Center for Inclusive Transition, Education, & Employment (CITEE)


Why Kognito?

Kognito uses evidence-based training modules to guarantee that those trying to learn how to help others does so in a safe and effective way. Each of their modules features different scenarios to allow users to practice concepts as they navigate a conversation with a student and refer them to the school counselor. Their modules offer great videos that go over not only how to help someone in need, but also what to avoid when in a conversation so that you won’t make whoever needs the help stressed out or uncomfortable. 


Kognito is one of the leading providers of online mental health training and has equipped over 1.5 million individuals with the skills necessary to navigate these difficult situations. Kognito’s modules allow trainees to utilize the evidence-based strategies they’ve learned in various role-play scenarios with digital humans programmed to respond and react realistically. For a step-by-step guide to setting up an account accessing these modules, please visit the appropriate section on the FAQ page.  


  • At-Risk for Middle School: Users who go through the program will learn how to identify when a student is suffering from mental health issues and navigate conversations with students to build stronger connections with them and refer them to a school counselor or other professionals. At the end of this module, the person who the user is helping will give them feedback as to what they did well and what they could’ve done better.  


  • At-Risk for High School: Users who go through the program will learn how to identify when a student is suffering from mental health issues and navigate conversations with students to build stronger connections with them and refer them to a school counselor or other professionals. This module offers three different and unique circumstances with three different students going through various problems, which helps the user figure out what their main goal should be when talking to a student.  


  •  Trauma-Informed Practices: Users who go through the program will learn to understand the context behind a student’s behavior, identify warning signs of trauma or distress, and incorporate several techniques into their interactions with a student who is suffering from the effects of trauma to provide support. At the end of the module, they’ll get a brief overview of what they did well, and what could’ve been better. 


  • Friend2Friend: This module, aimed towards students, will provide information and training on how to be a better peer, and tackles topics such as bullying, substance abuse and emotional and mental wellness. At the end of this module, the person who the user is helping will give them feedback as to what they did well and what they could’ve done better. The user will also be given a score and a set of medals to show how well they did. 

Accessing Kognito


General Content Warning (Please read below)


These training courses feature challenging content that may be triggering to some people, such as mentions of suicide, self-harm, and abuse. We encourage you to be emotionally prepared before beginning any of the courses and recommend taking a break if you need to.

If for any reason you do not feel comfortable or safe, please contact 988 or talk to someone you trust.  

(How to reach out, either for questions or getting involved in the program) 


  • Go to via web browser or by clicking on the link 
  • Select the appropriate School District.

Picture 1

  • Select what position you are.

Picture 2

  • Fill the information required on the next page.

Picture 3

  • Once created the account, sign in based on the information you filled in.

Sign in

  • Select the user role that best fits your position and fill out information needed.

Further Information

  • Select the course you would like to complete.

Select Course



Center for Inclusive Transition, Education, & Employment (CITEE)
Community Engagement Center
1260 W. Main Street
Whitewater, WI 53190


Mental Health Awareness and Training (MHAT):


Phone: (262) 472-1702

Fax: (262) 472-4116