General Classes
Students are required to complete the General Education and U.S. Racial/Ethnic Diversity Requirements as part of the requirements for graduation. If Developmental Studies courses are required, they must be completed before enrolling in the subsequent General Education course.
Students may not take for credit any course for which they have received a waiver, nor may they take for credit any course in the same department that is a pre-requisite or un-requisite for a course that has been waived (e.g., if a student has been waived from English 102, he may not take English 101 for credit).
(Developmental courses count towards the semester credit load and will be computed into the grade point average. However, they do not count towards graduation credits.)
Communication & Calculation Skills
(Must be completed within 60 units)
(Minimum of 32 units needed to complete requirement)
- Quantitative & Technical Reasoning
- Cultural Heritages
- Communities
- Physical Health & Well-Being
- Electives