Eating Disorders
Wellness Information
UHCS Services
UHCS provides a variety of services for students who are dealing with negative body image or disordered eating. Our treatment team consists of mental health professionals, a psychiatrist, physicians, and providers with background in nutrition. This multi-disciplinary team will address your physical symptoms, your emotional health, your caloric intake, and medication needs (when applicable). Call 262-472-1305 with questions or to setup an appointment.
Here are some warning signs of an eating disorder:
- Always thinking and talking about food
- Excessive exercising
- Staying away from activities just because of concern over body weight and size.
- Concern about being fat when one is a healthy weight
- Self-induced vomiting (rushing to the bathroom after eating, swollen "chipmunk" face)
- Use of laxatives and diuretics (product or empty wrapper may be left around)
- Hoarding large amount of food in one's room or car
- Frequent large weight gains and losses
- Less frequent , heavy or loss of menstruation
- Paleness and dizziness
Do you have a friend struggling with an eating disorder, such as anorexia, bulimia, or a binge eating?
Having an understanding of eating disorders is important for you to better help your friend. Eating disorders are illnesses and not choices. They arise from a variety of physical, emotional, social, and familial issues. All of these issues need to be addressed with the help of a professional for effective prevention and treatment of eating disorders. People with eating disorders have a real mental illness that distorts their body image.
You cannot force someone to seek help, change their eating habits, or change their attitudes. But, you can help your friend by honestly sharing your concerns, providing support, and finding out where to go for more information.
- Learn as much as you can about eating disorders.
- Know the differences between facts and myths about weight, nutrition, and exercise, so you can reason against a friend's inaccurate ideas.
- Talk opening and honestly with your friend about your concerns.
- Be caring, but be firm. Your friend must be responsible for their behavior. Avoid making rules, promises, or expectations you cannot keep.
- Compliment your friend on their wonderful personality, successes, or accomplishments.
- Be a good role model for healthy eating, exercise, and self-acceptance.
- Tell someone else about your concerns for your friend. Addressing body image and eating disorders early before they become life threatening offers a better chance for success in becoming healthy again.
- Eating disorders are not just a "woman's or a girl's problem." People of all genders who are preoccupied with shape and weight can also develop eating disorders
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This site is not meant to replace the advice of a health care or counseling professional. You should not rely on any information on these pages, or information generated for you by this site, to replace consultations with qualified professionals regarding your own specific situation. Some links take you to a source outside of UHCS. The owners of that site, not UHCS, are responsible for the content.