Tuition and fees vary depending on your residency status, campus location, and enrolled courses. Be sure to check Instruction Mode/Course Modality and Schedule of Classes for information related to these fees.
View more information on the Cost of Attendance.
The fee schedules below applies to 2-year students at the Rock County campus location. Standard tuition rates are per credit. Additional course or distance education fees may be required.
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$98.97 |
$11.40 |
$110.37 |
1 |
$197.93 |
$22.80 |
$220.73 |
2 |
$395.86 |
$45.60 |
$441.46 |
3 |
$593.79 |
$68.40 |
$662.19 |
4 |
$791.72 |
$91.20 |
$882.92 |
5 |
$989.65 |
$114.00 |
$1103.65 |
6 |
$1187.58 |
$136.80 |
$1324.38 |
7 |
$1385.51 |
$159.60 |
$1545.11 |
8 |
$1583.44 |
$182.40 |
$1765.84 |
9 |
$1781.37 |
$205.20 |
$1986.57 |
10 |
$1979.30 |
$228.00 |
$2207.30 |
11 |
$2177.23 |
$250.80 |
$2428.03 |
12-18 |
$2375.16 |
$273.57 |
$2648.73 |
more than 18, additional per credit |
$197.93 |
no additional segregated fees |
$197.93 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Non-Resident Tuition |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$98.97 |
$157.73 |
$11.40 |
$268.10 |
1 |
$197.93 |
$315.45 |
$22.80 |
$536.18 |
2 |
$395.86 |
$630.90 |
$45.60 |
$1072.36 |
3 |
$593.79 |
$946.35 |
$68.40 |
$1608.54 |
4 |
$791.72 |
$1261.80 |
$91.20 |
$2144.72 |
5 |
$989.65 |
$1577.25 |
$114.00 |
$2680.90 |
6 |
$1187.58 |
$1892.70 |
$136.80 |
$3217.08 |
7 |
$1385.51 |
$2208.15 |
$159.60 |
$3753.26 |
8 |
$1583.44 |
$2523.60 |
$182.40 |
$4289.44 |
9 |
$1781.37 |
$2839.05 |
$205.20 |
$4825.62 |
10 |
$1979.30 |
$3154.50 |
$228.00 |
$5361.80 |
11 |
$2177.23 |
$3469.95 |
$250.80 |
$5897.98 |
12-18 |
$2375.16 |
$3785.40 |
$273.57 |
$6434.13 |
more than 18, additional per credit |
$197.93 |
$315.45 |
no additional segregated fees |
$513.38 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$131.21 |
$11.40 |
$142.61 |
1 |
$262.43 |
$22.80 |
$285.23 |
2 |
$524.86 |
$45.60 |
$570.46 |
3 |
$787.29 |
$68.40 |
$855.69 |
4 |
$1049.72 |
$91.20 |
$1140.92 |
5 |
$1312.15 |
$114.00 |
$1426.15 |
6 |
$1574.58 |
$136.80 |
$1711.38 |
7 |
$1837.01 |
$159.60 |
$1996.61 |
8 |
$2099.44 |
$182.40 |
$2281.84 |
9 |
$2361.87 |
$205.20 |
$2567.07 |
10 |
$2624.30 |
$228.00 |
$2852.30 |
11 |
$2886.73 |
$250.80 |
$3137.53 |
12-18 |
$3149.16 |
$273.57 |
$3422.73 |
more than 18, additional per charge |
$262.43 |
no additional segregated fees |
$262.43 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Non-Resident Tuition |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$131.21 |
$157.77 |
$11.40 |
$300.38 |
1 |
$262.43 |
$315.54 |
$22.80 |
$600.77 |
2 |
$524.86 |
$631.08 |
$45.60 |
$1201.54 |
3 |
$787.29 |
$946.62 |
$68.40 |
$1802.31 |
4 |
$1049.72 |
$1262.16 |
$91.20 |
$2403.08 |
5 |
$1312.15 |
$1577.70 |
$114.00 |
$3003.85 |
6 |
$1574.58 |
$1893.24 |
$136.80 |
$3604.62 |
7 |
$1837.01 |
$2208.78 |
$159.60 |
$4205.39 |
8 |
$2099.44 |
$2524.32 |
$182.40 |
$4806.16 |
9 |
$2361.87 |
$2839.86 |
$205.20 |
$5406.93 |
10 |
$2624.30 |
$3155.40 |
$228.00 |
$6007.70 |
11 |
$2886.73 |
$3470.94 |
$250.80 |
$6608.47 |
12-18 |
$3149.16 |
$3786.48 |
$273.57 |
$7209.21 |
more than 18, additional per credit |
$262.43 |
$315.54 |
no additional segregated fees |
$577.97 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
Undergraduate AAS
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
MN Reciprocity Tuition |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$98.97 |
$11.74 |
$11.40 |
$122.11 |
1 |
$197.93 |
$23.47 |
$22.80 |
$244.20 |
2 |
$395.86 |
$46.94 |
$45.60 |
$488.40 |
3 |
$593.79 |
$70.41 |
$68.40 |
$732.60 |
4 |
$791.72 |
$93.88 |
$91.20 |
$976.80 |
5 |
$989.65 |
$117.35 |
$114.00 |
$1221.00 |
6 |
$1187.58 |
$140.82 |
$136.80 |
$1465.20 |
7 |
$1385.51 |
$164.29 |
$159.60 |
$1709.40 |
8 |
$1583.44 |
$187.76 |
$182.40 |
$1953.60 |
9 |
$1781.37 |
$211.23 |
$205.20 |
$2197.80 |
10 |
$1979.30 |
