Course Repository
Course Repository is a specialized storage repository for student based course data and assignments. This storage offering is designed for courses that have unique file needs which cannot be met by other existing storage solutions.

Course Repo Features
Course Repo contains the following storage items:
- Classwork Storage. Student Specific folders for individual courses which must be requested every semester.
- Speciality Storage. Course related storage that is tied to an overall department or course. This storage is setup via a one time request.
Getting started with Course Repo
Instructors who would like a Course Repo storage created for their classroom should contact the Learning Technology Center.
Storage can be access by going to drive "U:" on any Windows PC on campus. Mac lab machines will have a "udrive" shortcut on the desktop. For step by step instructions, please visit the Course Repo Training/Documentation.
There is a process setup that will automatically grant access for late adds. This process will run on a scheduled basis for the first 2 weeks of each semester. The same process will also remove access for students who drop the course, but it will not delete any of the student data.
The classwork storage folders must be requested every semester. Folders older than one year are removed on an annual basis every summer. Communications will be sent via email directly to impacted users before the folders are removed.
The specialized storage folders will be reviewed on a yearly basis and communications will be sent to the folder owners to confirm they are still being used.
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