Learning Best Practices

Tuesday , March 8th, 2016
12:30-1:30 PM | UC 68
Lunch Included

Presented by:
Choton Basu,
Denise Ehlen, &
Jeff Vanevenhoven

The presenters will share their experiences and involvement with community based learning. They will also share information about how to get involved in community based learning efforts and what resources and opportunities are currently available on campus.

What attendees are likely to learn/gain from attending this presentation:

  1. Community based learning opportunities best practices (needs assessment, co-creating goals/action items, structuring the experience, assessing outcomes, disseminating results)
  2. Strategies to begin to engage in community based learning (including how to identify partners and how to involve students)
  3. Knowledge of available resources (on campus and eternal) to support community based learning

RSVP by: March 1, 2016



Conversations on Teaching

Monday, March 7, 2016
2:00-3:00 PM | UC 268
Light refreshments provided

Facilitated by:

Chris Calvert-Minor, Philosophy & Religious Studies Department and Barbara Rybski Beaver, LEARN Center & Psychology Department

"Does the Teacher Really Matter in the Classroom?"

Have you been pondering the role of the teacher in the classroom? Maybe even wondering if the "art of teaching" is dead? Take a break in your day and join with others in a conversation on what's really important in teaching.

RSVP by: February 29, 2016



Undergraduate Applied Research in Business and Outreach

Monday, February 22, 2016
12:00-1:00 PM | UC 259A
Lunch Included

Presented by:
Jeff Vanevenhoven,
Denise Ehlen,
Ozgur Yavuzcetin (Assistant Professor of Physics), &
Rob Olson (CEO of iButtonLink, a local small business)

Faculty and staff offer a variety of opportunities for students to engage in applied research with business. Successful model programs have included the grant-funded Innovation Corps (iCorps) model and the new Applied Student Apprenticeship Program. This workshop shares “lessons learned” and strategies for engaging undergraduate students—from all disciplines--in applied research with business.

What attendees are likely to learn/gain from attending this presentation:

  1. Opportunities for engaging students in applied research opportunities with businesses
  2. Tools for developing, managing, and assessing the student and applied research experience
  3. Resources and models to create your own opportunities
  4. Strategies for incorporating experiential learning

RSVP by: February 15, 2016



UWW Sustainabilty and Using the Campus as a Living Laboratory

Monday, February 15, 2016
12:00-1:00 PM | UC 259B
Lunch Included

Presented by: Josh Mabie (Assistant Professor of English and Faculty Sustainability Fellow) and Wes Enterline (Sustainability Coordinator)

UWW has recently completed an assessment of the environmental sustainability of all aspects of the university called STARS 2.0 (Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System). Areas reviewed by this assessment include academic programs and research, campus operations, student life, community engagement, and administration and planning. This LEARN Center workshop will briefly survey the findings of the assessment, explain our score, and highlight opportunities for improving the university’s sustainability. After this introduction to campus sustainability efforts, the workshop will provide attendees with opportunities to brainstorm class projects and student research projects that make use of the campus as a living laboratory (e.g., biology project that surveys campus trees, a geography project that maps campus commuting patterns, a drawing class that creates line drawings for campus sustainability signs, a finance or business ethics class that evaluates the UWW endowment portfolio).

Attendees are likely to:

  1. Understand UWW’s sustainability efforts across all divisions of the university (Academics, Operations, Student Engagement, Planning and Administration).
  2. Brainstorm and receive ideas for class activities and student research projects that make use of the campus as a laboratory for learning.
  3. Make connections with people across departments and divisions who can support these projects.
  4. Participate in efforts to make UWW’s campus more sustainable and the world a better place.

RSVP by: February 8, 2016



High Impact (and Low Hassle) Team Teaching

Wednesday, December 9, 2015
12:30 PM
UC 259B | Lunch Included

Presented by:
Tony Gulig, History and Josh Mabie, Languages and Literatures

This workshop/discussion will explore a simple yet effective process by which team teaching across disciplines/departments can take place. Pairing complementary scholarly approaches to similar academic themes across faculty expertise and methodology is an effective way of cultivating student success through alternate perspectives on a central theme. This approach speaks directly to all four LEAPELO categories.

What attendees are likely to learn/gain from attending this presentation:

  1. Develop a successful team taught course(s) while maintaining the integrity of individual disciplinary expertise!
  2. Create a durable, repeatable team taught course through separate syllabi and essential learning outcomes!
  3. Develop a team-teaching process that works seamlessly across programs.



AASCU’s Webinar Series on Assessing Student Learning Outcomes: Do Your Assessments Tell Your University’s Story?

Wednesday, December 2, 2015
11:30-12:30 PM
UC 262 | Lunch Provided

Presented by:

Terry Ackerman, Associate Dean of Research and Assessment, School of Education, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Lauren Bauser, Product Management, ETS
Javarro Russell, Senior Research and Assessment Advisor, ETS

As the focus on student learning outcomes (SLOs) increases, campuses struggle to develop the tools, the data analytics and the community commitment to create the most effective assessment program. The American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) will partner with ETS and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro to offer a free, one-hour webinar on how to get the best results from your assessment processes

Learn More Here


Webinar participants will:

  1. Learn how to choose the best assessment tools for UW-Whitewater
  2. Gain insight on how to use assessment data to accurately reflect our institution's story
  3. Learn how we can bridge the gap between faculty, administrators and students in choosing and implementing an effective assessment plan
  4. Learn about a new suite of ETS assessments focused on critical thinking, written communication, and quantitative literacy, and opportunities to field test the assessments.



