

Source: Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

The Academic Advisement Report is a complete match of an individual student's academic course history against a prescribed set of degree program requirements based upon the requirement term on the student's record and the effective term of the requirements on the curriculum file.

The AAR project was implemented to meet the following objectives; (1) to provide students and faculty with accurate and current information about degree requirements, courses completed, and courses in progress; (2) to monitor courses applicability to degree requirements as an on-going process; (3) to have students legitimately assume primary responsibility for meeting the requirements of their degree: (4) to allow advisers to focus more of their time on student's personal, educational, and professional goals, and (5) to reduce the manual, time consuming efforts in the academic departments, colleges, and the Registrar's Office to clear graduation applications." 

As amended 21 August 2014