LEARN Center

What To Do When ...

On March 10, 2022, at 2:00 – 3:00 pm, Join Andy Browning, Assistant Dean of Students, in a conversation about “what to do when.” The workshop will cover many different scenarios that you are likely to encounter and may need some guidance on. Topics will include what to do when a student has a complaint about you or another student. What to do when you receive medical excuses and doctor's notes and what to do when a student requests an incomplete at the beginning of the semester….to name a few. 

What are attendees likely to learn/gain from attending your presentation (take aways)?

  1. How to navigate delicate situations with a sense of confidence and ease
  2. A greater understanding of different institutional practices and policies 
  3. How to establish healthy boundaries while maintaining a sense of professionalism and tact

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