Center for Inclusive Transition, Education, & Employment (CITEE)
Qualified Treatment Trainees

Award Information

QTT FY24 Expanding Agency Program

The Qualified Treatment Trainee (QTT) Grants Program is intended to increase the number of placements available to post-graduate QTTs within the state of Wisconsin. Program goals include increasing agency capacity to hire and supervise QTTs, providing agency resources on best practices in supervision, and investing in ongoing supervision development. The QTT Grants Program includes professional development opportunities designed to allow all QTT supervisors, regardless of experience level, the chance to improve, review, and refresh their supervisory professional development. The QTT Grants Program also includes evaluation and self-assessment components. These components will allow the creation of a broad picture of current practices and statewide needs for the development of future trainings. Assessment components also provide a structure for the self-reflection on incorporation of best practices.


Who is eligible: Wisconsin mental health agencies that currently hire or may hire post-graduate QTTs


Application Period: 9/5/2023-10/6/2023


Where to Apply: Uww citee apply


Grant Types:


Expanding Agency Award – Support agencies that have previously hired post-graduate QTTs and are increasing the number of QTT placements available


Continuing Expanding Agency Award – Support agencies that received a FY22 (2021-2022) QTT Expanding Agency Award to continue to add QTT positions and support further supervisory development.

Funding for the QTT Graduate Student Award is made possible through the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Care and Treatment services (DHS/DCTS) with authority under the U.S. Department of Treasury Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Award 21.027 and in coordination with University of Wisconsin – Whitewater’s Center for Inclusive Transition, Education and Employment (CITEE) with the support of the QTT grants program advisory committee.



Center for Inclusive Transition, Education, & Employment (CITEE)
Community Engagement Center
1260 W. Main Street
Whitewater, WI 53190


Qualified Treatment Trainee (QTT):


Phone: (262) 472-1702

Fax: (262) 472-4116