Auditing Courses at UW-Whitewater, Part I
Guest Auditors
Alumni and community members have the opportunity to attend a wide selection of UW-Whitewater courses on a not-for-credit basis. Auditing courses is for learners who are not currently enrolled in a degree program or are not pursuing a degree. If you want to attend class without earning credits, auditing is for you.
What is Auditing?
Auditing students attend class informally. Instructors may or may not require auditors to take exams or actively participate in class assignments and projects, but regular attendance is expected. Students do not receive academic credit for their attendance and participation, however courses that are successfully audited do appear with a grade of "X" on an official transcript. Not all classes are available to audit. College of Business and Economics courses, off campus and remedial courses do not allow auditing. Additionally Service based programs such as Online MBA, DBA, Online MS and Continuing Education Internships are not eligible for auditing. Auditing is not available for non-credit career training programs, such as ed2go, professional workshops and conferences, non-credit certificate programs, or dual enrollment programs. Auditing for any other course is subject to instructor’s approval and space permitting. You can explore UW-Whitewater classes during a given term using the online course catalog.
Tuition and Fees
Guest auditors who are Wisconsin residents pay 30% of the normal per credit academic fee. Nonresidents pay 50% of the normal per credit academic fee. Tuition for auditors that are 60 years of age or older is waived. Any special course fees other than the normal tuition (e.g., for field trips or special materials art supplies), will be charged regardless of the auditor’s age or disability status.
Two Step Application/Registration Process
There are two steps you must complete before attending classes as an auditor:
- An Online UW System Admission Application
- An Audit Registration form.
Each of these steps has multiple parts and you must fully complete all of them.
Important: auditing students may not attend a course without proper authorization and registrar enrollment.
Step 1 - Seek Approval From Instructor
Check with the instructor to see if they will approve the auditing request.
Step 2 – UW System Admission Application
You must create an account complete an online UW System Admissions application, indicating that you wish to apply as an Undergraduate Non-Degree Student.
Click here to complete your online application. If you are having troubles navigating the system, we have a tutorial on how to use the online application system as well.
Your application must be received two weeks prior to the start of classes each semester. You can begin submitting your applications on May 1st for courses you want to audit during Fall semester (September), and September 1st for courses you want to audit during Spring semester (January).
All applications must be completed online before last day to add a course. Click here to view all term deadlines, including add, drop, withdraw, and refund by selecting the correct term.
Auditing students must complete the UW System application each semester they wish to audit a course.
All admission application questions should be directed to the Admissions Office at 262-472-1440 or the UW Help Line at 1-800-442-6459.
Important note: Auditing students are not permitted to sit in on courses until they have been officially enrolled and added to the class roster.
Next Steps
Wait, there’s more! After you submit online application for admission, you will need to complete a few steps to get started with your class. Please click below to continue with your next steps.