
Online Classes & Remote Learning

Taking courses online or remotely creates unique challenges that you may not encounter while face-to-face in a classroom. These types of courses require you to stay organized and manage your time even moreso than when you're in a physical classroom. You may find you need to revamp the strategies you're using for these courses. Let's cover some basics of being successful in a remote/online learning setting:

  • Communicate often. Reach out to your instructors, campus staff, mentors, and classmates. Ask for feedback and clarification. Find a study group through Navigate’s Study Buddies feature.
  • Stick with what works. Keep using what works and find tools or processes that fit you. Just because something works for someone else, doesn’t mean it will for you. Stay consistent and don’t switch to new tools or processes every day or week; this can add unnecessary stress and confusion.
  • Keep a schedule. Stick to consistent times for working and connecting with classmates and instructors. Schedules provide consistency - determine specific times to read chapters, start drafting papers, studying for exams, etc.
  • Stay motivated. Set clear goals and work with your academic advisor or a success coach to set individual or academic goals for working remotely. Communicate these goals with others around you. Don’t forget to celebrate or reward what you’ve accomplished!
  • Recognize the emotional impact. Provide yourself an opportunity to reflect. Be honest with instructors and yourself! Remote learning is a lot to take in all at once. Share your remote learning experience with peers and instructors – there can be strength in numbers, especially when offering support and encouragement to one another!

Click on the boxes below to find resources to tackle common concerns related to remote/online learning. You can also find additional strategies and resources at the bottom of this page.

Conquer Concerns About Going Remote