James R. Connor University Center

Advertise at the UC

Posting space is available for recognized student organizations, campus departments, and members of the Whitewater Chamber of Commerce on designated boards in the University Center. Posting space reserved specifically for the Whitewater Chamber of Commerce is available outside Willie's, and near Information Services. All other boards are located as follows: 

  • Student Organizations & Campus Departments
  • Sublease Information 
  • Student Affairs On-Campus Job Postings

When posting, please make sure to read and look for the designated purple signs! You can find a map with all UC locations HERE.

Bulletin Board Locations

  • Student Organizations
    • Pillar across from the Student Activities & Involvement ramp
    • Near Warhawk Connection Center, back of the computer lab
    • Pillar near Information Services, closest to Ike Schaffer Commons  
  • Student Organizations & Campus Departments
    • Near The Market, hallway to the right of entrance  
    • Near Summers Auditorium, bottom of the stairs  
    • Second floor, near First Year Experience Office 
    • Southwest entrance near Wild Blue Sushi
  • Sublease Information Board & Student Affairs On-Campus Job Postings
    • Located on pillar directly across from UC Information Services

Policy For Public Posting

Policy For Sponsorship & Advertising 

Campus departments and student orgs are able to reserve space on the digital screens managed by the University Center and located in the UC, Drumlin, and Esker.  If you are a campus department or recognized student org and wish to submit a slide for display on the digital signs maintained by the UC or a movie preview, please read the policy below and fill out the form below.

University Center Digital Signage and Movie Preview Policy

Digital Signage Online Submission Form

Movie Preview Online Submission Form

Recognized student organizations and campus departments can reserve the clothesline banner in the UC concourse, hallway tables in the UC and Esker, campus signboards, mall space, and donation bins.  Please download a form below or contact UC Building Operations at 262-472-1175.

UC Clothesline Policy

Hall Tables Policy

Donation Bins Policy
Signboards Policy

All recognized student organizations, student committees and student groups affiliated with academic credit may solicit financial support and/or sell items as a project of that organization. They may also fundraise and distribute information at Athletic Venues in accordance with UC and University Policies. Please review policies regarding Fundraising and Sale below before downloading and filling out the Fundraising Form.

Contact UC Building Operations with any questions at 262-472-1175.

Fundraising Policy Form
Fundraising at Athletic Venues Policy

Fundraising Form

Table tent space is reservable for members of the Whitewater Chamber of Commerce, campus departments, and recognized student organizations within the University Center and dining halls. Please read the policy below and contact the UC's Marketing Manager if you have any questions.

Policy for Table Tents

Circular TT Template
Circular TT 8x5" Template
Triangular TT Template
Triangular TT Small Template