$234.70 |
$228.00 |
$2442.00 |
11 |
$2177.23 |
$258.17 |
$250.80 |
$2686.20 |
12-18 |
$2375.16 |
$281.64 |
$273.57 |
$2930.37 |
more than 18, additional per credit |
$197.93 |
$23.47 |
no additional segregated fees |
$221.40 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
Undergraduate BAAS
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
MN Reciprocity Tuition |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$131.21 |
$49.75 |
$11.40 |
$192.36 |
1 |
$262.43 |
$99.50 |
$22.80 |
$384.73 |
2 |
$524.86 |
$199.00 |
$45.60 |
$769.46 |
3 |
$787.29 |
$298.50 |
$68.40 |
$1154.19 |
4 |
$1049.72 |
$398.00 |
$91.20 |
$1538.92 |
5 |
$1312.15 |
$497.50 |
$114.00 |
$1923.65 |
6 |
$1574.58 |
$597.00 |
$136.80 |
$2308.38 |
7 |
$1837.01 |
$696.50 |
$159.60 |
$2693.11 |
8 |
$2099.44 |
$796.00 |
$182.40 |
$3077.84 |
9 |
$2361.87 |
$895.50 |
$205.20 |
$3462.57 |
10 |
$2624.30 |
$995.00 |
$228.00 |
$3847.30 |
11 |
$2886.73 |
$1094.50 |
$250.80 |
$4232.03 |
12-18 |
$3149.16 |
$1194.00 |
$273.57 |
$4616.73 |
more than 18, additional per credit |
$262.43 |
$99.50 |
no additional segregated fees |
$361.93 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
Undergraduate AAS
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
MSEP Tuition |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$98.97 |
$49.49 |
$11.40 |
$159.86 |
1 |
$197.93 |
$98.97 |
$22.80 |
$319.70 |
2 |
$395.86 |
$197.94 |
$45.60 |
$639.40 |
3 |
$593.79 |
$296.91 |
$68.40 |
$959.10 |
4 |
$791.72 |
$395.88 |
$91.20 |
$1278.80 |
5 |
$989.65 |
$494.85 |
$114.00 |
$1598.50 |
6 |
$1187.58 |
$593.82 |
$136.79 |
$1918.20 |
7 |
$1385.51 |
$692.79 |
$159.60 |
$2237.90 |
8 |
$1583.44 |
$791.76 |
$182.40 |
$2557.60 |
9 |
$1781.37 |
$890.73 |
$205.20 |
$2877.30 |
10 |
$1979.30 |
$989.70 |
$228.00 |
$3197.00 |
11 |
$2177.23 |
$1088.67 |
$250.80 |
$3516.70 |
12-18 |
$2375.16 |
$1187.64 |
$273.57 |
$3836.37 |
more than 18, additional per credit |
$197.93 |
$98.97 |
no additional segregated fees |
$296.90 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
Undergraduate BAAS
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
MSEP Tuition |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$131.21 |
$65.61 |
$11.40 |
$208.22 |
1 |
$262.43 |
$131.22 |
$22.80 |
$416.45 |
2 |
$524.86 |
$262.44 |
$45.60 |
$832.90 |
3 |
$787.29 |
$393.66 |
$68.40 |
$1249.35 |
4 |
$1049.72 |
$524.88 |
$91.20 |
$1665.80 |
5 |
$1312.15 |
$656.10 |
$114.00 |
$2082.25 |
6 |
$1574.58 |
$787.32 |
$136.79 |
$2498.69 |
7 |
$1837.01 |
$918.54 |
$159.60 |
$2915.15 |
8 |
$2099.44 |
$1049.76 |
$182.40 |
$3331.60 |
9 |
$2361.87 |
$1180.98 |
$205.20 |
$3748.05 |
10 |
$2624.30 |
$1312.20 |
$228.00 |
$4164.50 |
11 |
$2886.73 |
$1443.42 |
$250.80 |
$4580.95 |
12-18 |
$3149.16 |
$1574.64 |
$273.57 |
$4997.37 |
more than 18, additional per credit |
$262.43 |
$131.22 |
no additional segregated fees |
$393.65 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
Undergraduate AAS
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
RTW Tuition |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$98.97 |
$93.55 |
$11.40 |
$203.92 |
1 |
$197.93 |
$187.11 |
$22.80 |
$407.84 |
2 |
$395.86 |
$374.22 |
$45.60 |
$815.68 |
3 |
$593.79 |
$561.33 |
$68.40 |
$1223.52 |
4 |
$791.72 |
$748.44 |
$91.20 |
$1631.36 |
5 |
$989.65 |
$935.55 |
$114.00 |
$2039.20 |
6 |
$1187.58 |
$1122.66 |
$136.79 |
$2447.03 |
7 |
$1385.51 |
$1309.77 |
$159.60 |
$2854.88 |
8 |
$1583.44 |
$1496.88 |
$182.40 |
$3262.72 |
9 |
$1781.37 |
$1683.99 |
$205.20 |
$3670.56 |
10 |
$1979.30 |
$1871.10 |
$228.00 |
$4078.40 |
11 |
$2177.23 |
$2058.21 |
$250.80 |
$4486.24 |
12-18 |
$2375.16 |
$2245.32 |
$273.57 |
$4894.05 |
more than 18, additional per credit |
$197.93 |
$187.11 |
no additional segregated fees |
$385.04 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
The following courses and programs have special tuition rates and fees, and do not conform to the standard fee schedules.
