Publication Venues for Community-Based Research
- Comprehensive list of journals publishing community engaged scholarship
- Community Works Journal
- Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement
- International Journal for Service-Learning in Engineering: Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship
- Journal for Civic Commitment
- Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship
- Journal of Experiential Education
- Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement
- Journal of Public Scholarship in Higher Education
- Journal for Research on Service-Learning and Teacher Education
- Journal of Service-Learning in Higher Education
- Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning
- Partnerships: A Journal of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement
- Partnerships: UNCG Hosted Online Journals.
- Partnership Perspectives: Community-Campus Partnerships for Health
- Purdue Journal of Service-Learning
- Public: A Journal of Imagining America
- a href="">Reflections
Journals often publishing community engaged scholarship:
Contact Info
Jodie Parys
Coordinator, Program for Community-Based Learning
Phone: 262-472-5070
Location: LT 3130