Source: Office of the Vice Chancellor, Administrative Affairs
Unauthorized and non-essential use of service stalls results in the service stalls being unavailable for service vehicle parking and authorized loading/delivery. This increases the frequency of off-road vehicle operation and other parking violations. Designating an adequate number of service stalls in appropriate locations is the second in priority (handicapped parking being first priority) of all possible designated uses for the limited number of parking spaces available campus wide. Effective utilization of the available services stall spaces will result in occurrences where all available service stalls in an area will be taken. Conversion of additional parking spaces to service stalls is accomplished through Parking Services monitoring the utilization of these spaces, and through communication with users of service stalls. The location of buildings and the configuration of access in some areas of the campus result in the need to designate limited access service drives. Space limitations may result in instances of inadequate service vehicle parking. This results in the need to exercise good judgement when accessing these areas by vehicle and any subsequent enforcement. Off-road vehicle operation creates safety hazards for pedestrians, accessibility issues, accelerates deterioration of sidewalks and damages lawn and landscaped areas. It is recognized that restricting the use of designated service stalls and the off-road operation of vehicles by university employees will result in increased time and labor costs related to maintenance and construction. These increased costs must be balanced by increased safety and the labor and material cost savings for restoring sidewalks and grounds, and will contribute to improved campus aesthetics. It is necessary for employees and contractors to use sound personal judgement in distinguishing between essential uses of service stalls and employee convenience.
(Policy does not cover golf cart type vehicles, Cushman, etc. See policy "Safe Operation of Cushman and Cushman Type Vehicles".) Off-road operation of vehicles is prohibited at all times, with the following exceptions:
- Grounds vehicles involved in grounds maintenance, including lighting and amenities.
- Vehicles displaying an Athletic Field Permit on athletic/intramural fields.
- Service vehicles when off-road operation/parking is essential to the performance of maintenance or construction functions.
- Emergency vehicles.
- When warranted in association with events. Such determination will be made by University Police and Parking Services based upon the specifics of the event and the conditions existing at the time of the event and/or, by authorizing other individuals to make that determination subject only to notifying University Police in advance of event.
Parking of service vehicles on sidewalks or other pedestrian routes to perform maintenance activities should be avoided whenever possible and when done orange traffic cones must be placed at the front and rear of the vehicle. Placement of the cones shall be such that visually impaired pedestrians will be directed, by tactile perception, around the vehicle and any equipment of supplies that may be projecting from the vehicle. This requirement is not required of emergency vehicles. Vehicles which carry service vehicle identification, but which are not being used for the purpose of performing maintenance or construction related activities are not authorized to be parked on sidewalks or other pedestrian routes. Vehicles in non-compliance may be towed.
Use of service stalls is restricted to:
- Emergency vehicles.
- Service vehicles, as defined.
- Vehicles displaying a valid Service Vehicle Permit.
- Vehicles displaying "DIS" or "DIS VET" license plates or ID card issued by Wisconsin or other state DMV or temporary handicapped parking permit issued by Parking Services.
- Vehicles displaying a valid Staff parking permit, for up to 20 minutes for purposes of loading/delivery.
- Vehicles displaying a valid Loading/Delivery permit.
- Vehicles displaying a valid Staff permit for unlimited periods between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Mondays through Fridays and all day on Saturdays, Sundays and state holidays.
If all service stalls in an area are occupied, it is the responsibility of the operator of the vehicle to find alternate parking. Service vehicles may also be parked in regular parking stalls or metered parking spaces where the meter time limit is more than thirty (30) minutes. Supervisors may not instruct employees to park in violation of this use policy, and statements indicating that an operator was instructed to park in violation of this policy by their supervisor may not be considered as a basis for the appeal of any citation issued. When a maintenance or construction project requires vehicle access to off-road areas or temporary designation of additional parking for service vehicles, arrangements may be made by contacting Parking Services prior to the project. Vehicles in non-compliance may be towed.