Program |
Cost |
UW Extended Campus AAS Online Collaboration |
$320.00 per credit |
Undergraduate AAS Audit Only, Resident |
$59.00 per credit |
Undergraduate AAS Audit Only, Non-Resident |
$257.00 per credit |
Undergraduate BAAS Audit Only, Resident |
$79.00 per credit |
Undergraduate BAAS Audit Only, Non-Resident |
$289.00 per credit |
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$98.97 |
$11.40 |
$110.37 |
1 |
$197.93 |
$22.80 |
$220.73 |
2 |
$395.86 |
$45.60 |
$441.46 |
3 |
$593.79 |
$68.40 |
$662.19 |
4 |
$791.72 |
$91.20 |
$882.92 |
5 |
$989.65 |
$114.00 |
$1103.65 |
6-9 |
$1187.58 |
$136.80 |
$1324.38 |
more than 9, additional per credit |
$197.93 |
$22.80 |
$220.73 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Non-Resident Tuition |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$98.97 |
$157.73 |
$11.40 |
$268.10 |
1 |
$197.93 |
$315.45 |
$22.80 |
$536.18 |
2 |
$395.86 |
$630.90 |
$45.60 |
$1072.36 |
3 |
$593.79 |
$946.35 |
$68.40 |
$1608.54 |
4 |
$791.72 |
$1261.80 |
$91.20 |
$2144.72 |
5 |
$989.65 |
$1577.25 |
$114.00 |
$2680.90 |
6-9 |
$1187.58 |
$1892.70 |
$136.80 |
$3217.08 |
more than 9, additional per credit |
$197.93 |
$315.45 |
$22.80 |
$536.18 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$131.21 |
$11.40 |
$142.61 |
1 |
$262.43 |
$22.80 |
$285.23 |
2 |
$524.86 |
$45.60 |
$570.46 |
3 |
$787.29 |
$68.40 |
$855.69 |
4 |
$1049.72 |
$91.20 |
$1140.92 |
5 |
$1312.15 |
$114.00 |
$1426.15 |
6-9 |
$1574.58 |
$136.79 |
$1711.37 |
more than 9, additional per credit |
$262.43 |
$22.80 |
$285.23 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Non-Resident Tuition |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$131.21 |
$157.77 |
$11.40 |
$300.38 |
1 |
$262.43 |
$315.54 |
$22.80 |
$600.77 |
2 |
$524.86 |
$631.08 |
$45.60 |
$1201.54 |
3 |
$787.29 |
$946.62 |
$68.40 |
$1802.31 |
4 |
$1049.72 |
$1262.16 |
$91.20 |
$2403.08 |
5 |
$1312.15 |
$1577.70 |
$114.00 |
$3003.85 |
6-9 |
$1574.58 |
$1893.24 |
$136.79 |
$3604.61 |
more than 9, additional per credit |
$262.43 |
$315.54 |
$22.80 |
$600.77 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
Undergraduate AAS
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
MN Reciprocity Tuition |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$98.97 |
$11.74 |
$11.40 |
$122.11 |
1 |
$197.93 |
$23.47 |
$22.80 |
$244.20 |
2 |
$395.86 |
$46.94 |
$45.60 |
$488.40 |
3 |
$593.79 |
$70.41 |
$68.40 |
$732.60 |
4 |
$791.72 |
$93.88 |
$91.20 |
$976.80 |
5 |
$989.65 |
$117.35 |
$114.00 |
$1221.00 |
6-9 |
$1187.58 |
$140.82 |
$136.79 |
$1465.19 |
more than 9, additional per credit |
$197.93 |
$23.47 |
$22.80 |
$244.20 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
Undergraduate BAAS
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
MN Reciprocity Tuition |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$131.21 |
$49.75 |
$11.40 |
$192.36 |
1 |
$262.43 |
$99.50 |
$22.80 |
$384.73 |
2 |
$524.86 |
$199.00 |
$45.60 |
$769.46 |
3 |
$787.29 |
$298.50 |
$68.40 |
$1154.19 |
4 |
$1049.72 |
$398.00 |
$91.20 |
$1538.92 |
5 |
$1312.15 |
$497.50 |
$114.00 |
$1923.65 |
6-9 |
$1574.58 |
$597.00 |
$136.79 |
$2308.37 |
more than 9, additional per credit |
$262.43 |
$99.50 |
$22.80 |
$384.73 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
Undergraduate AAS
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
MSEP Tuition |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$98.97 |
$49.48 |
$11.40 |
$159.85 |
1 |
$197.93 |
$98.97 |
$22.80 |
$319.70 |
2 |
$395.86 |
$197.94 |
$45.60 |
$639.40 |
3 |
$593.79 |
$296.91 |
$68.40 |
$959.10 |
4 |
$791.72 |
$395.88 |
$91.20 |
$1278.80 |
5 |
$989.65 |
$494.85 |
$114.00 |
$1598.50 |
6-9 |
$1187.58 |
$593.82 |
$136.79 |
$1918.19 |
more than 9, additional per credit |
$197.93 |
$98.97 |
$22.80 |
$319.70 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
Undergraduate BAAS
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
MSEP Tuition |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$131.21 |
$65.61 |
$11.40 |
$208.22 |
1 |
$262.43 |
$131.22 |
$22.80 |
$416.45 |
2 |
$524.86 |
$262.44 |
$45.60 |
$832.90 |
3 |
$787.29 |
$393.66 |
$68.40 |
$1249.35 |
4 |
$1049.72 |
$524.88 |
$91.20 |
$1665.80 |
5 |
$1312.15 |
$656.10 |
$114.00 |
$2082.25 |
6-9 |
$1574.58 |
$787.32 |
$136.79 |
$2498.69 |
more than 9, additional per credit |
$262.43 |
$131.22 |
$22.80 |
$416.45 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
Undergraduate AAS
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
RTW Tuition |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$98.97 |
$93.55 |
$11.40 |
$203.92 |
1 |
$197.93 |
$187.11 |
$22.80 |
$407.84 |
2 |
$395.86 |
$374.22 |
$45.60 |
$815.68 |
3 |
$593.79 |
$561.33 |
$68.40 |
$1223.52 |
4 |
$791.72 |
$748.44 |
$91.20 |
$1631.36 |
5 |
$989.65 |
$935.55 |
$114.00 |
$2039.20 |
6-9 |
$1187.58 |
$1122.66 |
$136.79 |
$2447.03 |
more than 9, additional per credit |
$197.93 |
$187.11 |
$22.80 |
$407.83 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
The following courses and programs have special tuition rates and fees, and do not conform to the standard fee schedules.
