Parking Services
UW-Whitewater Visitors Center


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The State of Wisconsin defines parking utilities on UW-System campuses as auxiliary enterprises.   As such, these parking programs are operated entirely without support from tuition dollars, student fees, the University budget, or general tax revenue.   All operational, deferred maintenance, and facility development expenses are paid entirely from permit sales, parking fine revenues, and metered fees.

Parking is enforced 24/7 and all vehicles parked on campus must have a permit or pay for parking at all times except on University recognized holidays and on weekends (starting at 5PM on Friday and extending through 11PM on Sunday). Large events such as football games or other conferences may override weekend parking regulations.

Vehicles arriving before or after Parking Services office hours may purchase a parking permit online or from the kiosk located behind the Visitor Center in the service drive.   Learn more about temporary parking options here. Failure to follow regulations will result in citations being issued.

Standard Campus Wide Regulations:

  • Physical signage is deployed as necessary throughout UW-Whitewater campus. It is the drivers' responsibility to ensure they read all signs and familiarize themselves with parking rules to avoid receiving unwanted ticket(s). 
  • If your vehicle is left unattended, it is considered parked. Four-way flashers are for warning other motorists that your vehicle may be a hazard. Having your flashers on does not allow you to park illegally, for any time period.
  • Vehicles must park within one parking stall in designated parking areas only with a license plate facing the drive lane
  • Motorcycles must have their own permit and must park in designated motorcycle parking areas only. Not valid in vehicle parking stalls.
  • Vehicles are prohibited from parking on any area with grass, pathways (paved, improved, natural), sidewalks, or fire lanes
  • Many yellow curb areas are for emergency vehicle access. Unattended vehicles left in these areas constitute significant risk for others, and will not be allowed.
  • Storing of vehicles or vehicles that are disabled for more than 24 hours is not permitted.
  • Vehicles which present a hazard due to location, condition or other factors as determined by University Police may be ordered removed and/or removed at owner’s expense.
  • Overnight guests must temporarily park in lot 18 until 7/01/2025. This restriction is in place due to parking capacity in resident lots to allow our student residents to park in their assigned lots.
  • Pay-by-space parking is available through the AMP Parking app. Use must be consistent with signage.

Overnight Parking:

  • Overnight parking is defined as parking between 2AM - 5AM
  • Overnight street parking is prohibited
  • Overnight parking is restricted to Lot 19 only with an appropriate permit.
    • Temporarily, overnight parking is restricted to Lot 18 until 7/01/2025.
  • Overnight parking in commuter lots is prohibited without Parking Services approval
  • Commuter permits (orange and brown) are not valid for overnight parking
  • Permit holders who wish to leave a vehicle on campus during school sponsored trips and only have a commuter permit need to contact Parking Services
  • NOTE: All vehicles must have the ability to be moved upon request.  If you are leaving your vehicle, you should ensure someone has the ability to move it on your behalf if necessary, otherwise the vehicle will be towed at the owner’s expense.

Restricted Parking:

  • Specifically restricted areas or parking stalls (handicap, reserved, metered, service stalls, etc.) are enforced at all times
  • Time restricted stalls are available around campus for the purpose of short-term business. Any vehicle exceeding the time restriction may be cited multiple times
  • Service vehicle stalls around campus are restricted to those vehicles that have been granted permission and have obtained the appropriate permit from Parking Services
  • The University reserves the right to close University parking lots for maintenance, snow removal, special events, etc. when necessary
  • Vehicles parked in drive aisles, fire lanes, on sidewalks, or lawns will be ticketed and towed at the owner's expense

Disabled Vehicles:

When a vehicle becomes stalled, stuck, or disabled on University property, contact University Parking Services and the University Police immediately with the license plate number, vehicle information, and location.

If the vehicle is not obstructing traffic or is not creating a hazard in any way, you will be given three (3) hours to move the vehicle before it is subject to a ticket or tow.   If the vehicle is parked at a parking meter, the meter must be paid until the vehicle is moved.    Disabled vehicles will need to be moved off campus within 24 hours unless University Police or Parking approve a longer period.

Understanding Virtual Permits

UW-Whitewater has moved to a "virtual parking permit" system in which no physical permit is displayed.  Through the use of License Plate Recognition (LPR) software, we identify if a vehicle has a virtual permit assigned or if a vehicle has paid for a parking session.   

