University Health and Counseling Services
Ambrose Center

Policy on Medical Excuse Letters

About Us

Just as the University does not usually require that its employees provide a written medical excuse for absences due to illness, most instructors do not demand that students provide medical excuses for their absences due to illness or injury.

If a student would like documentation of their appointment, the student may log into their MyUHCS and go to Medical Records on the portal and click on Visits where the list of their appointments can be found. We do not provide separate documentation of visits. 

It remains that student's responsibility to notify their professors in advance of any absence due to illness and to make arrangements to make up any work.

If a student was treated elsewhere and needs verification, it is the student's responsibility to obtain a form from that provider.


All information on this website is written by UHCS professional staff unless otherwise noted. No data is collected on visitors to this site. Financial Support for this web site is provided by University Health & Counseling Service, Division of Student Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. This web site does not accept advertising.

This site is not meant to replace the advice of a health care or counseling professional. You should not rely on any information on these pages, or information generated for you by this site, to replace consultations with qualified professionals regarding your own specific situation. Some links take you to a source outside of UHCS. The owners of that site, not UHCS, are responsible for the content.