sufac students

SUF Information For Student Organizations


Is your organization eligible for SUF funding?

The following organizations are INELIGIBLE for SUF funding:

  • Those that restrict membership, including but not limited to the following ways:
    • Academic status (i.e., Major and/or Minor, GPA, or credit completion),
    • Federally protected identities: race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity or expression, religion, age, disability, veterans’ status, ancestry, creed, sexual orientation, marital status, arrest record, military service, guard or reserve status, income level or source, or witness protection,
  •  Social fraternities, sororities, or Greek society,
  • Honorary professional, or academic related organizations,
  • Credit generating activities or organizations.

For additional information, please see Board of Regents Policy - Guidelines for Student Governance (30-3) and UW System Policy - UW System Administrative Policy 820 - Segregated Unviersity Fees (formerly F50).

There are four ways in which groups are allocated funding:
1. Annual Allocation Process - process used to asked for a year's funding.  This takes place in fall of the academic year PRIOR to actual spending.
2. Carryover Process - process used to ask for the unspent money from your group's prior year budget.  This takes place as part of the Allocation request process in the fall in which you hope to keep the unspent funds from the prior year.
3. Line Item Budget Transfer - process used to ask for allocations to be shifted from one area of a group's budget (e.g. Travel) to another area of the same group's budget (e.g. Supplies).  This takes place at any time the committee is in session (September through April) with potential emergency meetings at other times throughout the year.
4. Contingency Requests - process used to ask for additional/separate funds for one-time or unexpected expenses. This takes place at any time the committee is in session (September through April) with potential emergency meetings at other times throughout the year.

All of the above requests are handled through the same request form, found in the forms section.