Virtual permit holders and pay-by-space app users must provide their correct license plate information when purchasing a permit before parking on campus.  A registered permit holder who brings a different vehicle to campus and forgets to register/update plate information subjects the vehicle to a $5.00 fine.   Your permit or pay-by-app parking associates to your vehicle license plate number and is how parking rights are validated.  Most permits can have two (2) vehicles/license plates registered to them, but only one (1) of those vehicles may be present at a time on campus.   Even though we no longer use colored hanging permits, the virtual permit that you purchase will have the same rules and regulations as the colored hanging permits. 

License Plate Recognition (LPR) is used for parking enforcement, therefore permit and pay-by-app users are solely responsible for the accuracy of vehicle plate information within the system.  Vehicle registration plates that are not attached to the "front" or "rear" of the vehicle, fictitious/decorative/vanity plates, or plates that are damaged, sun faded, worn, or illegible due to debris are not acceptable and must be corrected.  Vehicles issued only one plate, regardless of State of issuance, are not exempt and must be parked with the plate facing the drive lanes of the parking lot.

UW-Whitewater Parking Services greatly appreciates everyone's assistance in following campus parking regulations, policies, and procedures.  These rules ensure maximum parking is available to our campus community, and help maintain safety.  We enforce these policies through citations, and fine amounts are based on how severely an infraction may inconvenience other motorists.   We are happy to answer any questions you may have, so please contact us at (262) 472-1011 or via email at

Parking is enforced 24/7 except for University recognized holidays (see FAQ section for the list of Holidays) and starting at 5 pm Fridays until 11 pm Sundays. Parking reserves the right to close lots when needed for events or snow plowing.

Vehicles parked in violation of University parking regulations are subject to the following fines:

Parking anywhere on campus during hours of regulation (11PM Sunday to 5PM Friday) requires the purchase of a permit before the vehicle is parked.    UW-Whitewater has moved to a "virtual parking permit" system in which no physical placard is displayed.  This means you must register your license plate to a permit to validly park on campus and avoid parking tickets. 

  1. No Permit first offense is $25
  2. No Permit subsequent offenses are $50

Motorcycles/Mopeds must also have their license plates registered in order to park on campus and must park in designated cycle areas only. Learn more here.

If you receive a No Permit citation and you are interested in purchasing a valid annual permit, contact Parking Services within five (5) days of receiving it and the citation may be waived.

If you do have a valid permit but entered an incorrect license plate or forgot to add new vehicle information, the citation may be reduced to Failure to Update License Plate upon contacting Parking Services.

If you are a visitor to campus and receive a No Permit citation, call Parking Services at 262-472-1011 for possible reductions.

Vehicle license plates must be registered to your virtual permit in order for us to validate your parking rights.   If you forget to update your vehicle plate information, this type of citation will be issued.

If you receive a ticket for this violation, you will be unable to appeal it as you agreed to the Terms of Service when you purchased your permit which specifically mentions ensuring registered vehicle information is accurate.

It is the vehicle owner's responsibility to ensure the license plate of the vehicle parked on campus is readable.  This means the paint is not chipped or scratched off which would interfere with the LPR camera equipment’s ability to read the plate.

If you receive a ticket for this violation, you will be unable to appeal it online. However, if you contact Parking Services and provide proof that new plates have been purchased through the DMV, it may be voided.

Reserved spaces in resident parking lots are reserved at all times and standard resident parking permits are not valid in these spaces. Reserved parking stalls are also available in parking lots 12, 13, 14, and Hyer.   These spaces are reserved at all times.  If the space has a sign, it is reserved.  Do not park there.   

Parking is prohibited at all times on University walkways and any area not specifically designed as a parking area.  Parking is also prohibited where it creates a safety hazard, interferes with use of university facilities, interferes with pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or where it violates any provision of Wisconsin Statutes. 346.52 or 346.53.

If your vehicle is unattended, it is parked. Four-way flashers are for warning other motorists that your vehicle may be a hazard.   Having your flashers on does not allow you to park illegally, for any time period.

Many yellow curb areas are for emergency vehicle access.   Unattended vehicles left in these areas constitute significant risk for others, and will not be allowed.

Parking on campus sidewalks or areas not designated as a parking area is prohibited unless prior authorization is received by UW-W Police Department.

