
UW-Whitewater Advising - A Partnership for Success

Advisors are here to help students succeed, but advising is most effective when it is viewed as an on-going process in which students and advisors work as partners. Ultimately, students have the responsibility for their own educational plans and for monitoring all requirements for graduation, but they are encouraged to take advantage of the many resources available on campus - including the various advising services.


General Education: The Goals

The main goal of our general education program is to provide all students the tools they need to improve their thinking, reasoning, and problem solving skills so they can continue to succeed in the world after graduation. Through the many facets of this program, students will gain a broader understanding and appreciation of the scientific and cultural world around them.

General Education enhances students' abilities to:

  • Think critically and analytically integrate and synthesize knowledge, and draw conclusions from complex material.
  • Make sound ethical and value judgements based on the development of a personal value system, on an understanding of shared culture heritage, and knowledge of past success,failures, and consequences of individual roles and societal choices.
  • Understand and appreciate the culture diversity of the U.S. and other countries, and live responsibly in an interdependent world.
  • Acquire a base of knowledge common to educated persons and the capacity to expand that base over their lifetime.
  • Communicate effectively in written, oral, and symbolic form.
  • Understand the nature and physical world, the process by which scientific concepts are developed and modified.
  • Appreciate the fine and performing arts.
  • Develop the mathematical and quantitative skills necessary of calculation, analysis and problem solving.
  • Understand the principles essential for continual mental and physical well-being.

Find out the general education requirements »

General Education Requirements for Transfer Students

Most University of Wisconsin-Whitewater students, whether they arrive on campus as a freshman or later in their college career, must fulfill the university's general education requirements. When you are admitted as a transfer student, our advisers will prepare a transfer credit evaluation for you, and you will receive credit for classes you have already taken that are equivalent to classes offered at Whitewater. Afterwards, you can sit down with one of our advisers to map out your plan to complete your degree.

  1. Students with fewer than 21 transfer credits should follow the General Education Program outlined here

  2. Students who have earned an Associate Degree (Assoc. of Arts, Assocof Science Assoc. of Arts and Sciences) from an approved General Education transfer program are waived from all University General Education Requirements (including World of Ideas). Contact the Admissions Office for information.

  3. Students without an approved Associate's Degree will need to fulfill Gen Ed requirements including Diversity and must have 32 units of Gen Ed coursework as outlined below.

Students must still complete specific UWW requirements for their degree (BA, BS, BSE), for their majors, and their minors.

Note: The Diversity requirement is waived for some Associate Degrees, but not others. Check your Advising Report for information.


General Education enhances students' ability to:

  1. Think critically and analytically integrate and synthesize knowledge , and draw conclusions from complex material.
  2. Make sound ethical and value judgments based on the development of a personal value system, on an understanding of shared culture heritage, and knowledge of past success, failures, and consequences of individual roles and societal choices.
  3. Understand and appreciate the culture diversity of the U.S. and other countries, and live responsibly in an interdependent world.
  4. Acquire a base of knowledge common to educated persons and the capacity to expand that base over their lifetime.
  5. Communicate effectively in written, oral, and symbolic form
  6. Understand the nature and physical world , the process by which scientific concepts are developed and modified.
  7. Appreciate the fine and performing arts .
  8. Develop the mathematical and quantitative skills necessary of calculation, analysis and problem solving.
  9. Understand the principles essential for continual mental and physical well-being.

Special students with full credentials

Students who have a conferred bachelor's degree and wish to enroll only for undergraduate coursework are considered "special students with credentials".  Students in this classification are eligible to enroll in up to 18 credits and must meet the UW-W program grade point average requirement.  These students are considered to have fulfilled Proficiency, General Education, Core, and Diversity requirements.  Transfer unit evaluations and Academic Advising Reports (AARs) are not available for these students and formal advising is not required. 

Special students without credentials (Guest Students)

Special students without credentials are not considered candidates for a degree and are not required to receive formal academic advising upon enrollment.  Students in this classification are admitted only for a single term and are limited to a part-time credit load.  Advising Reports (ARs) are not available for special students.  Special students without credentials are not eligible for financial aid.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find my advisor?

You can check on WINS in the Academics section for the name and e-mail address of your advisor. If you have not been assigned an advisor, contact the appropriate advising or departmental office:

  • Students with fewer than 24 units (except art, theatre, and music majors) and Undeclared undergraduates: contact the Academic Advising & Exploration Center
  • All Arts Majors: contact the Department Office of your major
  • Students with 24 or more units who have declared majors in Communications, Education and Letters and Sciences: contact the Department of your major.
  • Pre-Business (except freshmen): Assistant Dean's Office, College of Business and Economics

How do I get my advising report?

An up-to-date Advising Report (AR) is available on WINS for students seeking their first degree. Select "Degree Progress Report" under the "other academic" drop down list. Note: AR's are not available for Special Students or Graduate Students.

The AR has two sections: 1) a transcript and 2) a degree audit which matches your courses to the requirements for your academic program. You should review this regularly, and always take an updated AR when you meet with your advisor.

How do I change a major or minor?

Students with fewer than 24 units (except art, theatre, and music majors) and undeclared students process major changes at the Academic Advising & Exploration Center.

Students with 24 Units or more (declared majors) and all Arts Majors should begin the process at the department office of their major and then take the form and advising file (if available) to the department office of the new major. (Note: the AAEC is the department office for Undeclared students).

Pre-Business students, except freshmen, start at the Assistant Dean's Office in the College of Business and Economics (Hyland 4300).

When can I register?

The first few weeks of registration are "Priority Registration" in which students are assigned Registration Start times according to their number of earned credits. After Priority Registration is completed, the registration system will remain open to add classes until the end of the fifth day of class.

To find your Priority Registration start time, check WINS in the Academics section. (Note: Registration is not limited by the "end" time.)

What is a registration hold?

A registration hold is any restriction that prevents registration. Many students will have a registration hold for advising and must meet with their academic advisor before registering.

However, there are many holds that could prevent registration: financial holds, library holds, holds from Admissions for ACT scores or transfer transcripts.

You should check WINS in your Personal Portfolio to be certain that you have cleared all holds for registration.

What is the "satisfactory/no credit" option

You may choose to take up to 15 credits for S/NC. A grade of "S" indicates a "C" or better in the class. You will receive a grade of "NC" (no credit) if the work is equivalent to a D or F. In neither case will your grade affect your GPA. You cannot take a course for S/NC if the course is used for your major or minor or is a GENED Core course. (A few courses are only offered as S/NC)

The decision to take a course for S/NC must be recorded by the tenth day of class for full-term courses and by the end of the second day of class for short courses. You can select the S/NC option when you register for the course (see the Undergraduate Catalog for the complete policy statement). It would be best to consult your advisor before selecting the S/NC option.

Are there services for Multicultural and Disadvantaged Students?

Although various units throughout the campus provide services for these populations, many of the targeted services for these students are offered in the Division of Academic Support Services (DASS). The division's motto is "serving students with potential; challenging students who are academically talented." Please access the website of DASS at

What happens if I am placed on probation or am academically dismissed?

Students who are on probation or dismissed should review campus policies and deadlines at the Academic Standards website. Questions or appeals should be directed to

Students should also work with their academic advisor to understand ways of improving their academic progress.