Adult Student Outreach

Letters From Our Students

Welcome, new students! As you embark on your exciting journey at our university, we're thrilled to share some valuable insights from those who have walked these halls before you. The following letters were written by current students for new students entering the university. They include tips and words of encouragement from our students to you, offering a unique perspective on campus life, academic success, and personal growth. These heartfelt messages are designed to help you navigate your first year with confidence and enthusiasm. As you read through these letters, you'll find a wealth of practical advice, inspiring anecdotes, and friendly reassurances that will help you make the most of your university experience. We hope these words from your peers will ease your transition and set you on the path to a rewarding academic career.

  • Jacob Crouse

    Jacob Crouse

  • Jacob Crouse

    Tim Whitmore

  • Kurtis Reilly

    Kurtis Reilly

  • Matt Holmes

    Matt Holmes

  • Rebecca Sprague

    Rebecca Sprague

  • Josh Kinney

    Josh Kinney

  • Michelle Schmidt

    Michelle Schmidt

  • Rachel McKaig

    Rachel McKaig

  • Shaunie Wiener

    Shaunie Wiener