Special circumstances (move-in, special events, etc.) may present the need to close parking lots.  This citation is issued if a vehicle is parked in a closed lot. Vehicles may also be towed out of closed lots at the owner’s expense.

Occasionally, we need vehicles to move out of their normally designated areas to perform snow removal. If notices sent to permitholders requesting movement in this case are ignored, a Winter Parking Violation will be issued.

Vehicles parking in service stalls without a valid service permit or authorization from Parking Services will receive this citation. Contractors who receive this citation should go to the Parking Services office to receive a service permit. Check out the Service Vehicle Policy for more information.

Not parking within striped stall markings in a paved lot is considered improper parking.   Students and Staff are cautioned to carefully observe where and how they park. If the space isn't striped as a parking space, do not park there. The entire vehicle must be parked within a valid parking space. If any part of the vehicle projects beyond the edge of the valid parking area, the vehicle is illegally parked.

Parking on campus requires you to register a vehicle to a permit. Every permit type has designated areas that it authorizes parking within. Signs at the entrances of every lot state which permits are allowed to park there. Parking outside of a permit’s designated area will result in an Improper Lot citation.

Resident parking permits are lot-specific, meaning they are only valid in one assigned lot. Parking in any other resident lot than the one assigned will result in an Improper Resident Lot citation. As resident lots are typically sold out, students who choose to park in the wrong resident lot are actively taking spaces away from other students who paid for the area.

Parking in a metered stall requires you to download the AMP Parking app to a mobile device in order to pay for your time. Parking in these spaces past the expiration of your session or failing to pay for a session at all will result in this citation being issued. Most zones have a maximum time limit of two (2) hours, with Lot 11 alone allowing a maximum of four (4) hours. Failing to pay for your stall because the app would not allow you to extend past these limits is not a valid reason for appeal. You can receive this citation every two hours that you remain parked in a metered stall.

Overtime/Expired Time Limit citations may also be issued to Faculty/Staff permitholders who exceed the 30 minutes allowed in a service stall. Check out the Service Vehicle Policy for more information.

There is no overnight parking in any commuter parking lots or campus streets between the hours of 2AM to 5AM.   Commuter parking permits are not for overnight parking.   Any student with a Commuter permit or without a Resident permit must obtain an overnight permit from the parking kiosk located in the service drive behind the Visitor Center. You must park in the lot designated on signs next to the kiosk for overnight parking.

Students traveling for athletic events, school sponsored events, etc. must obtain their own parking permit from Parking Services.

A previously issued ticket cannot be displayed on a vehicle when it is parked at a later time and/or in a different location. Leaving an empty ticket envelope on the vehicle's windshield is also considered being dishonest. 

Display of a previously issued ticket is considered prima facie evidence of intent to park illegally through deception. 

Display of a previous citation while a vehicle is parked illegally will result in the issue of a Fraudulent Display ticket in addition to any action taken to sanction the vehicle's current parking violation.

UW-Whitewater faculty, staff, students, and visitors must have a current/valid UW-Whitewater parking permit in addition to a state-issued disability placard or disabled license plates in order to park in campus disabled spaces.

If you park in a handicap stall without a valid placard or plate, this citation will be issued. The only valid appeal for this type of citation is proof that you do have a valid placard or plate, and simply forgot to display it. Unauthorized use of disabled spaces will not be tolerated.

Vehicles must be parked with a license plate visible to the drive lane and properly mounted.  If you only have one license plate on your vehicle, this means you must ensure that plate is facing the drive lane. Having a front license plate in your dashboard and not mounted to the vehicle does not meet this requirement.

If you receive a ticket for this violation, you will be unable to appeal it as you agreed to the Terms of Service when you purchased your permit and were additionally informed of this expectation via an attachment to your emailed receipt.

Parking on campus requires a vehicle to have a current/valid license plate since UW-Whitewater has moved to LPR (License Plate Recognition).  If a vehicle does not have a license plate, this citation will be issued.

Parking on campus requires the purchase of a permit.  Some permits can associate up to two (2) vehicles/license plates, but only one (1) of those vehicles may be present at a time. If vehicles that are listed on the same permit are found on campus at the same time, this type of citation will be issued to both vehicles.

If you know both vehicles will be on campus at the same time, purchasing a visitor permit for one of them will prevent this citation from being issued.

