H-Options Instructions
Instructions for students:
- Review the Guidelines for H-Option Projects.
- Review some examples of successful H-Option Projects to collect ideas for your H-Option Project. The examples are divided up into 100/200-level H-Option Projects and 300/400-level H-Option Projects. You may also view some more recent examples within the H-Options Application.
- Meet with a professor with whom you are interested in working on an H-Option Project. Share your project idea with your professor and solicit feedback. Design a project together.
- Be sure to follow the timeline for submitting your H-Option Form 1 and H-Option Form 2 online through the online H-Option Application.
- Meet with your professor at least twice more during the semester about the progress of your project: once at mid-semester and once when you turn in your H-Option project to your professor.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the University Honors Program at honors@uww.edu.
Instructions for faculty:
- If a student approaches you with a request to complete an H-Option Project, please consider the request a compliment (because it really is!) and say yes!
- In designing the H-Option Project with your student, you may wish to consult the Guidelines for H-Option Projects.
- You may also wish to review some examples of successful H-Option Projects to gather ideas for your student’s H-Option Project. The examples are divided up into 100/200-level H-Option Projects and 300/400-level H-Option Projects.
- Meet with your student at least three times during the semester: one at the outset of the project, one in mid-semester, and one when the student turns in the H-Option Project.
- Be sure to mind the timeline for the specific dues dates of H-Option Form 1 and H-Option Form 2. While your student is responsible for getting these forms submitted through the online H-Option Application on time, you may wish to gently prompt them.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the University Honors Program at honors@uww.edu.
Thanks so much for your willingness to work with an Honors student on an H-Option Project. It’s true that the university as a whole benefits from a strong University Honors Program, but it’s also true that the program would not exist without the good will and generosity of our fabulous faculty.