Program |
Cost |
UW Extended Campus AAS Online Collaboration |
$320.00 per credit |
Undergraduate AAS Audit Only, Resident |
$59.00 per credit |
Undergraduate AAS Audit Only, Non-Resident |
$257.00 per credit |
Undergraduate BAAS Audit Only, Resident |
$79.00 per credit |
Undergraduate BAAS Audit Only, Non-Resident |
$289.00 per credit |
The fee schedules below apply to students at the Whitewater campus location. Standard tuition rates are per credit. Additional course or distance education fees may be required.
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Differential Tuition (Advising Fee) |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$131.22 |
$4.59 |
$28.02 |
$163.83 |
1 |
$262.43 |
$9.19 |
$56.05 |
$327.67 |
2 |
$524.86 |
$18.38 |
$112.10 |
$655.34 |
3 |
$787.29 |
$27.57 |
$168.15 |
$983.01 |
4 |
$1049.72 |
$36.76 |
$224.20 |
$1310.68 |
5 |
$1312.15 |
$45.95 |
$280.25 |
$1638.35 |
6 |
$1574.58 |
$55.14 |
$336.30 |
$1966.02 |
7 |
$1837.01 |
$64.33 |
$392.35 |
$2293.69 |
8 |
$2099.44 |
$73.52 |
$448.40 |
$2621.36 |
9 |
$2361.87 |
$82.71 |
$504.45 |
$2949.03 |
10 |
$2624.30 |
$91.90 |
$560.50 |
$3276.70 |
11 |
$2886.73 |
$101.09 |
$616.55 |
$3604.37 |
12-18 |
$3149.16 |
$110.28 |
$672.65 |
$3932.09 |
more than 18, additional per credit |
$262.43 |
no additional differential (advising) fees |
no additional segregated fees |
$262.43 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Non-Resident Tuition |
Differential Tuition (Advising Fee) |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$131.22 |
$191.15 |
$4.59 |
$28.02 |
$354.98 |
1 |
$262.43 |
$382.30 |
$9.19 |
$56.05 |
$709.97 |
2 |
$524.86 |
$764.60 |
$18.38 |
$112.10 |
$1419.94 |
3 |
$787.29 |
$1146.90 |
$27.57 |
$168.15 |
$2129.91 |
4 |
$1049.72 |
$1529.20 |
$36.76 |
$224.20 |
$2839.88 |
5 |
$1312.15 |
$1911.50 |
$45.95 |
$280.25 |
$3549.85 |
6 |
$1574.58 |
$2293.80 |
$55.14 |
$336.30 |
$4259.82 |
7 |
$1837.01 |
$2676.10 |
$64.33 |
$392.35 |
$4969.79 |
8 |
$2099.44 |
$3058.40 |
$73.52 |
$448.40 |
$5679.76 |
9 |
$2361.87 |
$3440.70 |
$82.71 |
$504.45 |
$6389.73 |
10 |
$2624.30 |
$3823.00 |
$91.90 |
$560.50 |
$7099.70 |
11 |
$2886.73 |
$4205.30 |
$101.09 |
$616.55 |
$7809.67 |
12-18 |
$3149.16 |
$4587.60 |
$110.28 |
$672.65 |
$8519.69 |
more than 18, additional per credit |
$262.43 |
$382.30 |
no additional differential tuition |
no additional segregated fees |
$644.73 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
MN Reciprocity Tuition |
Differential Tuition (Advising Fee) |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$131.22 |
$45.15 |
$4.59 |
$28.02 |
$208.98 |
1 |
$262.43 |
$90.31 |
$9.19 |
$56.05 |
$417.98 |
2 |
$524.86 |
$180.62 |
$18.38 |
$112.10 |
$835.96 |
3 |
$787.29 |
$270.93 |
$27.57 |
$168.15 |
$1253.94 |
4 |
$1049.72 |
$361.24 |
$36.76 |
$224.20 |
$1671.92 |
5 |
$1312.15 |
$451.55 |
$45.95 |
$280.25 |
$2089.90 |
6 |
$1574.58 |
$541.86 |
$55.14 |
$336.30 |
$2507.88 |
7 |
$1837.01 |
$632.17 |
$64.33 |
$392.35 |
$2925.86 |
8 |
$2099.44 |
$722.48 |
$73.52 |
$448.40 |
$3343.84 |
9 |
$2361.87 |
$812.79 |
$82.71 |
$504.45 |
$3761.82 |
10 |
$2624.30 |
$903.10 |
$91.90 |
$560.50 |
$4179.80 |
11 |
$2886.73 |
$993.41 |
$101.09 |
$616.55 |
$4597.78 |
12-18 |
$3149.16 |
$1083.72 |
$110.28 |
$672.65 |
$5015.81 |
more than 18, additional per credit |
$262.43 |
$90.31 |
$9.19 |
no additional segregated fees |
$361.93 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
Midwest Student Exchange Program
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