Understanding and Destigmatizing PTSD in Veterans and helping them in the Classroom Setting

Thursday, November 12, 2015
12:00-1:00 PM
UC 259

Presented by:

James J. Lickel, Ph.D. (Psychologist, Mental Health Clinic & PTSD Clinical Team: Local Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Coordinator)
Natalie Pitroski (Counselor: University Health & Counseling Services)
Veteran Cody Robinson (Infantry Rifleman 101st Airborne Division; Served in Afghanistan from 2010-2011; Majoring in Marketing)

Dr. James J. Lickel, Psychologist, Mental Health Clinic & PTSD Clinical Team, Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital, will explain the development and maintenance of PTSD, focusing on student veterans. This workshop aims to destigmatize the disorder and to help faculty learn what features of the classroom setting might trigger PTSD symptoms, as well as how they can be aware and helpful to students who may have PTSD. Natalie Pitroski, University Health and Counseling Services, will discuss campus resources available for assisting students struggling with emotional difficulties. Cody Robinson will also be sharing his experience with PTSD as a student veteran as well.

What attendees are likely to learn/gain from attending this presentation:

  1. Faculty & staff will learn what PTSD is, what its core symptoms are, & how prevalent it is both in the general population & among veterans in particular. In order to destigmatize the disorder, Dr. Lickel will offer an explanatory model of the development and maintenance of PTSD.
  2. Attendees will learn the role that avoidance plays in the maintenance of PTSD symptoms.
  3. Faculty will learn what features of the classroom setting may trigger PTSD symptoms & how they can be aware of and helpful to students who may have PTSD.
  4. Attendees will learn what campus resources are available for assisting students struggling with emotional difficulties in the classroom setting.



Join Arlene Jackson for an Interactive Discussion of Global Competence

Tuesday, November 10, 2015
12:00-1:00 PM
UC 259

Presented by:
Arlene Jackson, Associate Vice President for Global Initiatives for American Association of State Colleges and Universities

Communicating effectively; interacting with awareness, sensitivity, empathy, and knowledge of the perspectives of others – these are core components of global competence. Developing global competence is useful to all, and particularly vital to our students’ success in future interactions among diverse groups.  The development of global competence is also part of the LEAP essential learning outcome of “Personal and Social Responsibility” which includes a focus on civic knowledge and engagement at both local and global levels.  

Come join the discussion and learn how to more actively engage students in developing global competence, including active involvement with diverse communities and real-world challenges.

Arlene Jackson is Associate Vice President for Global Initiatives with the American Association of State Colleges and Universities. At AASCU, Jackson develops and implements national programs and activities that expand and enrich the internationalization of colleges and universities. She has also worked for the Institute of International Education at Fairleigh Dickinson University and the Alvin Ailey Dance Center. Jackson has also served as a U.S. Department of State English Language Officer, and has consulted for Academic Year in New York and Operation Crossroads Africa.



Considering a SoTL Project? Comments and Suggestions from Recent WI Teaching Fellows & Scholars

Wednesday, October 14, 2015
12:00-1:00 PM
UC 68

Presented by:
A panel of UWW WI Teaching Fellows & Scholars

The “Scholarship of Teaching and Learning” (or SoTL) can be a daunting title.  Some may have concerns that SoTL activities will be too time-consuming, too artificial, or too likely to interfere with their scholarship in their discipline.  At the same time, instructors are often interested in discovering the impact of a new teaching strategy or curious about other aspects of their pedagogy.

Come to this workshop to talk with several instructors who participated in the Wisconsin Teaching Fellows & Scholars program and who developed SoTL projects here at UWW.  Learn what they liked (or didn’t like) about the process.

What attendees are likely to learn/gain from attending this presentation:

  1. Strategies for conducting SoTL projects at UWW.
  2. Perspectives on the place and function of SoTL projects
  3. Information on OPID programs, including WI Teaching Fellows & Scholars
UWW Outreach Experiences: Sharing Project Stories of Community-Based Learning at UW-Whitewater

October 19, 2015
12:30-1:30 PM
UC 259A | Lunch Included
Click Here to Register

October 12, 2015
Presented By: Dr. Christina N. Outlay, Dr. Andrew P. Ciganek, Dr. Choton Basu
Community-Based Learning is a LEAP High-Impact Educational Practice in which students are given the opportunity to analyze and solve community issues in a classroom environment. In this LEARN Center Workshop, you will be the first to interact with a new tool for using, sharing, and promoting Community-Based Learning experiences at UW-Whitewater. This new tool features project experiences that will appeal to faculty and staff across campus.
What attendees are likely to learn from attending this presentation:
1. How to use the UWW Outreach Experiences wiki space to:
          a. Find example outreach experiences and course materials.
          b. Share your outreach experiences and course materials.
2. Recognize impactful ways of integrating Community-Based Learning into the classroom.
3. Distinguish appropriate methods of assessing Community-Based Learning experiences
4. Identify potential community partners
Register Here
RSVP by October 12, 2015
Student Health 101: An Overview of UWW Student Health Behaviors and Outcomes
Monday, October 12, 2015
Noon-1:00 PM

