Health Insurance
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We strive to offer first rate, low cost health and counseling services on campus to keep our students in good health; insurance is not required to receive care. The UW-System facilitates selection of an insurance plan, for International students.
Insurance Billing at UHCS
There is no cost for counseling services, wellness programs, or to see a healthcare provider. However, there is a fee for laboratory tests, medications, some procedures, and physicals, which are available at a reasonable cost. If a student must be referred off-campus for x-ray, specialized care, emergency room care or hospitalization, the student will be charged by those providers/facilities.
Any fees incurred will be charged to the student bill. UHCS does not bill to insurance companies; however, the student may request a receipt to submit to their insurance company.
Please see our “Fees” page for more information.
Health Insurance Available for Students
If a student is not covered under a family insurance plan, we strongly recommend purchasing a plan. Having an insurance plan protects the student from potentially catastrophic health care costs. There is no longer a UW-System sponsored plan for domestic students. Insurance plans can be purchased at the marketplace at healthcare, or for additional information review our resources. If you have further questions please contact UHCS at 262-472-1300.
For international students, there is a UW-System sponsored plan: International Students Insurance
Questions about the Affordable Care Act?
The Affordable Care Act Offers new Health Insurance Options for Students
Enroll in coverage through the Marketplace While enrollment in plans from the Marketplace only available November 1 - January 31, special consideration is given to individuals with qualifying life events such as changes in healthcare coverage. General plan information is available at healthcare. To see if you qualify for lower premiums or tax credits, you must submit an application.
What to do now:
Start by making a list of things that will be important in your coverage decision, for example:
- Know how your current health insurance plan (if any) works, whether it will continue, and when it will renew.
- Know about your insurance coverage in the area, since many health insurance plans provide more limited benefits when you are away from your home or “out-of-area.”
- When purchasing a health insurance plan, you should not consider premium cost alone. Plans with higher out-of-pocket expenses may have lower premiums, but a high deductible and high member coinsurance can make members reluctant or financially unable to receive necessary medical treatment.
You can access the online health insurance exchange by visiting healthcare, click on Individuals and Families, answer a few quick questions and you'll get:
- A list of coverage options for which you may qualify
- Answers that will help you make good decisions
- A personalized checklist to help you get ready to apply
- Access to a call center and chat for help
Many benefits of the Affordable Care Act may vary from state to state. See where your state is in the roll-out process. Some states have opted for the federal government to run their exchanges (including Wisconsin), while other states are running their own exchanges. Expansion of the Medicaid program also varies by state.
For more information:
- HealthCare
- Video Explaining the Affordable Care Act
- Call UHCS at 262-472-1300 if further assistance is needed.
All information on this website is written by UHCS professional staff unless otherwise noted. No data is collected on visitors to this site. Financial Support for this web site is provided by University Health & Counseling Service, Division of Student Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. This web site does not accept advertising.
This site is not meant to replace the advice of a health care or counseling professional. You should not rely on any information on these pages, or information generated for you by this site, to replace consultations with qualified professionals regarding your own specific situation. Some links take you to a source outside of UHCS. The owners of that site, not UHCS, are responsible for the content.