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Donald Jellerson
Associate Professor

Donald Jellerson profile picture

PhD, Vanderbilt University

BA, University of Washington, summa cum laude

I study Gender and Sexuality, Film, and Literature.

Coordinator, Film Studies


Selected Publications:

Donald Jellerson with Nick Hutchison, "'I do care for something': Twelfth Night's Feste and the Performance of Character," Shakespeare Bulletin (Summer, 2014).

Donald Jellerson with Nathan Anderson "Gender and Ideology in His Girl Friday," The Cine-Files 5 (Fall 2013).

“The Spectral Historiopoetics of The Mirror for Magistrates.” Literature Criticism 1400-1800, Volume 209. Gale Cengage, 2012. 88-97.

“Haunted History and the Birth of the Republic in Middleton’s Ghost of Lucrece.” Criticism 53.1 (2011): 53–82.

“Hysteria and the Camera in Max Ophuls’ Letter From an Unknown Woman.” Quarterly Review of Film and Video 28.1 (2011): 13–27.

“Tears and Violence in Titus Andronicus.” On the Verge of Tears: Why the Movies, Television, Music, Art, Popular Culture, Literature, and the Real World Make Us Cry. Ed. Michele Byers and David Lavery. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. 171–184.

“The Spectral Historiopoetics of The Mirror for Magistrates.” Journal of the Northern Renaissance 2.1 (Spring 2010): 54–71.