
Change of Status Policy - Overload Scheduling

Source: Office of the Vice Chancellor, Administrative Affairs 

Applies to Non-Instructional Academic Staff at 100% FTE Many academic staff members are being requested to teach a class or work on a special project in addition to their regular academic staff contract. These requests are often accompanied by an additional monetary compensation. It has been perceived that this additional payment means that the staff member is being compensated twice, or "double-dipping." In an attempt to dispel this perception, supervisors are being asked to monitor all overload requests and discuss with the staff member how the additional responsibilities associated with the overload request will be accomplished.

This situation will most likely result in one of two scenarios:

Situation 1: Additional work/class will take place outside of "regular" work hours i.e. The staff member is being paid as overload to teach a class that meets Wednesday from 6-9 PM. Employee normally works M-F from 8AM - 4:30PM. It is assumed that time spent in the classroom as well as class preparation/non-teaching duties will occur outside of the staff members normal work day.

Situation 2: The staff member is being paid as overload to teach a class that meets on Wednesday from 1-4:00 pm. The employee normally works M-F 8AM - 4:30PM. What arrangements have been made to accommodate this additional responsibility? How will the 3 hours per week teaching (plus any additional non-teaching time spent on class work) be "made up" to ensure that the employee fulfills his or her original commitment as well as the additional work?

In either scenario, the employee must submit a paragraph (signed and dated) to his/her supervisor addressing these issues. The supervisor will sign and date the paragraph noting his/her approval or disapproval. A copy of the paragraph must be attached to the change of status form.

As Amended: September 30, 2011
Last Reviewed: October 2015