Undergraduate Research Program


At the University of Wisconsin- Whitewater, we empower undergraduates to explore and innovate through research. Thanks to our generous donors, we provide vital resources and opportunities that shape the next generation of leaders.

We honor our dedicated supporters who have made a lasting impact on our students’ journeys. Your contributions enable essential funding for research projects, conference travel, and access to key resources.

Featured Scholarships and Recent Awardees:

  • Birch and Aspen Scholarship Award
    • 2024-2025 Recipients - Sabrina Wolf (Environmental Science), Halle Boldt (Biology)
    • 2023-2024 Recipients - Beto Patino Luna (Geography-Geology), Henry Rohde (Physics), Blake Stephens (Geography-Geology)
  • Discovery Endowment Award
    • 2024-2025 Recipients - Gwenyth Heidinger (Geography-Geology), Dean Wink (Geography-Geology)
    • 2023-2024 Recipients - Salaar Akbar (Biology), Jenna Cooper (Biology), Allison Depka (Biology), Sarah Ferguson (Biology), Miles Hagen (Biology), Naomi Mullen (Environmental Science), Angel Navarrete (Biology)
  • Ganser Biology Research Award
    • 2024-2025 Recipients - Libby Nabhan (Biology). Sarah Ferguson (Biology)
    • 2023-2024 Recipients - Warren Meadow (Biology), William Morgan (Biology), Colin Topol (Biology)
  • Biology Undergraduate Research Award
    • 2024-2025 Recipients - Kylie Abbott (Biology), Analissa McCaw (Biology), Salaar Akbar (Biology), Emily Connell (Biology), Eric Corcoran (Biology), Lauren Dethridge (Biology), Abby Panier (Biology)
  • College of Letters and Sciences Student Travel Award
    • 2024-2025 Recipients - Gwen Heidinger (Geography-Geology), Miles McIntosh (Geography-Geology), Beto Patino Luna (Geography-Geology), Dean Wink (Geography-Geology), Ashton Albrecht (Environmental Science), Austin Cox (Biology), Shelby Paluch (Environmental Science), Sabrina Wolf (Environmental Science), Spencer Cooper (Chemistry), Foster Boom (Chemistry), Nic Barmore (Chemistry)
    • 2023-2024 Recipients - Faith Jones (Social Work), Brynn Zimmermann (Environmental Science)

Join Us in Making a Difference!

Consider donating today. Any amount is helpful and will go to support students pursuing research on campus by providing funds for materials for conducting research, books, conference presentation travel, piblication costs, and more. Here are some giving levels if you would like to support a certain grant or opportunity:

  • $300: Supports a Seed Grant Project
  • $750: Supports an Academic Year Grant
  • $1,000: Supports travel to the National Conference on Undergraduate Research
  • $2000: Supports a travel grant for students participating in a research based course that includes a travel component or travel to professional conference to present their research

Please donate below or if you're interested in starting a scholarship or specific fund, please contact Danielle Story at storyd@uww.edu.

Contact URP
  • Roseman 2005
  • Email: urp@uww.edu
  • Phone: (262) 472-1268
Contact RAP
  • Roseman 2005
  • Email: rap@uww.edu
  • Phone: (262) 472-5049