The Division for Finance and Administrative Affairs' mission is to provide leadership in the management of University resources and to deliver quality financial, human, and facility support services in an efficient and effective customer-focused manner in support of the institution's teaching, research, and public service missions.
Vision Statement
Finance and Administrative Affairs is a comprehensive and diverse entity within the University. Each unit within the Division:
- Delivers value-added customer services.
- Values and responds to customer needs.
- Uses effective priority setting, resource management, communication, current technologies and best business practices.
- Remains current with external regulations and interprets them to all stakeholders.
- Recognizes that employees are the most important resource by promoting employee participation and by providing employees with training and career development opportunities.
- Recognizes change as a process critical to the development of the institution, leads in participatory change, and supports worthwhile change in other units.
- Participates in the learning process by providing students with valuable work experiences and by educating students on becoming responsible citizens.
Goal Statements
- Make state-of-the-art technology and software available to all division staff, as appropriate, and assure those who use the technology are provided with the proper training to maximize its benefits.
- Ensure that each unit in the division has a well-developed plan to provide opportunities for employees to enhance their knowledge and skills, to improve their performance, and to develop professionally.
- Institute and administer a process that ensures all division activities and processes are developed, administered, and evaluated in the context of their effectiveness in providing quality value added service to the customer.
- Ensure that each unit in the Division has a well-developed mission, vision, and action plan that is consistent with the division's mission and goals and articulates its role in implementing the University's strategic plan and goals.
- Work with each unit in the Division to develop and administer processes to conduct a thorough and periodic assessment of its services.