A parking permit is the designated university identification for authorized use of parking facilities. The permit is the property of UW-Whitewater and is provided for the use of a specific customer under the restrictions and guidelines outlined in the permit use agreement.   Resale, unauthorized transfer, use by a non-registered user, duplication, alteration, or misrepresentation is a violation under UWS Ch. 18 and 943.20 (1) (a), Wis. State Statutes.   Sanctions for misuse of a permit include fines authorized under Ch. 18 and revocation of parking privileges. 


The operator of a vehicle may file an appeal on the Parking Portal if they believe a ticket was issued in error. Submission of an appeal requires that you agree to the Appeals Policy. Familiarize yourself with the full policy below to ensure your appeal is valid before submitting.

Appeals Policy

If you believe your parking ticket was issued in error, you must submit an appeal online within 5 (five) days from the date of the ticket.

There will be a $10.00 processing fee assessed for an appeal that is denied. For appeals that are approved, there will not be an additional fee assessed. The appeal process can take up to 3-4 weeks for review and processing. Tickets that have been reduced by the Parking Office and then an appeal is submitted afterward, that reduction is removed and the ticket goes back to the original fee.

Payment is not required until you receive your adjudication letter explaining the decision of your appeal.

To file an appeal, go to our website at and click on "Pay or Appeal A Ticket." Be sure to read this Appeals Policy prior to submitting the appeal.

After 5 (five) days, you lose your right to appeal the ticket unless there were extenuating circumstances; (example: medical)

The following circumstances are NOT valid reasons for an appeal, and will NOT be accepted:



  1. If your ticket is for "Overtime/Expired Time Limit", provide your student or employee ID number, Passport ID number and parking lot.
  2. If your ticket is for "No Permit" and you have a current/valid parking permit, you MUST provide your student or employee ID number and permit number. The permit must be registered to that vehicle and the permit holder must be a current student or employee of the University. Permits may not be loaned, shared, or sold by parties other than UW Whitewater Parking Services.
  3. Four-way flashers are for warning other motorists that your vehicle may be a hazard. Having your flashers on does not allow you to park illegally.
  4. Many yellow curb areas are for emergency vehicle access. Unattended vehicles left in these areas constitute significant risk for others, and will not be allowed.
  5. Failure to observe clearly posted restrictions or ignorance of University parking regulations is not considered a valid basis for an appeal for any established student, faculty, or staff. Persons who purchased a parking permit agree to and must comply with University Parking Regulations and Terms of Service.
  6. A parking ticket appeal should address only the issues related to the ticket. The appeal process is not a forum for submitting parking complaints. Complaints and/or suggestions should be submitted to Parking Services at


All parking ticket appeals are reviewed by an appeals officer. Once Parking Services receives your appeal, the appeals officer will:

  1. Read the appeal and review the information on the ticket.
  2. Review the Parking and Rules Regulations that are relevant to the appeal.
  3. Review other information, such as area maps or digital photographs of signs in the area.
  4. Make a decision on the appeal.

The decision of the appeals officer is based on the type of violation, any previous tickets, area signage, existing parking permit, and your reason for the appeal.


The appeals officer makes one of the following decisions after review:

  1. REDUCE - means that the amount of the fine is reduced. Payment of the reduced fine is still required.
  2. APPROVED - means that the ticket issued will be voided/cancelled.
  3. DENY - means that your ticket has been upheld and you must pay the fine plus the $10.00 filing fee that will be assessed.


If you do not agree with the decision of the appeals officer, you may make a final appeal by emailing within 10 days of the appeal officer’s decision. Please include all relevant information.

There are a few different ways to pay citations:

  1. Go to the Parking Portal or scan the QR code on your ticket to pay online.
  2. Stop by the Visitor Center on campus at 826 W. Starin Road or use the drive-thru accessible in Lot 7
  3. Mail the ticket and payment to the following address (postage required):

UW-W Parking Services

Visitor Center

826 W. Starin Rd.

Whitewater, WI 53190-1121

Make checks payable to UW-Whitewater. Please note that UW-Whitewater is not responsible for cash or checks sent via U.S. Mail.

Any ticket that has been paid will not be refunded.  If you have questions regarding the ticket and fee(s), you will need to contact Parking Services prior to making any payment.

Not sure what your total balance due for parking tickets is? Use the Citation Balance Due Form to find out.

**Caution** UW-Whitewater has not entered into any agreement with any agent for the payment or collection of parking fines by credit card or other means over the web. You must submit payment through the Parking Portal to pay online.