Things to Do Before Sending Your Child Off to UW-Whitewater
- Smoothing the Transition
- Things to Do Before Sending Your Child Off to UW-Whitewater
- Drug and Alcohol Information
- What Our Students Say About UHCS
- Appointments
- Emotional Well-being Resources
- Wellness Information A-Z
- Communicable Disease Resources
- Internships and Involvement
- Health Service Fees
- Health Insurance
- Notice of Privacy Practices
- Patient Rights
- Rock County Students
- LGBT Wellness
- Breastfeeding/Lactation Room
- P.A.T.H
- Speaker Services
- Students of Color
- Worksite Wellness
- Sexual Assault Prevention Training
- Wellness Campaigns
- University Health and Counseling Services requests all incoming students fill out 5 online health forms prior to using clinical services.
To complete these forms, go to our secure online system Login to MY UHCS with your campus assigned User Name and Password.
- After login, select "FORMS" from the left column to complete the 5 health forms
- Make sure all immunizations are up to date. For current immunization recommendations, please see
- Write down a list of current health care providers and counselors and their addresses and phone numbers; all medications; drug allergies; and health history for your child to bring to campus and keep. Include a wallet card of emergency contact information.
- Pack a first aid kit with Band-Aids, thermometer, tweezers and non-prescription medications your child uses. Also send along at least enough prescription medicine for one month and a self care book with a symptom decision tree.
- If there are special medical or psychiatric needs, have the appropriate release of information forms signed and the practitioner's report sent to UHCS (form available on our website at Please relate chronic illnesses on the Health History form on MyUHCS portal. This transition time may not be a good time to change medications, especially psychiatric medication. If your child wants to continue allergy shots at UHCS, ask the allergist to send your student's diagnosis, written instructions, and the allergens to UHCS.
- If you currently have health insurance for your child, send along a copy of the card and check the following:
- How is non-emergency care in the Whitewater area covered?
- If you do not have health insurance covering your child, we recommend you obtain adequate coverage. UHCS does not provide hospitalization, X rays or specialty care and even our lab test costs and medications can add up. Information on obtaining health insurance can be found on our insurance page.
- Talk to your child about what to expect of living away from home. Communicate your values and expectations of their behavior and invite them to do the same. Assure them you remain available and interested. Give them easy access for communicating with you, e.g., email, best time to catch you by phone.
- Talk to your child about using UHCS. Students have already prepaid for the office visits through their tuition and fees. Discuss your willingness to pay for lab tests or medications as needed. If you have health insurance, help your student ascertain which of our services are reimbursable.
- It would be normal for your child to experience homesickness or sadness, especially during the first few months. Many students benefit from talking to a counselor about their adjustment to college and the many changes they face during this time of transition. Encourage your student to use our free counseling services if needed.
All information on this website is written by UHCS professional staff unless otherwise noted. No data is collected on visitors to this site. Financial Support for this web site is provided by University Health & Counseling Service, Division of Student Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. This web site does not accept advertising.
This site is not meant to replace the advice of a health care or counseling professional. You should not rely on any information on these pages, or information generated for you by this site, to replace consultations with qualified professionals regarding your own specific situation. Some links take you to a source outside of UHCS. The owners of that site, not UHCS, are responsible for the content.