MSEP Tuition |
Differential Tuition (Advising Fee) |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$131.22 |
$65.61 |
$4.59 |
$28.02 |
$229.44 |
1 |
$262.43 |
$131.22 |
$9.19 |
$56.05 |
$458.89 |
2 |
$524.86 |
$262.44 |
$18.38 |
$112.10 |
$917.78 |
3 |
$787.29 |
$393.66 |
$27.57 |
$168.15 |
$1376.67 |
4 |
$1049.72 |
$524.88 |
$36.76 |
$224.20 |
$1835.56 |
5 |
$1312.15 |
$656.10 |
$45.95 |
$280.25 |
$2294.45 |
6 |
$1574.58 |
$787.32 |
$55.14 |
$336.30 |
$2753.34 |
7 |
$1837.01 |
$918.54 |
$64.33 |
$392.35 |
$3212.23 |
8 |
$2099.44 |
$1049.76 |
$73.52 |
$448.40 |
$3671.12 |
9 |
$2361.87 |
$1180.98 |
$82.71 |
$504.45 |
$4130.01 |
10 |
$2624.30 |
$1312.20 |
$91.90 |
$560.50 |
$4588.90 |
11 |
$2886.73 |
$1443.42 |
$101.09 |
$616.55 |
$5047.79 |
12-18 |
$3149.16 |
$1574.64 |
$110.28 |
$672.65 |
$5506.73 |
more than 18, additional per credit |
$262.43 |
$131.22 |
no additional differential tuition |
no additional segregated fees |
$393.65 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
RTW Tuition |
Differential Tuition (Advising Fee) |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$131.22 |
$110.56 |
$4.59 |
$28.02 |
$274.39 |
1 |
$262.43 |
$221.12 |
$9.19 |
$56.05 |
$548.79 |
2 |
$524.86 |
$442.24 |
$18.38 |
$112.10 |
$1097.58 |
3 |
$787.29 |
$663.36 |
$27.57 |
$168.15 |
$1646.37 |
4 |
$1049.72 |
$884.48 |
$36.76 |
$224.20 |
$2195.16 |
5 |
$1312.15 |
$1105.60 |
$45.95 |
$280.25 |
$2743.95 |
6 |
$1574.58 |
$1326.72 |
$55.14 |
$336.30 |
$3292.74 |
7 |
$1837.01 |
$1547.84 |
$64.33 |
$392.35 |
$3841.53 |
8 |
$2099.44 |
$1768.96 |
$73.52 |
$448.40 |
$4390.32 |
9 |
$2361.87 |
$1990.08 |
$82.71 |
$504.45 |
$4939.11 |
10 |
$2624.30 |
$2211.20 |
$91.90 |
$560.50 |
$5487.90 |
11 |
$2886.73 |
$2432.32 |
$101.09 |
$616.55 |
$6036.69 |
12-18 |
$3149.16 |
$2653.44 |
$110.28 |
$672.65 |
$6585.53 |
more than 18, additional per credit |
$262.43 |
$221.12 |
no additional differential tuition |
no additional segregated fees |
$483.55 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
The following courses and programs have special tuition rates and fees, and do not conform to the standard fee schedules.
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Differential Tuition (Advising Fee) |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$131.22 |
$4.59 |
$28.02 |
$163.83 |
1 |
$262.43 |
$9.19 |
$56.05 |
$327.67 |
2 |
$524.86 |
$18.38 |
$112.10 |
$655.34 |
3 |
$787.29 |
$27.57 |
$168.15 |
$983.01 |
4 |
$1049.72 |
$36.76 |
$224.20 |
$1310.68 |
5 |
$1312.15 |
$45.95 |
$280.25 |
$1638.35 |
6-9 |
$1574.58 |
$55.14 |
$336.30 |
$1966.02 |
more than 9, additional per credit |
$262.43 |
no additional differential tuition |
$56.05 |
$318.48 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Non-Resident Tuition |
Differential Tuition (Advising Fee) |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$131.22 |
$191.15 |
$4.59 |
$28.02 |
$354.98 |
1 |
$262.43 |
$382.30 |
$9.19 |
$56.05 |
$709.97 |
2 |
$524.86 |
$764.60 |
$18.38 |
$112.10 |
$1419.94 |
3 |
$787.29 |
$1146.90 |
$27.57 |
$168.15 |
$2129.91 |
4 |
$1049.72 |
$1529.20 |
$36.76 |
$224.20 |
$2839.88 |
5 |
$1312.15 |
$1911.50 |
$45.95 |
$280.25 |
$3549.85 |
6-9 |
$1574.58 |
$2293.80 |
$55.14 |
$336.30 |
$4259.82 |
more than 9, additional per credit |
$262.43 |
$382.30 |
no additional differential tuition |
$56.05 |
$700.78 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
MN Reciprocity Tuition |
Differential Tuition (Advising Fee) |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$131.22 |
$45.15 |
