Discrimination, Discriminatory-Harassment and Retaliation
- Student Responsibility for Absence Reports and Make-Ups
- Alcohol and Drug Use
- Drug-Free Workplace & Campus
- Bias-Free Environment
- Bicycle, Skateboard, and Rollerblade Regulations
- Computers and Computer Based Information Access
- Consensual Relationships
- Sexual Assault
- Emergency Evacuation from Buildings
- Campus Fundraising Policy
- Grade Appeals
- Grievance Procedures (student)
- Student Organization Policies
- Discrimination, Discriminatory-Harassment and Retaliation
- Confidentiality Policy
- UW-Whitewater Sexual Violance, Sexual Harassment and Intimate Partner Violence Policy
- Policy - Student Death Protocol
Discrimination, Discriminatory-Harassment and Retaliation Prohibited
Policy Statement
It is the policy of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater to maintain an academic and work environment free of discrimination, discriminatory harassment, or retaliation for all students and employees. Discrimination is inconsistent with the efforts of the university to foster an environment of respect for the dignity and worth of all members of the university community and to eliminate all manifestations of discrimination within the university. The university is also committed to the protection of individual rights under the First Amendment (and related principles of academic freedom) and in preserving the widest possible dialogue within its educational environment.
Discrimination or discriminatory harassment that is based upon an individual's characteristics which are protected under institution policy, state law or federal law ("protected status") is prohibited. Harassment is a form of discrimination and is prohibited. In addition, any form of retaliation against students or employees will not be tolerated. Any person who believes they have been subject to this type of prohibited activity should immediately report it to the Dean of Students Office (for student-related misconduct) or the Office of Human Resources (for employee-related misconduct).