Undergraduate Research Program
Research Apprenticeship Program

Join RAP!

The UW- Whitewater Research Apprentice Program (RAP) is a wonderful opportunity for Freshman and Sophmore level students to get their feet wet in research and get paid for it! Our office offers research opportunities to all majors and areas of interest on campus, even the arts! Our program is a great way for students to improve upon and learn new skills in their area of interest. As a paid and flexible position on campus, you don't want to miss out on RAP.

Watch the video below as the former Undergraduate Research Program's Director, Ana Caballero Mengibar, and the former Research Apprentice Program's Coordinator, Mike Unhoch, share what RAP is and why freshmen, sophomores, and first-year transfer students should consider joining the program during their time at UW-Whitewater.  


RAP Student Application- Academic year 2023-2024 (Opens September 11, 2023 and closes October 13, 2023)

The Research Apprentice Program (RAP) provides eligible students with a paid research opportunity to assist a faculty mentor with a research project for an hourly wage up to 125 hours per academic year.  Due to limited resources, spaces are limited, applications close on Friday, October 13th, 2023. Students can apply with a particular faculty/staff member in mind or the Undergraduate Research Program staff will attempt to match students and mentors with similar research interests. RAP funding is available for the academic year 2023-2024.

If you are a King/Chavez Scholar you will complete research during the Spring semester. Please reach out to your King/Chavez Coordinator for questions about the research requirements for your cohort.

RAP Mentor Application- Academic year 2023-2024 (Opens September 11, 2023 and closes October 13, 2023)

If you are a facutly/staff member who is looking for research assistants, please click the link above to request student assistants. The link above is ONLY for mentors. Depending on your research needs, you can request up to 125 hours from your research assistants and we can pair you with students with comparable interests/availability.   The URP/RAP office will consider all information given to match faculty with students whose academic interests align with the department of the project. Due to limited resources, spaces are limited and will be filled mostly on a first-come basis, however final decisions will be made by the URP team.If you want some guidance about being a mentor, check out our Guide for Mentoring RAP Student Researchers.


Eligible RAP Students:

  • Have completed less than 72 credits
  • Can be traditional, non-traditional, transfer, or international students
  • Will be matched and expected to work with a faculty/staff member holding at least a 50% appointment during the apprenticeship
  • Will be prioritized during the matching process if the student obtains faculty/staff endorsement

*Preference is given to students who are enrolled full-time on campus and are first degree seekers.

Ineligible Students:

  • Juniors or Seniors (exception for first-year transfer students)
  • Students who have previously participated in RAP


Application Review Process

Applications are reviewed by the Undergraduate Research Program staff.

  • Students and mentors that have identified a preference to work together are matched first.
  • Student applicants who have not identified a mentor may be matched with a mentor of similar interest (keep in mind that the matching process takes time).
  • The Undergraduate Research Program staff will send the matched faculty or staff member a request for mentorship that includes the matched student’s application.
  • If the mentor confirms that they are willing to work with the student, the Undergraduate Research staff will let the student know that they have a mentor.
  • If both the student and mentor are willing to work together, they complete the online obligation form sent to them at that time.
  • The student should arrange an orientation meeting with the RAP coordinator to complete hiring paperwork. This RAP orientation must be completed prior to the end of the Fall semester.
  • Once the paperwork is completed, students can begin logging hours with their mentor.


Rules for Expenditures

Student Hourly Wages:

  • Students involved in RAP earn an hourly wage of $9.75 for up to 125 hours on the faculty-led research project for one academic year.
  • Students can only work a total of 20 hours per week for all student hourly positions at UWW.
  • If the student does not use all 125 hours, they CANNOT carry over the hours into the following academic year.

Mentor Research Expenses:

Permitted Expenditures:

  • Mentors will be given money towards research supplies: $200 per student they mentor
  • Materials for conducting the research project (software, equipment, supplies, etc.)
  • Books (no more than $100.00 per RAP student)
  • Travel costs for conference presentations (RAP students are marked as co-presenters)
  • Publication fees with RAP students as co-authors
  • Mentors please let us know if students stop working on project. We have limited funding and would like to maximize our funds to those willing to work.

Prohibited Expenditures:

  • Salary/wages for students, mentors, and/or participants
  • Furniture

*All materials purchased with grant funds belong to the university. Funds must be spent following university guidelines within the university's fiscal year. For more information see our Grant Purchasing Page.


Requirements and Expectations

If awarded an apprenticeship, students must (once contacted by RAP staff):

If awarded an apprentice, mentors must (once contacted by RAP staff):

  • Complete an obligation form
  • Provide student(s) with mentorship throughout the research project
  • Discuss required RAP training with student(s)
  • Complete a web survey at the end of the academic year


Frequently Asked Questions

What is URP researching?

The Undergraduate Research Program is simply a home to many research opportunities offered on campus. After RAP, students can participate in student-led programs where they can pose their own questions or create their own projects. Browse programs after RAP!

Are there research opportunities in my major?

Yes! Research opportunities are offered for every major and field of interest on campus, providing there is a faculty/staff member available to mentor in the desired area. For creative majors (Art, Dance, MAGD, etc.), RAP projects involve working hands-on with their medium and learning new skills alongisde a mentor.

Will joining RAP be a burden during my Freshman year?

Not at all! Many Freshmen participate in RAP without any problems academically. RAP works well with a student’s schedule, so they can pick and choose what hours work best for them. RAP students are also paid an hourly wage, so this is a great opportunity for a campus job for first and second year students!


Contact URP
  • Anderson, 2124
  • Email: urp@uww.edu
  • Phone: (262) 472-5085
Contact RAP
  • Anderson, 2124
  • Email: rap@uww.edu
  • Phone: (262) 472-1484