Authorized vehicles utilizing service stalls for purposes of loading/delivery in excess of the twenty (20) minute time limit will be cited for Overtime Parking. Vehicles which are cited for Overtime Parking in a service stall, and which remain in the service stall, are subject to multiple citations. Subsequent citations will be issued no sooner than twenty (20) minutes from the time of the previous citation. No more than five(5) citations will be issued on any one calendar day for Overtime Parking in that stall/area. If the vehicle is moved and the violation is repeated, it will be considered a separate occurrence. Overtime Parking citations which remain unpaid after five (5) business days will have a late fine added. Citations which remain unpaid after approximately twenty-eight (28) days from the date of issuance will have an administrative fee added to the fine amount and referral to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for vehicle registration suspension and an additional DOT fee if the citation is still unpaid after approximately fifty-six (56) days from the date of issuance. All vehicles not in compliance with this policy which are found parked in service stalls/areas or off-road areas will be cited for Parking in a Restricted Area. Payment of citations issued to private vehicles is the responsibility of the registered owner. Payment of citations issued to State owned vehicles is firstly the responsibility of the operator, and secondly the responsibility of the department or unit to which the vehicle is assigned if the operator of the vehicle at the time it was cited cannot be determined. Parking in a Restricted Area citations which remain unpaid after five (5) business days will have a late fine added.
- Citations issued to privately owned vehicles which remain unpaid will be subject to normal citation collection processing. This consists of an administrative fee on citations unpaid after approximately twenty-eight (28) days from the date of issuance, and referral to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for vehicle registration suspension and an additional DOT fee if unpaid after approximately fifty-six (56) days from the date of issuance.
- Citations issued to State owned vehicles which remain unpaid:
- Parking Services will seek to determine the operator of the cited vehicle.
- Parking Services will contact the operator of the cited vehicle if the citation remains unpaid after five (5) business days from the date of issuance.
- Parking Services will contact the supervisor of the operator of the cited vehicle to initiate disciplinary action and payment of the citation fine if the citation remains unpaid after approximately thirty (30) days from the date of issuance.
Citations under this policy may be appealed in writing to Parking Services. The appeal must address the circumstances by which the vehicle was not in violation of this policy.
Upon approval by university administration this policy will be distributed by direct mail to full and part time employees. Thereafter this policy will be included in parking regulations which are published annually. University employees responsible for supervising the work of outside vendors shall provide a written copy of this policy to the vendor.
The following definitions are applied:
Athletic Field Permit - A permit issued by Parking Service for the purpose of identifying vehicles which are necessary for the transportation of equipment to and from athletic fields and practice areas.
Essential Use - A condition in which performance of the maintenance or construction task currently occurring requires specific placement of a vehicle for the delivery of bulky or heavy (in excess of 30 pounds) tools, materials or hazardous materials to or from the work site.
Grounds Vehicle - A university owned vehicle used in the performance of grounds maintenance, including lighting and amenities.
Limited Access Service Drive - A route identified for the purpose of essential vehicular access to a building or area. Such service drives are normally pedestrian circulation routes. Extreme caution must be used by all persons operating a vehicle in these areas.
Loading/Delivery - Use of designate service stalls/areas for up to 20 minutes for purposes of loading or unloading program related materials or supplies.
Loading/Delivery Permit - A permit issued by Parking Services which identifies a vehicle as authorized to use service stalls for up to 20 minutes. These permits are normally issued to outside vendors such as florists and food vendors.
Off-Road Area - Any area not specifically designated and intended to be used for driving or parking of vehicles. Off-road areas include all university sidewalks regardless of width, all lawns and landscaped areas of campus.
Service - Job related activity which is related to the maintenance of university owned property, or construction on university buildings or grounds, or one that involves the movement of hazardous materials.
Service Stall - A parking stall designated as restricted to use by vehicles with state license plates or displaying a service permit.
Service Vehicle - A vehicle used by a university employee, contractor, contractor's employee, vendor or other service provider in the performance of maintenance of university owned equipment or buildings, or construction on university property. Specifically excluded are vehicles used by any person performing maintenance or construction which are used for the primary purpose of commuting to the work site, or by others not directly involved in the transportation of construction or maintenance tools, equipment or related supplies. Service vehicles may be identified by "State Owned" license plates or service vehicle permits issued by Parking Services.
Service Vehicle Permit - A permit issued by Parking Services which identifies a vehicle as authorized to use service stalls for time periods in excess of 20 minutes. These permits are normally issued to outside contractors and vendors, for such reasons as maintenance on photocopiers and vending machines, or contractors.
Vehicle - Any motor vehicle which is licensed for use on public highways and roads.
As amended
Last Reviewed: October 2015