$4.59 |
$28.02 |
$208.98 |
1 |
$262.43 |
$90.31 |
$9.19 |
$56.05 |
$417.98 |
2 |
$524.86 |
$180.62 |
$18.38 |
$112.10 |
$835.96 |
3 |
$787.29 |
$270.93 |
$27.57 |
$168.15 |
$1253.94 |
4 |
$1049.72 |
$361.24 |
$36.76 |
$224.20 |
$1671.92 |
5 |
$1312.15 |
$451.55 |
$45.95 |
$280.25 |
$2089.90 |
6-9 |
$1574.58 |
$541.86 |
$55.14 |
$336.32 |
$2507.90 |
more than 9, additional per credit |
$262.43 |
$90.31 |
$9.19 |
$56.05 |
$417.98 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
Midwest Student Exchange Program
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
MSEP Tuition |
Differential Tuition (Advising Fee) |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$131.22 |
$65.61 |
$4.59 |
$28.02 |
$229.44 |
1 |
$262.43 |
$131.22 |
$9.19 |
$56.05 |
$458.89 |
2 |
$524.86 |
$262.44 |
$18.38 |
$112.10 |
$917.78 |
3 |
$787.29 |
$393.66 |
$27.57 |
$168.15 |
$1376.67 |
4 |
$1049.72 |
$524.88 |
$36.76 |
$224.20 |
$1835.56 |
5 |
$1312.15 |
$656.10 |
$45.95 |
$280.25 |
$2294.45 |
6-9 |
$1574.58 |
$787.32 |
$55.14 |
$336.32 |
$2753.36 |
more than 9, additional per credit |
$262.43 |
$131.22 |
no additional differential tuition |
$56.05 |
$449.70 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
RTW Tuition |
Differential Tuition (Advising Fee) |
Segregated Fees* |
Total |
.5 |
$131.22 |
$110.56 |
$4.59 |
$28.02 |
$274.39 |
1 |
$262.43 |
$221.12 |
$9.19 |
$56.05 |
$548.79 |
2 |
$524.86 |
$442.24 |
$18.38 |
$112.10 |
$1097.58 |
3 |
$787.29 |
$663.36 |
$27.57 |
$168.15 |
$1646.37 |
4 |
$1049.72 |
$884.48 |
$36.76 |
$224.20 |
$2195.16 |
5 |
$1312.15 |
$1105.60 |
$45.95 |
$280.25 |
$2743.95 |
6-9 |
$1574.58 |
$1326.72 |
$55.14 |
$336.30 |
$3292.74 |
more than 9, additional per credit |
$262.43 |
$221.12 |
no additional differential tuition |
$56.05 |
$539.60 |
*Consolidated Segregated Fees and Textbook Rental
The following courses and programs have special tuition rates and fees, and do not conform to the standard fee schedules.
The fee schedules below apply to students taking graduate courses at the Whitewater campus location. Standard tuition rates are per credit. Additional course or distance education fees may be required.
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Segregated Fees |
Total |
.5 |
$234.33 |
$31.92 |
$266.25 |
1 |
$468.66 |
$63.84 |
$532.50 |
2 |
$937.32 |
$127.68 |
$1065.00 |
3 |
$1405.98 |
$191.52 |
$1597.50 |
4 |
$1874.64 |
$255.36 |
$2130.00 |
5 |
$2343.30 |
$319.20 |
$2662.50 |
6 |
$2811.96 |
$383.04 |
$3195.00 |
7 |
$3280.62 |
$446.88 |
$3727.50 |
8 |
$3749.28 |
$510.72 |
$4260.00 |
9-12 |
$4217.94 |
$574.65 |
$4792.59 |
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Non-Resident Tuition |
Segregated Fees |
Total |
.5 |
$234.33 |
$279.95 |
$31.92 |
$546.20 |
1 |
$468.66 |
$559.99 |
$63.84 |
$1092.49 |
2 |
$937.32 |
$1119.98 |
$127.68 |
$2184.98 |
3 |
$1405.98 |
$1679.97 |
$191.52 |
$3277.47 |
4 |
$1874.64 |
$2239.96 |
$255.36 |
$4369.96 |
5 |
$2343.30 |
$2799.95 |
$319.20 |
$5462.45 |
6 |
$2811.96 |
$3359.94 |
$383.04 |
$6554.94 |
7 |
$3280.62 |
$3919.93 |
$446.88 |
$7647.43 |
8 |
$3749.28 |
$4479.92 |
$510.72 |
$8739.92 |
9-12 |
$4217.94 |
$5039.91 |
$574.65 |
$9832.50 |
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Segregated Fees |
Total |
.5 |
$251.33 |
$31.92 |
$283.25 |
1 |
$502.66 |
$63.84 |
$566.50 |
2 |
$1005.32 |
$127.68 |
$1133.00 |
3 |
$1507.98 |
$191.52 |
$1699.50 |
4 |
$2010.64 |
$255.36 |
$2266.00 |
5 |
$2513.30 |
$319.20 |
$2832.50 |
6 |
$3015.96 |
$383.04 |
$3399.00 |
7 |
$3518.62 |
$446.88 |