UC 68 | Lunch Included

Presented by: Whitney Henley, Wellness Coordinator, University Health & Counseling Services
This workshop will provide an overview of UW-Whitewater student’s current health status through a presentation of data gathered through the National College Health Assessment. Topics include: alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use; violence, abusive relationships and personal safety; sexual behavior; nutrition; exercise; mental health; sleep; disease and injury prevention; and academic impacts.
What attendees will likely learn/gain from attending this presentation:
1. An understanding of current patterns of health behaviors and outcomes for UWW students
2. Be able to recognize how UWW students compare to students in the UW System and Nationally
3. Be able to identify several areas in which UWW students are doing well and areas for improvement
Please Register by October 5, 2015
Register Here
SENCER: A Model for Teaching Course Content Through the Lens of Civic Issues
September 15, 2015
11:00 AM-Noon | UC 266
Enjoy an early lunch while learning about SENCER

Presented by: Heather Pelzel, Liz Hachten, Christina Jones,
Kate Ksobiech, and Anneke Lisberg
SENCER is an approach (not a strict pedagogical practice) that aims to: (1) get more students interested and engaged in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), (2) help students connect STEM learning to their other studies, and (3) strengthen students' understanding of science and their capacity for responsible work and citizenship. While the approach was developed and first utilized in STEM fields, it is applicable to all disciplines. In this interactive workshop, teams of participants will have the opportunity to identify a complex social issue and begin to imagine a course narrative around that issue. Participants will also be introduced to the SENCER principles and will hear from a few faculty members who have SENCER-ized their courses.
What are you are likely to gain from this presentation:
1. An understanding of the SENCER ideals
2. A preliminary understanding of how to use the SENCER approach to help your students connect their STEM learning to their other studies
3. A starting point for how to use the SENCER approach in non-STEM courses
Sign Up by September 8, 2015
Register Here

The Power of Research-Based Curriculum: A Discussion of the Biotechnology Program at MassBay

Presented by: Dr. Bruce Jackson (MassBay Community College)
September 23, 2015
12:00-2:00 PM
UC 275 A | Lunch Included

September 16, 2015

Register Here
A pioneer and advocate for high-quality and cutting-edge undergraduate research in a community college setting, Dr. Jackson has  built a well-designed and developmentally-scaffolded program of undergraduate research for biotechnology students at MassBay. This research-based and peer mentoring-intensive Biotechnology Program was designed specifically for nontraditional students. Dr. Jackson is a research leader, productive scholar, teacher, and personal mentor to the twenty MassBay Community College students who have achieved Goldwater Scholar awards (the Goldwater Scholarship is the nation’s highest undergraduate science award). Dr. Jackson received the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring in 2011, and the 2015 CUR-Goldwater Scholars Faculty Mentor Award.
Dr. Jackson with President Obama when receiving the Presidential Award in 2011
What attendees are likely to gain from attending this presentation:

1. The whys and ways of mentoring undergraduate research well

2. A view of research as a team effort: Interdisciplinary collaboration in undergraduate research

3. Ideas for overcoming obstacles and ways to foster non-traditional/underrepresented student success through undergraduate research

4. Strategies for infusing research throughout the curriculum
RSVP By September 16, 2015
Register Here

Promoting Discussion of Difficult Subjects
through Digital Stories

Tuesday, September 22, 2015
12:30 PM-1:30 PM
UC 259
In classrooms, it is often challenging to promote vibrant and healthy discussion about difficult topics such as race, ethnicity, and discrimination. White students often do not want to say the “right thing,” and minority students do not want to “speak for the race.”  The use of short digital stories, personal narratives with photos/video, have been successfully used as a trigger for discussion.

Students seem to feel more comfortable talking about a specific event or situation than talking about a general issue.  As part of the Conversation on Race initiative in 2014-15, in August 2014, ten UWW students completed three-minute digital stories on topics related to race and ethnicity. These stories are available for use in classes and can be found at: 
What participants will gain from attending this presentation?
1. Understand the value of digital stories in this context
2. Understand how to set up the use of digital stories and questions that can be used for the follow-up discussion
3. Understand, from the discussion with other participants, ways to effectively facilitate the discussion of difficult topics
Sign Up by September 15, 2015
Register Here
Faculty Sabbaticals 101
September 14, 2015
Noon-1:30 PM
UC 261 | Lunch Included
Join us for a session to discuss:
- How to use a sabbatical to advance your research and teaching
- Eligibility and application
- Tips for a successful sabbatical proposal
- The sabbatical selection process and how proposals are evaluated

Sign up by September 8, 2015
Sign Up Here
For more information, contact Scott Peters (x5407), peterss@uww.edu or
Seth Meisel (x1103), meisels@uww.edu