Academic Advising & Exploration Center

Warhawk Success Conference


Friday, February 24, 2023 (8:30am-3:00pm)


The Academic Advising and Exploration Center proudly presents the Warhawk Success Conference being held on Friday, February 24th. It is designed for UW-Whitewater staff and faculty to spend the day discussing strategies for student success, sharing resources and engaging in important conversations about what departments/areas can do to build cross-campus relationships and support students.Success Conference Logo

The conference will feature a keynote speaker, three breakout sessions, a lunch and learn, resource fair, and much more! Individuals are asked to RSVP as space is limited. 

 Registration:  2023 Warhawk Success Conference RSVP

8:30 - 9:00

Check-In & Refreshments

UC 259

9:00 - 9:50

Welcome & Keynote

UC 259

10:00 - 10:50

Breakout Session

11:00 - 11:50

Breakout Session

12:00 - 1:00

Lunch & Learn

1:10 - 2:00

Breakout Session

2:00 - 3:00

Success Resources

UC Ballroom

Shelley Price-Williams

Shelley Price-Williams, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor of Postsecondary Education at the University of Northern Iowa. She holds two decades of experience in student and academic affairs spanning program development and management as well as academic advising, career counseling, and assessment. Dr. Price-Williams serves on several editorial boards to include the NACADA Journal and the Journal for Student Affairs Research and Practice. She serves as senior co-editor for the text series Identity & Practice in Higher Education-Student Affairs by Information Age Publishing. Dr. Price-Williams’ research interests center on non-cognitive factors of college student transitions and persistence and organizational justice and structural equity. She teaches courses on integrating theory with practice, professional helping in student affairs, administration and finance, higher education law, and research design and assessment.

Join Dr. Price-Williams for the Keynote presentation: Advancement of Student Success: Cross-Collaboration for Supporting Today’s College Student.

10:00 AM Breakout Sessions

  • Purposeful Partners: Engaging with Family Members to Support Student Success
    Dr. Beth John (Facilitator), Andy Browning, Marie Hornickel, Dr. Susan Johnson, Jessica Stein, Dr. Veronica Warren
    Family members can play a pivotal role in student success. The purpose of this session is to discuss best practices for engaging and supporting families. You'll have the opportunity to learn from a few UW-Whitewater departments on how they are engaging and partnering with families.

  • Strategies for Increased Learning & Engagement in the Classroom 
    Dr. Tara Schmidt
    In this session, attendees will learn best learning strategies and practices that promote student success, that enhance student engagement, and that increase student's motivation inside and outside of the classroom. The presentation will focus on research-based note-taking strategies, the most effective ways for students to read to understand (any text!), and strategies to develop and promote student accountability. Attendees will also learn time-management techniques that they can share with their students, so students can efficiently keep up with their course-work and can reduce their stress.

11:00 AM Breakout Sessions

  • Culturally Effective Advising: Competencies for Supporting Historically Underserved College Students
    Dr. Shelley Price-Williams, Dr. Michael Lango
    In higher education, historically underserved students often experience characterization of inferiority, bias, microaggressions, and tokenism as unjust experiences. The focus of this session is on culturally effective advising and helping in the promotion of student success. Participants will have an opportunity to expand on their development of cultural competence as a way to support the success of underserved students.

  • "Navigate-ing" Student Success
    Nathan Callope, Jessica Stein
    Naivgate is a student success platform that UW-Whitewater launched in 2020. This session will review common concerns students experience in college and how Navigate is used to identify students of concern and offer support. You do not need Navigate access to attend this session!

1:10 PM Breakout Sessions

  • Advising Warhawks to Success
    Dr. Michael Lango (Facilitator), Dr. Kathy Brady, Dr. Zach Oster, Stacy Randall, Tayana Tornes, Nicole Weber, Amy Zelinger
    Faculty and staff from across UWW will share their experiences advising students. They will share the challenges and successes their students often experience, as well as discuss the resources they use to support student success.

  • TRIO and SDES Support Programs at UW-Whitewater
    Cheta Agwoeme, Dave Carlson, John Dominguez, Pam Nowak-Warren
    Join staff from Student Diversity, Engagement, & Success to learn about TRIO and other support programs that UW-Whitewater offers. These programs support students that identify with one or more of the following: first-generation, low-income, having a disability, and/or from an underrepresented population as specified by the grant. Our programs support students to and through college; from high school to grad school!

The conference will feature a working lunch where six resources will showcase ways their office supports student success. Additionally, attendees will be able to talk to various campus resources that promote success during the Success Resource Fair later in the day. Participants who attend the Resource Fair portion of the conference will be entered to win prizes!

The following units will be represented at the Resource Fair:

  • Academic Advising & Exploration Center
  • Athletics
  • Campus Tutorial Services
  • Career Services
  • Center for Students with Disabilities
  • Dean of Students
  • Financial Aid
  • Financial Literacy
  • First Year Experience
  • Fostering Success
  • Navigate
  • PRIDE Center
  • Rec Sports & Facilities
  • Rock County Campus
  • Student Activities & Involvement
  • Student Diversity, Engagement, & Success
  • University Health & Counseling Services
  • University Housing
  • Warhawk Emergency Fund
  • Winther Counseling Services

Space is limited, so please register as soon as possible!
Registration:  2023 Warhawk Success Conference RSVP

Questions? Please contact the Academic Advising & Exploration Center or one of the Success Conference Planning Committee members below.

Success Conference Planning Committee
Michael Lango:
Paige Ringelstetter:
Sarah Seitz:
Tim Shields:
Jessica Stein:

Academic Advising and Exploration Center
Phone: 262-472-4646


Academic Advising & Exploration Center
Roseman 2054
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
800 W. Main Street
Whitewater, WI  53190-1790


Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Office Phone: (262) 472-4646