$3965.50 |
8 |
$4021.28 |
$510.72 |
$4532.00 |
9-12 |
$4523.94 |
$574.65 |
$5098.59 |
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Non-Resident Tuition |
Segregated Fees |
Total |
.5 |
$251.33 |
$280.81 |
$31.92 |
$564.06 |
1 |
$502.66 |
$561.62 |
$63.84 |
$1128.12 |
2 |
$1005.32 |
$1123.24 |
$127.68 |
$2256.24 |
3 |
$1507.98 |
$1684.86 |
$191.52 |
$3384.36 |
4 |
$2010.64 |
$2246.48 |
$255.36 |
$4512.48 |
5 |
$2513.30 |
$2808.10 |
$319.20 |
$5640.60 |
6 |
$3015.96 |
$3369.72 |
$383.04 |
$6768.72 |
7 |
$3518.62 |
$3931.34 |
$446.88 |
$7896.84 |
8 |
$4021.28 |
$4492.96 |
$510.72 |
$9024.96 |
9-12 |
$4523.94 |
$5054.58 |
$574.65 |
$10,153.17 |
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Segregated Fees |
Total |
.5 |
$274.58 |
$31.92 |
$306.50 |
1 |
$549.15 |
$63.84 |
$612.99 |
2 |
$1098.30 |
$127.68 |
$1225.98 |
3 |
$1647.45 |
$191.52 |
$1838.97 |
4 |
$2196.60 |
$255.36 |
$2451.96 |
5 |
$2745.75 |
$319.20 |
$3064.95 |
6 |
$3294.90 |
$383.04 |
$3677.94 |
7 |
$3844.05 |
$446.88 |
$4290.93 |
8 |
$4393.20 |
$510.72 |
$4903.92 |
9-12 |
$4942.35 |
$574.65 |
$5517.00 |
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Non-Resident Tuition
Segregated Fees |
Total |
.5 |
$274.58 |
$275.32 |
$31.92 |
$581.82 |
1 |
$549.15 |
$550.63 |
$63.84 |
$1163.62 |
2 |
$1098.30 |
$1101.26 |
$127.68 |
$2327.24 |
3 |
$1647.45 |
$1651.89 |
$191.52 |
$3490.86 |
4 |
$2196.60 |
$2202.52 |
$255.36 |
$4654.48 |
5 |
$2745.75 |
$2753.15 |
$319.20 |
$5818.10 |
6 |
$3294.90 |
$3303.78 |
$383.04 |
$6981.72 |
7 |
$3844.05 |
$3854.41 |
$446.88 |
$8145.34 |
8 |
$4393.20 |
$4405.04 |
$510.72 |
$9308.96 |
9-12 |
$4942.35 |
$4955.67 |
$574.65 |
$10,472.67 |
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
MN Reciprocity Tuition |
Segregated Fees |
Total |
.5 |
$234.33 |
$92.52 |
$31.92 |
$358.77 |
1 |
$468.66 |
$185.05 |
$63.84 |
$717.55 |
2 |
$937.32 |
$370.10 |
$127.68 |
$1435.10 |
3 |
$1405.98 |
$555.15 |
$191.52 |
$2152.65 |
4 |
$1874.64 |
$740.20 |
$255.36 |
$2870.20 |
5 |
$2343.30 |
$925.25 |
$319.20 |
$3587.75 |
6 |
$2811.96 |
$1110.30 |
$383.04 |
$4305.30 |
7 |
$3280.62 |
$1295.35 |
$446.88 |
$5022.85 |
8 |
$3749.28 |
$1480.40 |
$510.72 |
$5740.40 |
9-12 |
$4217.94 |
$1665.45 |
$574.65 |
$6458.04 |
Business Masters
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
MN Reciprocity Tuition |
Segregated Fees |
Total |
.5 |
$251.33 |
$171.23 |
$31.92 |
$454.48 |
1 |
$502.66 |
$342.45 |
$63.84 |
$908.95 |
2 |
$1005.32 |
$684.90 |
$127.68 |
$1817.90 |
3 |
$1507.98 |
$1027.35 |
$191.52 |
$2726.85 |
4 |
$2010.64 |
$1369.80 |
$255.36 |
$3635.80 |
5 |
$2513.30 |
$1712.25 |
$319.20 |
$4544.75 |
6 |
$3015.96 |
$2054.70 |
$383.04 |
$5453.70 |
7 |
$3518.62 |
$2397.15 |
$446.88 |
$6362.65 |
8 |
$4021.28 |
$2739.60 |
$510.72 |
$7271.60 |
9-12 |
$4523.94 |
$3082.05 |
$574.65 |
$8180.64 |
Computer Science Masters
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
MN Reciprocity Tuition
Segregated Fees |
Total |
.5 |
$274.58 |
$52.28 |
$31.92 |
$358.78 |
1 |
$549.15 |
$104.56 |
$63.84 |
$717.55 |
2 |
$1098.30 |
$209.12 |
$127.68 |
$1435.10 |
3 |
$1647.45 |
$313.68 |
$191.52 |
$2152.65 |
4 |
$2196.60 |
$418.24 |
$255.36 |
$2870.20 |
5 |
$2745.75 |
$522.80 |
$319.20 |
$3587.75 |
6 |
$3294.90 |
$627.36 |
$383.04 |
$4305.30 |
7 |
$3844.05 |
$731.92 |
$446.88 |
$5022.85 |
8 |
$4393.20 |
$836.48 |
$510.72 |
$5740.40 |
9-12 |
$4942.35 |
$941.04 |
$574.65 |
$6458.04 |
The following courses and programs have special tuition rates and fees, and do not conform to the standard fee schedules.
