Interim Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Associate Provost

Dean, College of Arts and Communication

Dean, College of Business and Economics

Dean, College of Education and Professional Studies

Dean and Assistant Vice Chancellor, College of Integrated Studies

Dean, College of Letters and Sciences

Dean, School of Graduate Studies

Interim Executive Director, Center for Global Education

Director, Institutional Research, Assessment, and Planning

Director, University Libraries

Executive Director, TRIO and Pre-College Programs

Director, LEARN Center

Director, University Honors Program

Director, Career Services

Director, Learning Technology Center
College of Arts and Communication
Art and Design Department Chairperson - Co-chairs Daniel Kim and Jared Janovec
Communication Department Chairperson - Kathy Brady
Music Department Chairperson - Glenn Hayes
Theatre and Dance Department Chairperson - Eric Appleton
College of Business and Economics
Accounting Department Chairperson - Abbie Daly
Economics Department Chairperson - Yamin Ahmad
Finance and Business Law Department Chairperson - Arjan Premti
Info Technology and Supply Chain Management Department Chairperson - Andy Ciganek
Management Department Chairperson - Praveen Parboteeah
Marketing Department Chairperson - Jimmy Peltier
Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health Department Chairperson - Donna Vosburgh
College of Education and Professional Studies
Communication Sciences and Disorders Department Chairperson - Lynn Gilbertson
Counselor Education Department Chairperson - Jennifer Betters-Bubon
Curriculum and Instruction Department Chairperson - Ozgul Kartal
Educational Foundations Department Chairperson - Jenni Petersen
Kinesiology Department Chairperson - Lindsey Greviskes
Leadership, Military Science, and Aerospace Studies Department Chairperson - Stanley Johnson
Special Education Department Chairperson - Amy Stevens
College of Integrated Studies
Integrated Studies Interim Department Chairperson - Jeff Suarez
College of Letters and Sciences
Biology Department Chairperson - Heather Pelzel
Chemistry Department Chairperson - Jessica Bonjour
Computer Sciences Department Chairperson - Jiazhen Zhou
Geography, Geology, and Environmental Science Department Chairperson - Dale Splinter
History Department Chairperson - Kim Nath
Literature, Writing, and Film Department Chairperson - Jonathan Ivry
Mathematics Department Chairperson - Geethamali Samaranayake
Philosophy and Religious Studies Department Chairperson - David Simmons
Physics Department Chairperson - Ozgur Yavuzcetin
Politics, Government, and Law Chairperson - Edward Gimbel
Psychology Department Chairperson - Elizabeth Olson
Social Work Department Chairperson - Yeongmin Kim
Sociology, Criminology, and Anthropology Department Chairperson - Loren Wilbers
Women's and Gender Studies Department Chairperson - Ellie Schemenauer
World Languages and Cultures - Pilar Melero