
Student Success

UW-Whitewater knows you are capable of succeeding and reaching your goals. Sometimes you might need a little extra help... and that's where we come in! This site is dedicated to help you identify new strategies to help you succeed. 

First, let's start with some general basics:

There are a lot of other resources and strategies available to help you meet your academic goals. Click on the boxes below to start exploring!

Start Exploring Our Resources

Financial Resources
Getting Organized & Time Management
Motivation & Goal Setting
Health & Wellness

Homework & Notetaking
Online Classes & Remote Learning
Studying & Test Preparation
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Looking for some additional assistance? Meet with a Success Coach! Success Coaching offers students support and guidance with navigating college life and beyond. We do this by providing individualized meetings and tools so that you can excel academically, personally, socially, and professionally. To make an appointment with a Success Coach, go to and click on Appointments. Select Student Successthen Student Success Coaching, and follow the prompts to make an appointment. Otherwise, contact the One Stop for assistance.