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Segregated Fees |
Total |
.5 |
$234.33 |
$31.92 |
$266.25 |
1 |
$468.66 |
$63.84 |
$532.50 |
2 |
$937.32 |
$127.68 |
$1065.00 |
3 |
$1405.98 |
$191.52 |
$1597.50 |
4 |
$1874.64 |
$255.36 |
$2130.00 |
5-8 |
$2343.30 |
$287.32 |
$2630.62 |
9 |
$2811.96 |
$351.16 |
$3163.12 |
10-12 |
$3280.62 |
$415.00 |
$3695.62 |
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Non-Resident Tuition |
Segregated Fees |
Total |
.5 |
$234.33 |
$279.95 |
$31.92 |
$546.20 |
1 |
$468.66 |
$559.99 |
$63.84 |
$1092.49 |
2 |
$937.32 |
$1119.98 |
$127.68 |
$2184.98 |
3 |
$1405.98 |
$1679.97 |
$191.52 |
$3277.47 |
4 |
$1874.64 |
$2239.96 |
$255.36 |
$4369.96 |
5-8 |
$2343.30 |
$2799.95 |
$287.32 |
$5430.57 |
9 |
$2811.96 |
$3359.94 |
$351.16 |
$6523.06 |
10-12 |
$3280.62 |
$3919.93 |
$415.00 |
$7615.55 |
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Segregated Fees |
Total |
.5 |
$251.33 |
$31.92 |
$283.25 |
1 |
$502.66 |
$63.84 |
$566.50 |
2 |
$1005.32 |
$127.68 |
$1133.00 |
3 |
$1507.98 |
$191.52 |
$1699.50 |
4 |
$2010.64 |
$255.36 |
$2266.00 |
5-8 |
$2513.30 |
$287.32 |
$2800.62 |
9 |
$3015.96 |
$351.16 |
$3367.12 |
10-12 |
$3518.62 |
$415.00 |
$3933.62 |
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Non-Resident Tuition |
Segregated Fees |
Total |
.5 |
$251.33 |
$280.81 |
$31.92 |
$564.06 |
1 |
$502.66 |
$561.62 |
$63.84 |
$1128.12 |
2 |
$1005.32 |
$1123.24 |
$127.68 |
$2256.24 |
3 |
$1507.98 |
$1684.86 |
$191.52 |
$3384.36 |
4 |
$2010.64 |
$2246.48 |
$255.36 |
$4512.48 |
5-8 |
$2513.30 |
$2808.10 |
$287.32 |
$5608.72 |
9 |
$3015.96 |
$3369.72 |
$351.16 |
$6736.84 |
10-12 |
$3518.62 |
$3931.34 |
$415.00 |
$7864.96 |
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Segregated Fees |
Total |
.5 |
$274.58 |
$31.92 |
$306.50 |
1 |
$549.15 |
$63.84 |
$612.99 |
2 |
$1098.30 |
$127.68 |
$1225.98 |
3 |
$1647.45 |
$191.52 |
$1838.97 |
4 |
$2196.60 |
$255.36 |
$2451.96 |
5-8 |
$2745.75 |
$287.32 |
$3033.07 |
9 |
$3294.90 |
$351.16 |
$3646.06 |
10-12 |
$3844.05 |
$415.00 |
$4259.05 |
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
Non-Resident Tuition |
Segregated Fees |
Total |
.5 |
$274.58 |
$275.32 |
$31.92 |
$581.82 |
1 |
$549.15 |
$550.63 |
$63.84 |
$1163.62 |
2 |
$1098.30 |
$1101.26 |
$127.68 |
$2327.24 |
3 |
$1647.45 |
$1651.89 |
$191.52 |
$3490.86 |
4 |
$2196.60 |
$2202.52 |
$255.36 |
$4654.48 |
5-8 |
$2745.75 |
$2753.15 |
$287.32 |
$5786.22 |
9 |
$3294.90 |
$3303.78 |
$351.16 |
$6949.84 |
10-12 |
$3844.05 |
$3854.41 |
$415.00 |
$8113.46 |
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
MN Reciprocity Tuition |
Segregated Fees |
Total |
.5 |
$234.33 |
$92.52 |
$31.92 |
$358.77 |
1 |
$468.66 |
$185.05 |
$63.84 |
$717.55 |
2 |
$937.32 |
$370.10 |
$127.68 |
$1435.10 |
3 |
$1405.98 |
$555.15 |
$191.52 |
$2152.65 |
4 |
$1874.64 |
$740.20 |
$255.36 |
$2870.20 |
5-8 |
$2343.30 |
$925.25 |
$287.32 |
$3555.87 |
9 |
$2811.96 |
$1110.30 |
$351.16 |
$4273.42 |
10-12 |
$3280.62 |
$1295.35 |
$415.00 |
$4990.97 |
Business Masters
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
MN Reciprocity Tuition |
Segregated Fees |
Total |
.5 |
$251.33 |
$171.23 |
$31.92 |
$454.48 |
1 |
$502.66 |
$342.45 |
$63.84 |
$908.95 |
2 |
$1005.32 |
$684.90 |
$127.68 |
$1817.90 |
3 |
$1507.98 |
$1027.35 |
$191.52 |
$2726.85 |
4 |
$2010.64 |
$1369.80 |
$255.36 |
$3635.80 |
5-8 |
$2513.30 |
$1712.25 |
$287.32 |
$4512.87 |
9 |
$3015.96 |
$2054.70 |
$351.16 |
$5421.82 |
10-12 |
$3518.62 |
$2397.15 |
$415.00 |
$6330.77 |
Computer Science Masters
# of Credits |
Base Tuition |
MN Reciprocity Tuition
Segrated Fees |
Total |
.5 |
$274.58 |
$52.28 |
$31.92 |
$358.78 |
1 |
$549.15 |
$104.56 |
$63.84 |
$717.55 |
2 |
$1098.30 |
$209.12 |
$127.68 |
$1435.10 |
3 |
$1647.45 |
$313.68 |
$191.52 |
$2152.65 |
4 |
$2196.60 |
$418.24 |
$255.36 |
$2870.20 |
5-8 |
$2745.75 |
$522.80 |
$287.32 |
$3555.87 |
9 |
$3294.90 |
$627.36 |
$351.16 |
$4273.42 |
10-12 |
$3844.05 |
$731.92 |
$415.00 |
$4990.97 |
The following courses and programs have special tuition rates and fees, and do not conform to the standard fee schedules.
Program |
Fees |
$547.74 per credit
$547.74 per credit
$569.00 per credit
$569.00 per credit
$547.74 per credit
$665.00 per credit
$850.00 per credit
$850.00 per credit
$1460.00 per credit
Graduate Audit Only, Resident
$141.00 per credit
Graduate Audit Only, Non-Resident
$514.00 per credit