Housing - Assignments
Students jumping in front of Perkins Stadium

Room Inspection

Completing Your Online Room Inventory(must be checked-in to room first) 

  1.  Read over these Instructions as to how to complete your room inventory
  2. Log in using your student ID# in both boxes. Your Student ID# is BOTH your login username and password
  3. Click on the INVENTORY TAB at the top of the page
  4. Choose the Inspection that is available to you and click REVIEW
  5. Inspect all the amenities in the room and compare it to the given condition on the inspection
    1. An amenity would include all of the furniture provided for your side of the room
    2. Amenities also include walls, ceiling, carpet, smoke detector, sprinkler, evacuation sign, and mattress
  6. If you agree with the given condition of all of the amenities, CLICK THE AGREE box on the top of the page and that will check all the boxes for all the items in the room
  7. If you do not agree with the condition given for an amenity, do not click the agree box and give a detailed description as to why you do not agree with the inventory condition.
    1. Be specific and detailed
    2. Remember to click the AGREE box next to the amenities you agree with their given conditions
  8. Once you have finished the inventory for  your room click Save & Continue
  9. Remember that you only have 72 hours after arriving and receiving your key to complete the inventory or all the inventory will default to the conditions during the initial inspection before your arrival.
  10. If you are living in either Starin or the Apartments and are the first student to arrive in the room you will have access to complete the Common Space Room Inventory Inspection
    1. Follow the same steps as above to complete the Common Space Room Inventory Inspection
    2. Be sure you are inventorying the correct amenity since there may be the same amenities in multiple common spaces - example: there are wastebaskets in both the kitchen and the bathroom, on the Inventory there are two wastebaskets listed, one labeled as a kitchen amenity, one as a bathroom amenity.
    3. If it says Bathroom amenities it is going to be the bathroom items.    Remember that you only have 72 hours after arriving and receiving your key to complete the inventory or all the inventory will default to the staff conditions
  11. Once you have finished the inventory of the common spaces click Save & Continue
  12. You have now completed your Online Room Inventory

Now that you have read the instructions, please proceed to the University Housing Application Portal (the same place where you filled out your housing application) to fill out the Room Inventory Inspection:  University Housing Application Portal


University Housing
200 Goodhue Hall
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater


The mission of University Housing is to provide quality, accessible housing and to promote student learning and personal success in an inclusive, engaging community.

Live! Learn! Engage!

Contact/Follow Us At

Email: housing@uww.edu
Phone: 262-472-HALL(4255)
Office Hours: 8am-4:30pm Monday-Friday

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