How to Write an Appeal
1. Accurately and completely fill out the all sections on the ‘Student Information’ and ‘Academic Information’ sections
*Note: students can always access their academic information on WINS, provided that their password has not expired (please contact the Computer Help Desk at 262-472-4357 if you experience problems accessing your WINS account).
2. Fill out the ‘Involvement Information’ and ‘Explanation’ section as clearly and specifically as possible. If you are a student that has struggled academically in previous terms or institutions, you should address these on-going issues. Also, provide a clear and detailed explanation of how you plan to improve your academic performance and the services and resources that you will utilize.
3. Include documentation of any extenuating circumstances that contributed to your poor academic performance.
4. Provide additional documentation that is pertinent to your appeal (i.e. letters of recommendation from faculty or staff members). Note: this is not a requirement.
5. Review your appeal before submission to make sure that it is free of grammatical and spelling errors.