Human Research
Human Research Polices and Procedures
Faculty, staff, and students who conduct research involving human subjects can access information regarding Federal, University of Wisconsin System, and University of Wisconsin-Whitewater policies and procedures. This site provides links to the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects (IRB), forms, and protocol submission information timeline, resources for developing a protocol, and other resources designed to help researchers improve study design while protecting participants.
The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater encourages and supports free and responsible investigation by faculty, staff, and students, and adheres to the policies and procedures set forth by: CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS; Title 45 Public Welfare; Department of Health and Human Services; Part 46 Protection of Human Subjects.
The policies and procedures of the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects (IRB) have been developed to protect the rights and welfare of participants in research.
Research projects that involve human subjects will require review by the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater IRB to determine if you have employed adequate measures to protect the participants involved in your study. In addition, each member of your research team is required to complete the CITI Program - Social, Behavioral, and Educational Human Research Training course prior to protocol submission.
The IRB guide contains guidelines and instructions to assist you in the preparation of a protocol for submission. Peruse the information to determine which parts of the protocol to complete and to help you understand the review process.
Office for Human Research Protection (OHRP)
Agreement of Federal Assurance (FWA00025277)
Our IRB Number: IORG0096176 / IRB00010934
IRB Forms
- IRB Consent for Online Data Collection - Fillable Form
(Typically used for online surveys, where obtaining a signature is not practical.) - IRB Informed Consent with Participant Signature - Fillable Form
(Typically used for paper surveys or in-person consent where confidentiality is not necessary.) - IRB Consent without Participant Signature - Fillable Form
(Typically used for in person confidential research.) - IRB Informed Consent for Minors or Persons with Diminished Decision Making Capabilities - Fillable Form
(Parental/Legal Guardian approval form, used in addition to Child/Participant approval.) - IRB Assent/Consent for Participation in Research - Fillable Form
(Child/Participant Approval, used in addition to Parental/Legal Guardian approval.) - IRB Sample Institutional Affiliation Letter - Fillable Form
- IRB Single Authorization - Fillable Form
- IRB Closure- Fillable Form
- IRB Annual Progress Report - Fillable Form
Training Resources
- Human Research Training (CITI)
- Cayuse IRB Procedures for Researchers
- 2022- 2023 Human Research Protection Guide
Login/Registration Instructions
Select the link from the ORSP website, or Login to CITI Program. If you have not previously used the CITI Program Website, please select: Register (Create an Account) or login under your current login information.
Under "Select Your Organization Affiliation" - Search for: University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.
Follow the site instructions to enter your personal and login information.
*Please be sure to enter your email address as your 'institutional' email address.
During setup, you will be asked if you are interested in the option of receiving Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Credit for completed CITI Program Courses. You may select 'YES' for this option, however you will be responsible for any fees associated with CEU credit (purchase options are offered at the end of course completion). If you select 'No' at this time, you can change this setting at a later date.
On the final registration page. You will be asked a series of questions to determine the educational modules required by UW-Whitewater to conduct Human or Animal Research.
The only requirement for human research is the "Social, Behavioral, & Educational (SBE) Sciences - All Researchers" (Basic Stage) module, this incorporates parts of all of the other modules. Additional/alternative modules are available for Biomedical Research.
If you have been awarded a federal grant, additional modules or one-on-one training may be required. Please review the grant requirements or contact ORSP to help determine the educational requirements for grant compliance. The first course for Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) is available on the CITI Program site at any time.
You may login to your CITI account at any time to review and print your information, or to choose additional training modules as required. Upon transfer to another institution that uses the CITI program, you may also change your affiliation.
Please contact Donna Kempf, Research Compliance Officer, with any questions regarding the CITI Program.
Once you have completed the required CITI training, it will take approximately 48 BUSINESS hours for you to access Cayuse Human Ethics.
Online Submission Forms
All IRB protocols are now submitted through Cayuse Human Ethics. Modifications can be done to any protocols submitted and approved after January 18th, 2018.
For modifications to any protocols prior to January 18th, 2018, please contact Donna Kempf.
If you have any problems accessing Cayuse Human Ethics, we probably have not processed your CITI training certification. Please complete your CITI training and wait 48 business hours after completion to enter your IRB protocol.
IRB Online Protocol Submission through Cayuse Human Ethics
Timeline for Full Board Protocol Submission and Review
The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater encourages and supports free and responsible investigation by faculty, staff, and students. The policies and procedures of the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects (IRB) have been developed to protect the rights and welfare of participants in research.
ONLY protocols requiring full board review must be submitted in accordance with posted deadlines. Protocols that qualify for review as expedited or exempt from further IRB oversight may be submitted at any time.
Protocols requiring full-board review must be submitted to the Research Compliance Officer on the first day of the month in order to be reviewed during that month's scheduled meeting.
Meetings of the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects are held at 1:00pm on the third Friday of each month, with the exception of May, June, and July.
UW-Whitewater Institutional Review Board Meetings |
Date | Agenda | Minutes |
March 21, 2025 | Agenda |
Past meeting agendas and minutes are available to review in the UWW Institutional Review Board Google Drive.
Additional Submission Information
- Research protocols may be submitted anytime.
- Protocols are reviewed on an ongoing basis.
- The Research Compliance Officer will provide an update on meeting date and time as/if appropriate.
- Contact the Research Compliance Officer if your project is date sensitive.
- UW-Whitewater IRB Bylaws (Updated August 2022)
- HHS Code of Federal Regulations - 45 CFR 46
- Human Subject Regulations Decision Charts
- Health Literacy Studies at the Harvard School of Public Health
- UW-Whitewater IRB member contact information
- Our IRB Number: IORG0096176 / IRB00010934