Bicycle, Skateboard, and Rollerblade Regulations
- Student Responsibility for Absence Reports and Make-Ups
- Alcohol and Drug Use
- Drug-Free Workplace & Campus
- Bias-Free Environment
- Bicycle, Skateboard, and Rollerblade Regulations
- Computers and Computer Based Information Access
- Consensual Relationships
- Sexual Assault
- Emergency Evacuation from Buildings
- Campus Fundraising Policy
- Grade Appeals
- Grievance Procedures (student)
- Student Organization Policies
- Discrimination, Discriminatory-Harassment and Retaliation
- Confidentiality Policy
- UW-Whitewater Sexual Violance, Sexual Harassment and Intimate Partner Violence Policy
- Policy - Student Death Protocol
The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Police Department provides free bicycle registration to anyone on campus or in the community. This free service is available 24 hours a day by visiting the University Police Department located on the first floor of Goodhue Hall. All bicycles located on campus should be registered. Students may obtain a brochure of bicycle rules and regulations at the time of registration.
Bicycles must be parked at bicycle racks and lockers located throughout campus. Bicycles may not be parked or kept inside buildings, obstruct free passage of vehicles, pedestrians or people entering buildings, on sidewalks, in motor vehicle spaces, chained to trees, handrails, shrubbery or other fixtures per §UWS 18.08(3) of the Wisconsin Administrative Code. (Chapter UWS 18) The University Police will confiscate bicycles found in violation of the above.
To ensure bicycles are not abandoned on campus for long periods of time, “Bicycle Sweep” will be implemented in May of each year. This initiative will notify bicycle users of the annual removal sweep, identify abandoned bicycles and arrange for their removal.
Annual “Bicycle Sweep” to remove abandoned bicycles.
During the first week of May, all UWW students and personnel will be notified of the “Bicycle Sweep” and all bicycles will be marked by University Police staff.
One week after the semester has concluded, all bicycles that have not been moved, and are marked, will be removed from the bicycle racks by University Housing or Facilities Planning and Management staff. A removal list containing the bicycle make, model, serial number and registration number will be provided to the University Police staff for a records check. The bicycles will be stored at University Surplus for six weeks and then disposed of according to University procedure.
Bicycling, skateboarding, and rollerblading is permitted on campus, but NOT in certain locations. The performance of various “trick riding”, airborne maneuvers (known as aerobatic riding), or stunts is prohibited when and where those actions may result in injury to any person or cause damage to property. (UWW Skating & Bicycling Policy)
For more information, contact University Police Department at 262-472-4660.