Leadership Involvement Team
Leadership Rocks!
The Leadership Involvement Team (LIT) in each residence hall is the organization for student involvement in activities and airing concerns in your residence hall. Each hall has three Coordinators who oversee everything from sponsoring hall programs to writing newsletters. Floor representatives and Event Planners are elected by the residents of each floor and are responsible for providing leadership and establishing policies for your community. The Residence Hall Association and Jitters representatives act as liaisons between two larger organizations and your hall. You can get involved in your hall by running for a Floor Representative, Event Planner, RHA or Jitters representative position in the beginning of the year or by simply participating in events and meetings sponsored in your hall.
We hope that you choose to share your talents, skills, knowledge and sensitivities with RHA and University Housing at UW-Whitewater. We have an outstanding and rich history of involvement in student government. Your participation in RHA and your residence hall will provide you with the opportunity to develop your personal leadership skills. That extra involvement is what employers look for and is great to put on a resume!