Schedule of Classes Preparation Information

Please Note: This form is to be used by advisors, faculty, and staff. Students should consult their advisor or the department of the course if they have issues with course registration.

Please Note: This form is to be used by advisors, faculty, and staff. Students should consult their advisor if they have issues on their AAR.

Please Note: This form is to be used by faculty and staff. Students should consult their advisor if they have issues with course registration.
- 2024-2025 Schedule of Classes Calendar
- 2025-2026 Schedule of Classes Calendar
- Schedule of Classes Manual
- Class Scheduling Policy and Special Notes
- Final Exams - Fall/Spring
- Facility and Grounds Use Policy
Classroom Details:
- Hyflex Video Enabled Classrooms
- Building Codes
- Computer Labs
- HE0302 – World Languages and Cultures
- HE0303 – Literature, Writing, and Film
- HE0309 – Communication
- HE0312 – Communication
- HH3101 – COBE Dean’s Office
- HH3202 – COBE Dean’s Office
- HY0210 – Computer Science
- MG0019B – ITS (only for intermittent use)
- MG0019C – ITS (only for intermittent use)
- MG0115 – Computer Science
Course Fee information is now submitted and approved through the online application. Some special course fees are recurring and are in the process of being resubmitted so they are recorded in the Course Fees online database.
Please Note: Starting with Spring 2022, Distance Ed fees are requested via the Schedule of Classes proofs process by indicating the modality of the course.
Course Fees for Winterim, Spring, and Summer terms must be added after tuition is established in the system and before students begin to enroll or Financial Services will have to recalculate tuition individually for each student in the course(s). Fall is an exception because the Board of Regents does not approve budgets until summer. Financial Services will send a notification when tuition has been established and fees may be entered for each term.
At the time Schedule of Classes proofs are returned, fee requests need to be checked against notes in the schedule. If a note is present with no fee request, notify the department to submit the form as soon as possible. If a fee request is present without a note, confirm the need with the department.
Submission Deadlines:
- Spring Semester
- Due to Provost by September 25; to Financial Services by October 1
- Winterim Semester
- Due to Provost by September 25; to Financial Services by October 1
- Summer Semester
- Due to Provost by December 25; to Financial Services by January 1
- Fall Semester
- Due to Provost by February 25; to Financial Services by March 1
*For information regarding late submissions, please contact your Department Chair or the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Kristin Plessel.
*Project code needed for Special/Distance education fee courses. Please follow up with your Department Chair/Deans Office prior to submitting.
Recurring Course Fees:
Please Note: Class notes for recurring course fees must be submitted via the proofs each term. These are not automatically added.
Request New Special Course Fee (Not for Online/Distance Education Fees):
- Required:
- Contact for all notifications regarding this fee
- Effective term
- College
- Subject
- Course number
- If the course number is not found in the dropdown box, contact the Registrar’s Office Schedule of Classes team for advice on how to proceed.
- Course title
- Section number(s)
- Recurring fee
- Recurring fees do not need to be submitted unless there is a change in the fee. See the Schedule of Classes team for questions.
- Justification
- Expected enrollment
- Fee amount
- Anticipated total revenue
- Code
- Project code
- Submit for Approval
Request New Batch of Fees (For both new Special Course Fees):
- Required:
- Name
- Submit for Approval
Search Existing Fee Requests:
- Required:
- Request Number
- Contact for all notifications regarding the fee
- Assigned to
- Requested status
- Effective term
- Subject
- Course Number
- Course Title
- Section Number
- Code
- Submit for Approval
View My Pending Requests:
- Export Completed Fee Report
We have many resources* available for departments with step-by-step instructions.
*Password protected for professional staff only. Use your UWW credentials to access the Advisor, Faculty, and Staff how-to's.
Schedule of Classes Form Training:
25Live Technical Support: ITS
25Live Facility Support: Facilities, Planning & Management
Scheduling for Class Related Events: Class Schedule
Scheduling for Non-Class Related Events: University Center Reservations